[Course Forum] Allemand 1-7 by Memrise (German for French speakers)

In Course 1, level 7.

For “zéro; 0” there is no input for the german “Null” just a blank, no answer seems to register correctly, even leaving it blank

Thanks, I’ll get my German colleague to look into it asap!

in Allemand 5 level 9 reingehen means go inside right? but its translated aller a l’exterieur

I have some comments on Allemand 1, could your German/French teachers consider these ?

Level 2
dir > dir, dich > toi te
mir > dir, mich > toi te
ein > einer, eine, ein > un; une
Level 3
glücklich > content, chanceux (to show the etymology with das Gluck)
Level 4
I think that the 3 meats should have (alimentaire) after the name of the animal, as a chicken is not Hühnchenfleisch but Hühner
Level 5
kein (keine) > aucun (I don’t think it’s wise to confuse kein and nicht)
Level 7
I would make also the same kind of amendments as for ein, eine, einer here above.
Level 9
Finden > trouver que, penser (opinion) - the first meaning of finden is to find, trouver.
kurz > court, petit - the first meaning of kurz is short, court.
Level 10
I have issues with the use of das and es confusing the learner when the translation is so similar.
ich finde das cool and ich finde es zu groß

Somewhere I can’t find anymore :
Super > super in French too, why genial?

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I came across several apparent errors and will add them to this thread as I see them again in review.
Most recently, in Allemand 5, Level 7 :
“Est-ce que tu veux voir mes photos?” is translated as “Wollt ihr unsere Fotos sehen?”.
The latter being plural, it should be changed to the singular “Willst du unsere Fotos sehen?”.
“Wollt ihr” would be “Est-ce que vous voulez” (plural familiar or singular/plural formal)

Please make your suggestions on this thread. It is the right one.

@mario2189 and @Guillaume_Jaskula can you have a look at the above please?

Allemand 4 - I have several remarks/suggestions:
Level 1: “Wir können nächste Woche ins Kino gehen” is translated as “Nous pourrions aller au cinéma”, so “la semaine prochaine” should be added.
Level 4: “Habt ihr gestern das Spiel gesehen?” is translated as “Est-ce que tu as vu le match hier?” Same comment as yesterday–this should be “Avez-vous vu le match hier?” (familiar plural), which would, of course, be ambiguous for translation back into German.
Level 7: “Wir freuen uns darauf, dich zu sehen/dich zu treffen” are translated as “Nous avons hâte de vous voir/vous rencontrer”. Needed instead would be “te voir/te rencontrer”.
Level 10: “Mes parents vont prendre leur retraire…”: change to “leur retraite…”.

Since the Memrise German course (using English) is simply translated into French for Memrise Allemand, there are many ambiguities with the pronouns that are not so clearly expressed in French. Thus, when we are asked later to translate back into German, we cannot know exactly what to write :
Examples in Level 4: “Je devais l’appeler” could be “Ich musste sie anrufen” (l’appeler, elle) or “Ich musste ihn anrufen” (l’appeler, lui). “Est-ce que tu devais lui dire ça?” could be “Musstest du ihm das sagen” (lui dire à lui) or “Musstest du ihr das sagen?” (lui dire à elle). It’s hard to remember the original and get it right in translation! This recurrent problem seems insoluble, unless hints are given each time or alternative translations are accepted.

Despite these little problems, I really enjoy learning with Memrise! (I’m using German and then reinforcing with Allemand.)

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“Dutzen” is a big thing in German and in French, our English friends do not weigh in the importance of being clear.
This aspect was raised on the English version I seem to remember, let’s wait for the amendments to be done on this French course too.

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Allemand 4, Level 7
"sei ruhig" (imperative, in English “be quiet”) should, I think, become the imperative “sois sage” in French rather that the infinitive “être sage”.

“Sois sage”, is more like “be good”. Not “be quiet”

“Sei ruhig” can be ubderstood by “du calme” ou “tais toi”

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Yes, I also felt there was a problem in meaning there but wasn’t sure of the exact nuances of “ruhig”. Thanks for the comment! I do find that “tais-toi” is a bit rude, though. Same in German?

“Klappe zu” I think would be the “tais toi” but could also be the bad “ta gueule”

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Yes it’s dreadful. Just started level 4 today.

I have finished Level 3 and putting in the future in the French sentences, in the last few levels but translating it into German present is a big let down.

It is OK to use the French present just the same way.
Level 37 :
est-ce que tu reviens avant ou après dîner ?
je suis à la maison à quatre heures
je ne suis pas à l’école demain
elle va en Angleterre l’hiver prochain

Same in level 33

Again in Allemand 4 - Level 1
if we start with the future here, “wir werden später miteinander sprechen” would be better.

Is “es wird bestimmt grossartig sein not better ?

Waiting for your feedback @mario2189 and @Guillaume_Jaskula :slight_smile:

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Thanks, sircemloud, for the very useful comments–I only started with Allemand 4 so I didn’t see those verb tenses in Allemand 3. And of course I agree that present tense in French is usually fine in near-future situations. Who would ever say “Nous allons aller en France cet été”?! Although this course is to learn German and not French, I like finding natural-sounding statements on both sides!
Skipping ahead (I’m in Allemand 5 now), can you or someone else explain how, in Level 10 sports terms, “Das war doch kein Tor” becomes “Il n’y a jamais but” ?
Bonne continuation !

Bonjour !
Thank you for your comments. We try to keep the language as natural. Nous allons aller en France cet été sounds perfectly fine to me and I would use it.
For Das was doch kein Tor I agree you need the right intonation in French as it is something like Mais il n’y a jamais but là !!! as someone witnessing a match and contesting the referee’s decision.

Hope that helps,


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thanks a lot for your feedback! We try to teach the languages as naturally as possible. There is no rule or anything saying that German should use future when French does or vice versa. For sentences like “ça sera super” or “est-ce que tu vas regarder un film ce soir?” in which the future is used in French, German uses the present, because translations like “das wird bestimmt großartig sein” or “wirst du dir heute Abend einen Film anschauen?” sound a bit unnatural and no one really talks like that, although it would of course be grammatically correct. Similarly, French also often uses simple present to express future meaning.

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