It would seem like a lot of work to rework the course just because you want to differentiate synonyms. The platform is already limited as it is. This would only contribute to phantom entries and or frustrating multiple choice selections. Besides, you are going into super grammar if you want to get into the technicality of which synonym is more important. Most people taking this course are beginners, don’t make it more confusing. You should not be punished for typing a closely related synonym.
Geil, are you were one of the people who is in charge of fixing problems with the courses or are you another student like I am? No one is asking anyone to “rework” the whole course. From your comment, it seems that you don’t understand exactly what I’m asking to be done e.g. " no one (not n…)" so that people know that “keiner” is the word being taught and asked for, not “niemand”. What I’m asking for is very easy to do and is done frequently in the Spanish Duolingo Memrise course I’m taking. Also, asking people to answer with the exact vocabulary word that is being taught instead of with a different word is not “punishing” people. It actually helps people acquire the new vocabulary word instead of letting them get by with a word they already know. The word that’s wanted in this example is “keiner” but I keep writing “niemand” because I already learned it in some lesson here on Memrise. If the easy fix of writing “(not n…)” were added, I would not make the mistake, nor would anyone else who might be so inclined. From my experience with other classes, it’s not going to confuse people but help them.
Because it’s cheesy to say ‘‘no one’’ but not ‘‘n’’. and confusing. A lot of words in the course already have alternative answers. If someone types keiner instead of niemand, who cares. I just add audio for Bakpao and make changes if he can’t be around for a long period of time. I understand you have other classes and what not that do things a way you like…
to transform should accept transfomieren as well as verwandeln. Also, share should either accept Aktie or make it clear that it’s not a stock market share that is meant. to guarantee should accept gewährleisten.
Thanks, updated.
In level 83 ‘die Idee’ the female voice on the audio says ‘der Idee’. The male voice is correct. Thanks for the great course!
Thanks, removed.
die Miene (look, face, expression) is missing from Abstract Objects 2.
Im Moment kann ich den Kurs nicht bearbeitet, da die Funktion zum Bearbeiten kaputt ist. Tut mir leid!
Added audio
Some typos on the English translations…
Aufhören - "(…) somone"
die Politikerin - "female politican"
das Urteil - “judgment”
Thanks, fixed.
“der Verkauf” is translated as “sales” when it should be “sale” (singular)
I noticed a problem tonight when I was reviewing the word “tomato”. The clue was the English word “tomato” and I was to write “die Tomate”, which I did. But, it was counted wrong. The “you wrote” on the next screen showed that I had written the correct answer, too.
There doesn’t seem to be any problem with the tomato entry. Please report this to the Memrise techincal support.
Hello. Once again, thank you so much to everyone who works on this course; it is truly invaluable!
I have a few more suggestions to make. Some synonyms, one duplicate, a few new words, and some definition changes.
SYNONYMS (make interchangeable):
great - toll (L8), super (L45), ausgezeichnet (L48) & großartig (L82)
the business/company - das Geschäft (L36), das Unternehmen (L82), der Betrieb (L94) & die Firma (L94)
the coworker - der Mitarbeiter (L40), der Arbeitnehmer (L40) & der Kollege (L82)
the writer - der Autor (L40), der Verfasser (L63) & der Schriftsteller (new)
the start/beginning - der Anfang (L47) & der Start (L98)
to start/begin - starten (L73) & anfangen (L86)
to register - eintragen (L80), anmelden (L80) & registrieren (*new)
to experience - erleben (L86) & erfahren (L88)
to spoil - verderben (L115) & faulen (L115)
das Ohr in L33 (Body 1) & L115 (Idioms)
add registrieren (to register)
add anwenden (to use/apply knowledge)
add der Schriftsteller (the author/writer)
add vergeben (to award) [L88 / Future 3]
add der Kredit (the credit) [L92 / Banking]
add die Regulierung (regulation) [L93 / Abstract Obj. 2]
add ablaufen (to expire) [L94 / Business 2]
add der Volleyball (volleyball) [L96 / Sports]
L75 / Internet:
change definition for die Seite to "internet site/page"
L80 / Reflexive Verbs:
add “sich ___” to accepted input for verbs (ex. anmelden)
L83 / Language:
add “to recount” to definitions for erzählen
L84 / Abstract Obj 1:
add “the commitment” to definitions for das Engagement
add “the manner(ism)” to definitions for die Weise
L88 / Future 3:
add “to debate” to definitions for diskutieren
L90 / Conditional Verbs:
add “if” to definitions for falls
L93 / Abstract Obj 2:
add “deployment, use” to definitions for der Einsatz
add “progress/progression” to definitions for der Verlauf
add “power, energy” to definitions for die Kraft
add “means” to definitions for das Mittel
L95 / Future 4:
add “to report (to the police)” to definitions for anzeigen
L96 / Sports:
add “attendance” to definitions for die Teilnahme
L98 / Arts:
add “documentary” to definitions for die Dokumentation
Thanks updated. A few things:
the coworker - der Mitarbeiter (L40), der Arbeitnehmer (L40) & der Kollege (L82): the definition in English for Kollege is different than the other two
to register - eintragen (L80), anmelden (L80) & registrieren (*new): anmelden has unique definition
add anwenden (to use/apply knowledge): should already be in the course
Which levels do these belong to?
- add registrieren (to register)
- add der Schriftsteller (the author/writer)
I checked Duolingo and these are not in the specified level for me, is Duolingo getting updated again?
- add vergeben (to award) [L88 / Future 3]
- add der Kredit (the credit) [L92 / Banking]
- add die Regulierung (regulation) [L93 / Abstract Obj. 2]
- add ablaufen (to expire) [L94 / Business 2]
- add der Volleyball (volleyball) [L96 / Sports]
They don’t show up in my “Words” list either, but I know that Duo used them while I was learning and/or practicing those specific levels. Registrieren & der Schriftsteller are two that have appeared in general reviews, so I’m not sure what specific level they belong to. I guess it is not a big deal if they don’t get added.
With regards to “der Kollege”, the reason I suggested it be entered as a synonym is that I keep getting it & “der Mitarbeiter” wrong. I think that both of them have “the colleague” listed as a translation, but I could be misremembering.
Thank you in any case for all your hard work!