[Course Forum] Allemand 1-7 by Memrise (German for French speakers)

I appreciate your point about the spoken language, but as you just introduce the future in lvl4, taking “spoken shortcuts” is misleading for learners. I feel.

Level 7 :
sich auf … freuen / is not “avoir hate” / “to be in a rush” but “se réjouir”

Yes you are looking forward to do something and you are not in a rush. Like “avoir hate” implies.
“la hate” is “the haste”

nous nous réjouissons de te voir (instead of “vous”)
nous nous réjouissons de vous rencontrer

I don’t agree with you here. “J’ai hâte de te voir” corresponds to “I can’t wait to see you” which is an enthusiastic way of saying “I’m looking forward to seeing you”. “Je me réjouis…” is, of course, correct but it sounds slightly more formal and you hear it less often in France.
By the way, “la hâte” in other contexts is “haste” (uncountable–no definite article), as in the proverbial “Haste makes waste”.

In teaching a language you need to teach the meaning of the words.
Die Freude is the joy, Freuen needs to be associated to joy, not speed.

But I agree that it is a “correct” translation of it and more common though

Remember it is German for French not for English, and to me it makes a difference.

In Allemand 5, Level 17:
–I don’t see why “Es ist ein Kinderspiel” is translated into French as “C’est simple comme bonjour” instead of the far more obvious and literal equivalent, “C’est un jeu d’enfant”.

Allemand 5 - Level 9
reingehen -> aller à l’extérieur / I can’t see how you can go outside with “rein-” shouldn’t it be “aller à l’intérieur” ?

I have issues with this one as well. Is it correct?

wir sind rausgegangen, weil es aufgehört hat zu regnen / should it not be “weil es aufgehört zu regnen hat

nope, how memrise did it is okay: you see that there are two diff. sentences, because two diff. predicates. “Zu regnen” is a so-called infinitive clause… a clause with a verb in infinitive and without a subject, because the subject is the previous clause

Allemand 6 - Level 7
"Sie sollte es niemandem sagen" is translated as “Elle ne devrait pas le dire à n’importe qui” (“She shouldn’t tell just anybody”–but implicitly could tell only certain people?).
This is quite different in meaning from “Elle ne devrait le dire à personne”, which corresponds to the English “She shouldn’t tell anyone”. Shouldn’t the French translation be corrected?

“Elle ne devrait le dire à personne” should be the translation.

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In Allemand 6 Level 13, “die Würfel” is translated as “le dé”. According to my dictionary, “Würfel” being masculine, the translation should be “les dés”. Isn’t that right?
N.B. in English many people don’t know that “dice” is plural and has “die” as its singular form (seldom used outside of “the die is cast”). .

I doubt it as it would then be “die Würlfeln” as singular in “-el” ususally go “-eln”. I did look it up though.

(J’avais répondu hier mais ça n’a apparemment pas été enregistré)
Je veux bien participer à cette étude mais je suis trop âgée pour être dans la catégorie “jeunes étudiants” !

In at least two online dictionaries (Reverso & Langenscheidt) :
Würfel, m, -s, - (no change in plural)

First question–does anyone from Memrise actually read these comments and correct errors?

I have been lax lately, but just can’t leave the following (from Allemand 6 Level 17) without remarks:
1.“Miteinander gehen” should not be “se donner rendez-vous”! The only sensible translation here would be “sortir ensemble”.
2. “Vermissen” can be the English “miss (someone)” but cannot give a clear meaning if translated into French as “manquer (quelqu’un)” because of the change in subject: “Ich werde dich vermissen” (I’ll miss you") becomes “Tu vas me manquer”. Full context is necessary here or the item is useless.

I guess @Guillaume_Jaskula and @mario2189 come this side some times too.

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Here comes my watch on level 6 so far :

wir leben in rauen Zeiten : nous vivons une période difficile
das ist unter deinem Niveau : tu vaux mieux que ça (“ce n’est pas de ton niveau” can go both ways whereas the German sentence only goes one way)
der gleichen Meinung sein : être de la meme opinion
sie sollte es niemandem sagen : elle ne devrait le dire à personne
soll ich meinem Freund einfach verzeihen? : est-ce que je devrais tout simplement pardonner mon petit-copain ?
sieh den Tatsachen ins Gesicht : fais face à la réallité (the sentence seems imperative to me)

I try to go your way in using spoken French that is not quite the literary translations of the German, but is closer to it I feel. And helps in learning the German better.

Hi there and thanks for the feedback. Yes, we do read the comments on the forums and make corrections to our courses where necessary.

  1. After discussing with our French language specialist, I have just corrected it to “sortir ensemble”, hope this will be more accurate for our users, thanks for flagging it!

  2. Not sure I understand what the problem with this item is exactly. Could you elaborate a bit please!? The German “vermissen” can in fact be the French “manquer”

Maybe “vermissen” alone is not enough, I am not that far on the course but I see it is alone in level 17.

“Manquer à (quelqu’un)” might be what @nickilynn is expecting. Is there an example sentence in the course ?
As the French way of saying it is different from the English, I am not sure about the German Syntax for this expression.

Tu me manque / I miss you / (Ich vermisse Dich ??)

also @nickilynn: I have talked to our French language specialist and, as all of you have pointed out correctly, it is impossible to teach the lexical item “vermissen” alone. Therefore, soon, we will teach “ich werde dich vermissen” as “tu vas me manquer” in the German course for French speakers, once we have the audio for that new item. This is the best option all things considered and I hope it makes sense to our users.
Thanks for your feedback!
Kind regars, Mario

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