[Course Forum] Business Dutch ♫ Audio

That’s okay. I was perepared to burn my degree in my backyard. :fire:

Now I understand. That’s exactly what I tried not to do. I guess I overengineerd this. I now realize that your solution is much easier. People are not here to learn about how fuel economy is advertised in Europe vs. the US (or math). I changed this entry to what you’ve proposed above.

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Yep. There’s an issue.

  • I added [not de v…] and [not de u…], respectively.+
  • I added (opposite of purchase) to the sale
  • I changed the other entry to the (all-out) sale. That’s what the uit refers to.

I hope that’s enough to explain the difference.


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My vocab list had this listed like that. I did some research. Google Search tells me that the spelling rijtjeshuis is much more common. Some might even write rijtje huis. Don’t know whether official spelling was perhaps changed in the past. I changed this to rijtjeshuis.

Funny and embarrassing. :rofl: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: I changed this. I now remember that I also stumbled across this and had the same association. I somehow missed to correct this.

There’s also de sollicitatie (~a job application) which creates further ambiguity. I added my trusted “[not xxxx] answer hints” to all three entries. I changed one to (job) application. The other entry now reads the app (software); the application (act of applying sth) [not applicatie, sollicitatie]. The last entry now reads the use, application (act of apllying sth); app (software) [not sollicitatie, toepassing].

Don’t really understand how applicatie and toepassing is any different. They seem to mean exactly the same. I take a wild guess here: applicatie is the more academic and sophisticated word. It may also be slightly more “Flemish” due to its etymology. I also doubt that people would call a piece of software on their phones applicatie. They probably always will say de app instead. But that’s a guess. Maybe there’s a difference I don’t understand. But learners will now be able to tell the two entries apart.

:de: It’s like sophisticated die Applikation, usually replaced by die App when talking about phones, vs. die Anwendung which is the humble Germanic word “built” similar like the Dutch word de toepassing is constructed. There’s the same ambiguity in German.

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hi @Robert-Alexander, thanks for the updates and commentary! the course is great and i appreciate all the hard work! (now if only you enabled typing… :stuck_out_tongue:)

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Always has been just rijtjeshuis.

“Applicatie” is a bit more formal.
The word “app” seems to have largely taken over from “applicatie” for computers. Might be because Microsoft started using this word for any application on Windows or the ubiquitousness of phones. On phones it’s always an “app”.

There is also another meaning for “applicatie” : appliqué.


Same in German. Die Applikationen (chiefly plural). Like Uniformapplikationen. Rank ensignia, collar patches etc. But use is really only limited to textile manufacturing.

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Have we already discussed this for this course or any other course? Can’t remember. Disregard if I have already mentioned this:

It’s always a tough call. Course creators must choose one option. Unfortunately Memrise doesn’t allow learner to choose their preferred variant. Learners have told the Memrise team more than once that this might be a nice feature, but they have never implemented this. I personally prefer non-typing for advanced courses. Especially when some entries are not just one or two words. But I guess that’s a personal choice and depends on how thoroughly you want to learn.

But allegedly there are some user scripts out there which can force typing or tapping respectively. I have never tried this. Not sure if or how good this works. Search the forum: someone mentioned this add-on somewhere.

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Same in German. 15 years or so ago, people callled PC software Anwendungen. But even on PCs that’s mostly replaced by die App oder die Software. But if you ever wondered: the A in the name of the German software giant SAP actually stands for Anwendungen.

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Hi @Robert-Alexander, I think there is a small grammar mistake in the phrase het goed doel (the good cause, charity). Namely, I think one should make the replacement


since we are dealing with an instance of a definite article (het) and not an indefinite article (een) preceding a het-word (doel). Maybe @duaal can comment on this.


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Dit kan ik bevestigen.


Sure. I changed this. I really appreciate how you help to improve this course. Thanks a lot.

PS: I also found het ontroerende goed, het zwarte geld, het vaste rentetarief which all had the -e missing. Checked all similar entries. Hope I’ve not missed more errors.

Btw: these should be fine (that’s a fixed expression or something):

  • het positief saldo
  • het negatief saldo
  • het besteedbaar inkomen
  • het gedeponeerd handelsmerk
  • de gedwongen verkoop
  • het maatschappelijk werk

Not quite sure about het biologisch voedsel. That’s maybe also supposed to be het biologische voedsel. Don’t know. Left this one as it was.

Het zwarte geld vs. het zwart geld is also not quite clear. However, as said above, I changed this to het zwarte geld (:de: don’t know why there seems to be confusion. Maybe it’s modeled after German das Schwarzgeld which is never spelled das Schwarzegeld although it’s of course das schwarze Geld if you are referring to actual black-colored bills)

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Probably a typo but pay attention to this one. It’s onroerend goed.

  • het positieve saldo
  • het negatieve saldo
  • het biologische voedsel
  • het zwarte geld.

Others are fine.


I’ve fixed all of these above. Thanks duaal. Can’t thank you enough for you invaluable assistance.


Hi @Robert-Alexander, found another small one and a more subtle one:

  • de marktonderzoekhet marktonderzoek
  • de zelfstandige (the self-employed) → zelfstandig (self-employed) OR de zelfstandige (the self-employed (person))

Thoughts on the second one?

thanks for putting together a great course and readily responding to suggestions/questions!


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Hi @Robert-Alexander, I have a couple minor suggestions / refinements on translations that can maybe improve things:

  • het stopcontact (the socket) → het stopcontact (the (wall) socket)
  • de stekker (the plug) → de stekker (the (electrical) plug)
  • spreek ik met X? (is that X speaking?) → spreek ik met X? (am I speaking with X?)
  • u spreekt met X (X speaking) → u spreekt met X (X speaking, you are speaking with X)
  • het verkooppunt (the outlet) → het verkooppunt (the shopping outlet)
  • het midden- en kleinbedrijf (the small and medium-sized businesses) → … kleinbedrijven
  • het midden- en kleinbedrijf (the small and medium-sized businesses) → … medium-sized business (sector)
  • de financiën (the finance) → … finances

what do you think?

PS The Willem Alexander thing is pretty great! :rofl: :crown:


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hi @thebravelittlemuon,

I’m not exactly sure what the problem is you’re trying to address here. Anyway, in the Netherlands het midden- en kleinbedrijf or het mkb for short is the name of the business sector comprised of small and medium-sized businesses. In Vlaanderen it’s kleine of middelgrote onderneming of kmo.


Hi @duaal! Thanks for responding and catching my mistake! Sorry, I wrote the wrong thing and made a mess of what I wanted to address! :sweat_smile:

I wanted to draw attention to the Dutch having bedrijf, which is singular, and the English having businesses, which is plural. However, if this is referring to MKB (the business sector), maybe translating things as the small and medium business (sector) may be better? What do you think?

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Yes, that would be correct.


sure :white_check_mark:

did it like this:

  • de zelfstandige → the self-employed person :white_check_mark:

I also added the adjective zelfstandig to the level:

  • zelfstandig → self-employed, independent
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It’s now:

  • het midden- en kleinbedrijf → the small and medium-sized business/ enterprise (or the whole SME/SMB sector)

I hope that makes sense. Now that’s all singular.

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