[Course Forum] Comprehensive German Duolingo Vocabulary by bakpao


I keep making a mistake on level 39 imperative with handele
I know that you can add an e to the du form if you want to but the others don’t have this and it isn’t the general rule that I use when making them.

Is there any way handel can be added to the accepted answers?


@AliBee99 thanks, added handel as an alternative.

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Thanks very much. On the ball!

It should be handle.

Actually there is not an e added in this verb conjugation. For -ern and -eln verbs an e is usually left out. But you can also choose to keep it.

According to the following, it seems that handel is also acceptable:

We have spoken before about this word and about that second website on the old forum. The way they use the asterisk and the parentheses on that website it is just not that clear what they mean.
Here is their explanation about the subject.
handeln → ich handle (nicht: ich handele)

I can find lots of search results for ich handle / handele but not for ich handel.
Some other sites for verb conjugation:

Hang on, we are talking about imperative here right?

It’s also interesting what this website (http://www.verben.de/deutsch/Verb/Formenbildung/Verben_auf_-ern_und_-eln) says about Präsens Imperativ Aktiv:

handeln → handle du (nicht: handele du)

But others sites say that handele is acceptable.

Unfortunately at the moment I don’t have any access to a German native to confirm it.

The imperative for du usually has the same conjugation as the present for ich.

Almost all sites I’ve found say that the e is usually left out for -eln and -ern verbs out but that it also can be kept.

Yes they are usually the same but it’s not the best idea to rely on it because of the exceptions, e.g. “wissen”.

Anyway I asked a friend from Köln and he said “handel” is the best. However “handele” and “handle” are also understandable but more colloquial. Of course he’s not a German language professor but certainly he’s better than a non-native speaker like me.

I was always taught a better rule was to use the du form minus the st ending as they often take any vowel change.

Then you can add an e or not depending on preference - more likely not. Is this not right?

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A lot of websites use that method but I was taught to build the imperative from the stem like this.

I don’t know which method is better. But with handeln your method results in a different answer from what most websites say is the correct imperative form for du. It is strange that almost all sites give a different answer than bakpao’s native speaker. With my method you have to pay extra attention to stem changes.

“handel” is definitely not the best, as imperative form for 2nd Pers Sg, but handele/handle (du); handeln wir; handelt (ihr); handeln Sie. (The problem might come from the fact that handeln is not used often in imperative)

It sounds best to me as well. (Native speaker since the age of 3.)

I believe that changes from “e” (to “i” or “ie”) are usually in the imperative (lesen - du liest - lies!; geben - du gibst - gib!) but changes from “a” (to “ä”) are usually not (fangen - du fängst - fang!).


Hi, I just finished lesson 18 recently and decided to look up some of the words in well-known online dictionary dict.cc & parts of reddit too. According to those resources the word die Baue is an incorrect plural form of buildings, structures, constructions or even temporary buildings. Dict.cc has the plural form of der Bau as die Bauten. I’m new to the community forums so I do not know if I can add a link to the dictionary showing the correct form or not. Can anyone else confirm that die Bauten is indeed the correct plural form of der Bau?

Thanks in advance.

Thanks, fixed.

@Geil can you please update the voice for “die Bauten”? I’ve removed the previous voices because they’re incorrect.


Hali-hallo! und Jawohl! :open_mouth:

und… fertig!

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Level 15 - Nominative Pronouns: Audio for niemand is keiner, not sure if this is on purpose or geniunely needs to be fixed.

I got the problem whilst doing a review, asked me what is the word for no one I clicked on niemand and the audio played keiner.

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Are you sure? Niemand plays niemand for me. Is this mobile version? Try logging out and relogging in. Maybe it is an old mistake that never got updated on your profile.

I’m using the desktop version I don’t own a phone so I don’t have a mobile version.
Edit: I can try logging out, I mean I just logged in a few hours ago.
Edit2: Just done the level again and when it said “no one” i wrote niemand, and the audio says "keiner"
Edit3: It’s not a huge deal, maybe it’s just a glitch for me and nothing more.