Quite a lot of the content for this course was drawn from “Uusi kielemme – Finnish for busy people”, so it’s a bit annoying that it contains errors as I know several people use it as a ‘go to’ source. Other entries came from tourist phrase books or were ‘hybrids’ that I created, so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised that those weren’t quite right.
I have gone through all of your suggested edits now and have added comments in square brackets after each one:
On level 5:
keittiön pöytä -> keittiönpöytä [Agreed]
On level 8:
“millainen höyhen on?” means “what kind of thing is a/the feather(s)?”. The picture is so small so I can’t tell if this is correct. [This interrogative phrase in English was “what is a feather like?” Would “millainen höyhen on?” be correct for this or should I change the English to “what kind of thing is a feather?]”
On level 16:
voitteko opastaa minut Vantaan? -> Voitteko opastaa minut Vantaalle? [Agreed]
On level 17:
karjalan piirakka -> karjalanpiirakka [Agreed]
On level 35:
jossa on kaksois vuode -> jossa on kaksoisvuode [Agreed]
On level 38:
musta housut -> mustat housut [Agreed]
On level 40:
saapaat -> saappaat [Agreed]
On level 42:
menen työhön autolla -> menen töihin autolla
This is not really incorrect, but it is more common to use plural. [Agreed, but I’ll keep the original as an acceptable ‘alternative’ answer.]
On level 48:
minkä lajin kukka tuo on?
This sounds little weird. I would say “mitä lajia tuo kukka on?”. [Agreed]
On level 52:
tyhjä lasit -> tyhjät lasit [Agreed]
On level 59:
“Ostan banaania.” means “I am buying a banana”. “Ostan banaaneita.” would mean “I am buying some bananas.” [Agreed]
On level 60:
hän haastatteli häntä kolarista. This means “He/she interviewed him-/herself about crash”. At least second ‘hän’ must be specified.
For example: hän haastatteli silminnäkijää kolarista. This means “He/she interviewed witness about crash”. [This phrase came straight from the list of examples of partitive verbs in “Uusi kielemme – Finnish for busy people” and is meant to say “he questioned him about the car crash”. The explanation given there says, “partitive verbs don’t mean that your verb itself should be in the partitive, but that the word connected to it should be partitive” and, in this example highlights “häntä”. I’ll need to find a different picture for your alternative suggestion.]
koira haukkuu vierasta ihmistä. -> koira haukkuu vieraille ihmisille. [Again, this was a straight lift from the partitive verbs example list in ”Uusi kielemme”. Your suggested edit doesn’t use the partitive, does it? So, I’ll need to drop this entry.]
On level 64:
minä voin pahoin has alternative “minulla on pahoin”, which does not make sense. “Minulla on pahoinvointia” is possible. [Agreed]
minua pyörryttää has alternative “minulla on huimausta”, which is wrong. It can be corrected to “minua huimaa”. [Agreed]
On level 69:
I didn’t notice before: magneetti -> mangeetti. [I’m going to challenge you on this one.
The English word is “magnet”. Everywhere I have looked gives the Finnish as “magneetti”. I can’t find a “mangeetti” anywhere.]
On level 70:
kastike pullo on kaapissa. kastike pullo -> kastikepullo [Agreed]
uima-altaassa ovat monet ihmiset tänään. People understand this, but would not never use this word order.
I would say: monet ihmiset ovat tänään uima-altaassa. [Agreed]
On level 71:
minusta suklaakakku on kivaa. Adjective doesn’t agree with the noun.
minusta suklaakakku on kiva. (I think chocolate cake is fun. (kiva is not really same as fun, but I don’t know any better adjective.)) [Agreed]
isäni on amerikkasta -> isäni on amerikasta. [Agreed]
On level 72:
menen koulun nyt -> menen kouluun nyt [Agreed]
kompassin neula aina osoittaa pohjoiseen -> kompassin neula osoittaa aina pohjoiseen [Agreed]
On level 74:
lähteä tupakalta -> lopettaa tupakointi. [I can’t remember my original source document for this one – which is meant to be ”stop smoking” but, as it’s currently in a level giving examples of ablative case endings, I don’t think your alternative suggestion will fit that bill. I will replace it with something else. ]
On level 75:
ihmiset istuvat lattialle. This describes people, who are between sitting and standing, so lattialle -> lattialla. [This was intended to be an example of an allative case ending –lle. So I am going to have to find something else.]
I really can’t thank you enough for giving this your time. It’s been a real help and I’m enormously grateful!