I am not sure if this is a problem with this course or with the Memrise system.
When I “learn” words with the iPhone app, the same words are presented again the next time I “learn” using a browser on my laptop (Firefox current / Windows 10 current).
The reverse is not true. The iPhone app seems to be aware of my “learning” on the laptop browser.
Level 32 FT Home and Environment - home and local area
la estantería ==> bookcase/shelving
la librería ==> bookcase/bookshop
The length of the right-hand string causes it not to fit in buttons, particularly when two columns are displayed. The result is that one can be presented with two buttons displaying the same string which leaves a 50-50 chance of being correct. Works OK when a list is displayed.
If spaces were placed on either side of the “/”, would Memrise treat the long string as a phrase and not just put however many characters fit in the button?
la estantería = bookcase (e) / shelving
la librería = bookcase (l) / bookshop
Please let me know if this works. Also, is this a general problem with other definitions that contain a “/”?
The course creator ( @EllieGirgis ) asked me to stick as closely as possible to the AQA Spec.*, so I’m reluctant to make bigger changes unless they’re important.
Hi, just wondering but in level 19 “la dirección” is translated as management. While this is technically correct, I was thinking it should be direction - this makes more sense for the topic of that level, and is the translation given in the document linked above. It doesn’t make much difference for learning, since it is a cognate, but I was just wondering
The word “la dirección” appears three times (with different English translations), across different categories in the original 2014 AQA list, and has been slotted into the three corresponding levels in this Memrise course.
To improve the situation, all three entries now read:
la dirección = address; direction; management
I tried changing the order for each occurrence, but the Memrise system doesn’t allow that.
Can I just first say thank you so much for doing this and that the vocab on here will help my so much for my GCSE on Friday. The audio is amazing and you’ve put so much effort into it.
Could you please just change the definition of ‘maravillosa’ to marvellous, and ‘estupendo’ to stupendous, because they are closer translations, and I keep on writing ‘maravillosa’ for marvellous, and it telling me it’s wrong because it should be ‘estupendo’.
These are very good suggestions. I’ve added a couple of disambiguation indicators which should help - and the items now read:
Level 13: maravilloso = wonderful (m)
also Level 13: estupendo = marvellous (e)
I think these items are pretty much synonymous but I’m keen, as much as possible, to comply with the plan of the course author ( @EllieGirgis ) to stick very closely to the original AQA vocabulary list - see link below.
^ I just checked (Level 30: el recibo = receipt) and it looks correct to me. I’m wondering if you might also be doing another course, and the error is contained in that course instead?