[Course Forum] AQA GCSE Spanish Vocabulary by EllieGirgis

This is the discussion forum for the course AQA GCSE Spanish Vocabulary by EllieGirgis

This course is for those taking the Higher Tier (or Foundation Tier) AQA Spanish GCSE.

This course includes all of the vocabulary needed for the reading and listening papers as part of the updated 2014 SPECIFICATION - the vocabulary was initially provided by the AQA website.

Two additional levels (Level 44 and Level 45) have been added to cover new vocabulary for exams through to 2025, based on the current (2016) AQA Specification.

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

An alternative, multiple-choice-only version of the course is available here:

For revision purposes, within each level you can skip past ā€˜learnā€™ mode and go straight into ā€˜reviewā€™ mode, simply by selecting ā€˜Ignore allā€™ (& saving), then immediately selecting ā€˜Ignore noneā€™ (& saving).

With multiple choice questions Iā€™d recommend first thinking of the correct answer, then glancing through the options. If your answer is among the presented options, click on that option. However, if you donā€™t see your answer, try to deliberately select a wrong answer - that way Memrise will automatically repeat the question more frequently.

Current AQA Specification:-


Hello all - is anyone maintaining the course above? If so, I have found a mistake in level 43 and am hoping someone can correct it, either EllieGirgis or ianm_mn?

Thanks, Trevor

Sure Trevor - whatā€™s the error?

Hi Ian,

In Level 17 (not 43, my mistake), the definitions for ā€œmenosā€ and ā€œyā€ are both ā€œpast (referring to clock time)ā€

I think the definition for ā€œmenosā€ should be ā€œto (referring to clock time)ā€


Youā€™re quite right - and I just fixed it.

Youā€™re the first person to point out an error in this course for about a year - let me know if you notice any more errors and Iā€™ll fix them.

Will do. I should be finished by the end of February, so Iā€™ll post anything I find here.


Thereā€™s a bunch of double/triple words in the later levels (28 onwards), not sure exactly which levels, but certainly in 34. Thereā€™s one English word and multiple Spanish equivalents, but no way of knowing which Spanish word you should answer with when questioned with the English. Examples:

Word- La letra, la palabra
Language- El idioma, la lengua
Bag- La bolsa, el bolso
Armchair- La butaca, el sillĆ³n
School- El colegio, el instituto, la escuela

I guess Iā€™m asking if somebody can change them so theyā€™re like other double words in earlier levels e.g. word (L) and word Ā§ or language (I) and language (L)

Hi, Iā€™m thinking that la letra and la palabra are not normally synonyms - so Iā€™ve not disambiguated these.

I have gone ahead and edited the other items you listed, to remove the ambiguities.

If you have more suggested changes, just let me know.

So they are not, my mistake. Not sure why i thought letra meant word :joy: Bit of a brain fart

Found a couple more (level 34, I think)

Strict - Estricto, severo
To start - Comenzar, empezar

Iā€™ve added the bracketed disambiguation to the ā€œestrictoā€ and ā€œseveroā€ translations (L34) you mentioned, and did the same for ā€œrigurosoā€ in L42.

Similarly, I edited the translations for ā€œcomenzarā€ and ā€œempezarā€ in L34, as well as ā€œponerse aā€ in L42.

Iā€™m guessing that you are one of the very few learners among the 33,800 course subscribers who have made it to these later levels!

to take- llevar, coger, tomar
polite - formal, educado
oil - el petroleo, el aceite (assuming they refer to different kinds of oil but itā€™s not distinguished)
dark - oscuro, moreno
tasty - rico, sabroso

Sorry, Iā€™m getting lazy with my typing now, Iā€™m just listing them as they come to mind

Hi, I checked and fixed your recent batch - all very good catches.

By the way, Iā€™d suggest not spending time typing the English translation if you find more of these - just type out the Spanish words in one line (and donā€™t bother with articles or accents) - for example, just type in this format:

llevar, coger, tomar
petroleo, aceite

Iā€™m alright. Thereā€™s an OCD thing at play that i donā€™t really have the time or desire to try and explain. I meant lazy with the extra stuff besides the actual point of the posts, if that makes sense? I just have to keep the words and translations laid out consistently, for some reason. Not the place i wanted mental health to come up but didnā€™t want you to think i was just straight up ignoring what you said haha

No problem at all - please use whatever format youā€™re comfortable with - and Iā€™m very much appreciating your help.:+1:

Incidentally, Iā€™m sure that many people are already benefiting from your recent disambiguation suggestions - there have been over 2000 active participants on this course since Monday this week, and over 4000 since the start of January.

To swim - Banarse, nadar
To annoy - Fastidiar, molestar

Well glad this is actually being seen as helpful rather than nitpicky haha I was afraid it may come off as that

Just fixed them - again, very useful stuff.

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Tobacconistā€™s- El estanco, la tabacalera
Old - Viejo, anciano
Forest - El bosque, la selva
To change - Cambiar, hacer transbordo
Home - El hogar, el domicilio
Fridge- La nevera, el frigorĆ­fico
Wedding - La boda, el casamiento
Job - El trabajo, el empleo

Iā€™ve finished the course now so these are popping up all the time as my revision sessions include more different levels than before

cool beans - all now fixed!

Hi Ian,
Another suggestion - not an errorā€¦
In Level 19 there are two words for above.
One is above = arriba (de)
The other is above/on = encima (de)

It is a little confusing when presented with above or above/on to remember which is which.
Maybe you could change them to above (a) and above/on (e)?

Just a suggestion.

Thanks, Trevor

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