[Course Forum] Advanced Business Dutch ♫ Audio

Please report errors, make sugestions, ask questions …

This course is part of a series. The basic Business Dutch course is this one:

It has its own forum:


… to think, I just started this course and want to report several “de/het (adj) substantief” corrections :sweat_smile:

I still don’t understand what’s going on. Is that official? This forum will close for good? Or is that just hearsay? And will that also affect user-made courses like mine? For the time being you can still report errors here though

In the future, I’ll provide an email address or a reddit forum (or whatever I think is suitable) in the course description and/or in my profile.

I’m also in the process of saving all my courses. I’ll convert them into Anki decks. In case not only the forum but the all the user-made courses will go away. I’m not sure how to do the conversion exactly. Hence it may take some time to figure this out. But you’ll find the finished Anki courses in the Anki shared decks https://ankiweb.net/shared/decks?search=Dutch I’m not even sure how well Anki handles my course design or how well it will work as a replacement for Memrise. I personally will continue to use Memrise as long as possible …

I’ve quoted the mail I got about this here: Thank you for giving us a month's window to the Forum - #4 by duaal

And Ben said this:

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