[Course Forum] Comprehensive German Duolingo Vocabulary by bakpao

You can tell I am going thru the course bit by bit this time, but not as a learner but as a tester as I have auto learned the course just testing the answers as I go thru.

-die Zentrale (this one pissed me off lol) now accepts der Hauptsitz, die Hauptgeschäftsstelle, and das Hauptgeschäft for headquarters / head office
-eindeutig now accepts unzweideutig for unambiguous
-individuell now accepts einzeln for individual
-die Halle now accepts der Saal for Hall / Lobby
-die Region now accepts die Gegend and das Gebiet for region
-der Standort now accepts der Ort, die Stelle, and die Lage for site / location
-der Krankenwagen now accepts der Rettungswagen for ambulance
-das Formular now accepts die Unterlage for form (document)
-die Diät now accepts der Speiseplan and die Ernährung for diet
-funktionieren now accepts wirken for to function
-praktisch now accepts zweckmäßig for practical (they are not 100% equal but they have quite a bit of overlap)


Don’t mind at all.

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das Weihnachten / der Christtag for Christmas
ersetzen / austauschen for to replace
erweitern / ausweiten for to expand
akzeptieren / annehmen for to accept
das Quartal / das Vierteljahr for quarter year
der Nutzer / der Benutzer for user
enden / abschließen / beenden for to end
die Öffentlichkeit / das Volk for public

I noticed Duolingo likes to stick to inseperable verbs as much as possible and borrowed words I guess to make their course easier.

wecken / aufwachen for to wake
genauso / ebenso for just the same as, equally
die Angst / die Furcht for fear
der Witz / der Scherz for joke

dazu / zusätzlich for ‘‘in addition… for this purpose’’
haben informiert / haben benachrichtigt for ‘‘informed’’
dabei / damit for ‘‘thereby, with it’’ (dabei has more meanings but with those two alone, damit has to be a alternate answer unless you wish to distinguish that dabei can also mean near by, on hand, getting ready etc.)
sonst / ansonst for ‘‘else, otherwise, besides’’ (ansonst is common in Österreich, an unneeded addition but…)
der Hersteller / die Fabrikation / das Fabrikat for ‘‘manufacturer’’
das Personal / die Belegschaft for ‘‘staff, personal’’
die Spezialität / das Fachgebiet for ‘‘specialty’’
der Rechtsanwalt / der Anwalt for ‘‘lawyer’’
der Experte / der Fachmann / die Fachfrau for ‘‘expert’’
daher / dafür for ‘‘therefor, because of that’’ (the da-, hier-, and wo- words are difficult to translate but as it stands, dafür has to be in there for this definition.)

I don’t agree completely with ‘‘durchaus’’. I feel thoroughly or quite is a better fit for this word. But I stress to myself to not touch definitions. @bakpao

dadurch / somit for ‘‘in this way, thereby’’
sozial / gesellschaftlich / gesellig for ‘‘social’’
speziell / besonders for ‘‘special’’
detailliert / ausführlich for ‘’ detailed, exceptional’’
begann / anfing / fing an for ‘‘began, started’’
technisch / fachlich for ‘‘technical’’
extern / äußerlich for ‘‘external’’
aktuell / gegenwärtig for ‘‘current, topical, latest’’
modern / zeitgemäß for ‘‘modern’’

die Diskussion / die Unterredung / die Unterhaltung for ‘‘discussion’’
das Telefon / der Hörer for ‘‘Phone’’
der Monitor / der Bildschirm for ‘‘monitor’’ I am assuming computer monitor here…
die Presse / der Blätterwald for ‘‘press’’ I am assuming it means the news etc.
intallieren / einspielen / verlegen / einsetzen / einrüsten for ‘‘to install’’
das Geschenk / die Gabe for ‘‘gift’’
das Medium / das Mittel for ‘‘medium’’ (the extra clarification for medium also applies for mittel.)
die Rede / das Gespräch for ‘‘speech, talk’’
das Gewitter / das Unwetter for ‘‘thunder-storm’’
das Gespräch / die Unterhaltung for ‘‘conversation, talk’’
der Dialog / das Zwiegespräch for ‘‘dialogue’’
das Interview / das Vorstellungsgespräch / die Unterredung for ‘‘interview’’
die Information / die Auskunft for ‘‘information’’

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I’ve never heard “die Unterredung” used for a job interview here in Germany. Is that an Austrian thing?

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No, not an Austrian thing, it’s more general than that in a larger sense. But the definition does not specifically state for a job. :dizzy_face:

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I thought “das Fabrikat” meant the brand of a product? And “der Fabrikant” would be a factory owner, or manufacturer. I would check this if I were you.

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Hi Geil
for me interview is first of all eine Befragung,
z. B. ein Politiker wird befragt / interviewt.
Oder Meinungsforschungsinstitute [nice German word] machen Befragungen.

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ach wirklich ein Schlag ins Wasser. : P

Danke, redux2. Ich füg’s hinzu.

die Definition / die Bestimmung for ‘‘definition’’
der Nachweis / das Zeugnis for ‘‘proof, certificate’’
testen / austesten / erproben / nachsehen / prüfen for ‘‘to test, check’’
das WLAN / das Wi-Fi for ‘‘wifi’’
aktualisieren / anpassen / aufrüsten for ‘‘to update’’ (this one seems a little too ambiguous)
die Studie / die Untersuchung / die Forschungsstudie (when it comes to the study of school research etc, Studie is just short form for Forschungsstudie and investigation makes seem more emotional to me which is why Untersuchung is more appropriate in this regard) for ''study, investigation
Verzeihung / Entschuldigung for ‘‘pardon me, excuse me, forgive me’’
der Test / die Prüfung / die Klassenarbeit for ‘‘test’’
das Lehrbuch / das Fachbuch for ‘‘textbook’’
schicken / verschicken for ‘‘to send’’
das Gymnasium / die Oberschule for ‘‘highschool, grammar school’’
die Atmosphäre / die Stimmung for ‘‘atmosphere, ambience’’

I would translate “die Prüfung” as “the exam(ination)”, rather than “test”, although a “Fahrprüfung” is a driving test, now I think of it.

In an educational context, “die Prüfung” is an end of year, or end of school thing, whereas a “Klassenarbeit” is a test that takes place maybe two to four times a year. “Ein Test” is usually regarded as something less significant, counting for less in terms of marks accrued during the year.

This is the case at least in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. My husband works as a schoolteacher and I sometimes tutor schoolkids, so I am pretty familiar with these words.

Das Passwort and das Kennwort are the same, I think, but I have never heard of “die Parole” used in this context. I thought that meant something more like “slogan” or “catchphrase”.

Test is an ambiguous question. Could mean investigation, standard, assessment/evaluation , a check of some sort. Tempted to put Untersuchung and Kontrolle here. Don’t know. You describe test as more as something that come across to me as a quiz. Maybe this is British vs American thinking.

Parole can also be used for password. It is more uncommon, but I have seen it a few times in books.

A lot of these questions are very limited and could imply multiple things. Don’t think anyone should be counted wrong for Prüfung when it wanted Test. Unless the question was very specific in nature and it’s aim. The alternate answers are not intended to replace Duolingo’s answer choice. Should probably clarify that.

I think it is only used in a military sense, when soldiers needed to say a password to another group in order to prove that they were friends and not foe.

It is not the equivalent of a “Kennwort” or a “Passwort” that you need to access a website. So I would say that “die Parole” shouldn’t be accepted as a synonym here. I think that would be misleading.