Oh sorry, I assumed that if I posted in the German section, it would obviously be related to the German course. Maybe I should have been more precise, it is in the 1st level section 6 "qu’est-ce que tu aimes?"
And it is about the litteral translation, not the final translation.
Ich mag Tee und Kafee > (litteral) Je aime thé et café > (translation) J’aime le thé et le café
There are lots of German courses, most of them user-generated. If you are talking about the official one there should even exist a course forum.
Maybe this one?
“ich mag Tee und Kaffee / j’aime le thé et le café”
Is the current version. Can you please check ? If you still have the old version on the app, you might need to olg out and back on for it to update itself.
Well, on my mobile, when I check “Ich mag Tee und Kaffee” there is the translation “j’aime le thé et le café” just under, then there is the icon “speaker” then “Traduction Littérale : je aim thé et café”.
I can’t re-access to any word page on the computer though, just when I learn the word, but after I only have the list but I can’t click the word (to listen to the prononciation for exemple).
Have you tried using the “Preview” feature to check the audio file for that phrase?
From the ‘Level’ page (Level 6 in your case) click on “Options”, then “Preview”, then scroll through the items in that level by clicking on “Next” until you reach the phrase you want.
If the audio file for that one is wrong, ask the Memrise German specialist (mario2189) to correct it. You can ‘tag’ him in your post by putting “@” in front of his username. It would be better to post in the forum topic for the course, using the link that Foorgol gave in the post above.
Thanks for this tip, It is much more intuitive on the mobile. Actually there is no problem with the audio. It is really about the “traduction littérale”, it is no big deal, just an error. I made a capture.
I get it now, the mistake is on the literal translation.
I wont merge this long thread into the current thread, I’ll just call on @mario2189 to have a look here if he can take the time to check it out and correct it.
To clarify: "comment tu t’appelles ?” is incorrect, “comment t’appelles-tu?” would be better. But ok, it is for french people, and we want learn german, so incorrect french is not a big deal, but then I wonder what is incorrect in german.
Hi and thanks for getting in touch. Not sure what exactly the problem is with this item? However, there was a tiny typo in the literal translation: the “e” in “aime” was missing, I’ve just corrected it. Thanks and happy learning!
Best wishes,
I’ve just talked to our French language specialist, and according to him, both "comment tu t’appelles?” and “comment t’appelles-tu?” are correct in French. So I hope that’s fine with you now?
Thanks a lot!
Kind regards,
Hello @mario2189, thank you for correcting “aim”, that was a tiny error, but irritating. I posted other errors on this page [Course Forum] Allemand 1-7 by Memrise (German for French speakers), some are serious errors.
About “Comment tu t’appelles?” and “Comment t’appelles-tu?” I disagree, they aren’t both correct, or at least equal, one is still better than the other, more formal. “Comment tu t’appelles?” is a bit childish, but I must admit it is widely use (and I use it…), a worst version would be “Tu t’appelles comment?”. But in this case as the litteral translation of “Wie heißt du?” is so close from the “more correct” french, I don’t understand why it wouldn’t be use.
Thanks anyway
Best regards