[Course Forum] 6000+ Swedish Vocabulary Words (First Half) - new course forum!

Hi there! Kära vänner!

If you are using this course and have any queries, comments or suggestions, please post them here in the new course forum.

The course creator, jellybreadracer and the course contributors, aleta and amanda-norrsken, will be happy to help as best we can!

Link to the course: http://www.memrise.com/course/413231/8000-most-common-swedish-words/

There is an inconsistency in the word hårsprayen—the hairspray. The pronunciation is for en hårspray, which makes sense, since nouns are typically introduced in the indefinite form. I would suggest changing the word to agree with the spoken form.

Good idea, jimsox!

Hi! I changed the audio instead since hårspray is mostly an uncountable noun except when you mean a specifik brand.
For example:
“I’m going to buy hairspray” = "Jag ska köpa hårspray."
Compare to a countable noun:
“I’m going to buy a shirt” = “Jag ska köpa en skjorta.”

Thanks, Aleta! I shall change the phonetics then, too!

hey there!
the course is awesome.
actually i searched for “TISUS” in forums but i couldn’t find something useful!..so i was wondering if you knew some online resources and courses for “self study” and prep. for the test!
i actually live in iran and it’s kinda impossible to get books and etc.to get ready for the test!

i am hopefully looking forward to receive your reply!

What exactly is the “TISUS”, “the young wolf”?

I haven’t heard of this abbreviation before.

I didn’t recognise it either. But it stands for:
Test i svenska för universitets- och högskolestudier. It is an examination at the advanced level and designed according to needs expressed by students and university teachers. (It is for foreign students who want to study in Sweden, they have to pass this exam first.)

@the_young_wolf. you should google in Swedish, then you might find what you need. (Om du är redo för att göra TISUS så borde vi kunna skriva hela konversationen på Svenska utan problem.) Här är förklaringen på vad TISUS är för något.

Tisus är ett behörighetsgivande prov i svenska språket. Det är avsett för dig med utländsk gymnasieutbildning som planerar att söka till akademiska studier i Sverige och som saknar betyg i svenska. För att klara provet behöver du ha mycket goda kunskaper i det svenska språket.

Det här fann jag:

Det finns en del exempel på hur testet kan se ut, men de skriver att kraven på svenskakunskaper har höjts, så det är svårare numera.

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the abbreviation stands for “test i svenska för universitets- och högskolestudier” or “Test in Swedish for University Studies” .


dude i did search in swedish but i couldn’t find that many online sources i need! and i am not ready yet to take the test,that’s why i’m trying to find new materials and sources!
and i can have this conversation with you in swedish but i might need a dictionary to do it perfect:grin:

thanks! actually i had a look at the sample tests and it is really helpful buddy! i appreciate it

i have actually studied “rosetta stone:swedish” and then finished “duolingo swedish course”.
after these i started to read <8sidor.se> website and listen to (Sveriges Radio) in order to increase proficiency in reading and listening,but i feel like i still have a long road ahead to get there!
so…i kinda need more online sources and materials and stuff !
thank you all!


I found a course on memrise which is actually called “tisus course”.

I have no idea how good it is, I just found it by chance the other day, but it might be what you are looking for.


not a memrise course just another online sources.

“This beginner’s course is mainly for
the exchange students at the University of Stockholm…”

And here is the Link: http://svefler.su.se.preview.binero.se/komloss/

we are going off topic. This is your course thread. What do you think about this:
let’s create a link list or resourse list in a new thread?

Good idea, @redux2!

Do you want to start it?

Thank you amanda-norrsken,
I actually found it already on the memories but it wasn’t that practical and sufficient,and i’m tryin’ to contact the creator of the course to ask if he/sha have had any personal experience on the test and all,
I appreciate your consideration,I really do,

Let me know what you find out, if possible, a friend of mine on Facebook wants to study in Sweden and needs to pass that test, too.

I think the word häftigt in level 32 has an inconsistent English translation heavy. I think you should either use häftig as the root word or use heavily for the English equivalent.

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Häftig and häftigt are both adjectives. Which one you use depends on the word it is “attached” to.
“heavy rain” = “häftigt regn” (although I would say ösregn or spöregn).
“cool hat” = “häftig mössa”
“violent turn” = "häftig sväng"
I think it is more problematic that you might interpret “häftig” or “häftigt” as pertaining to something heavy (as in weight). That would be tung or tungt instead.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to clarify that?

I understand the use of the t ending for adjective modifying ett words, but the usual pattern I observe in the course word lists is to use the en form. When presenting the English meaning and asking for the Swedish equivalent, the expected answer is normally the Swedish adjective in the en-form. I was not sure why in this example one would look for the response in the ett-form.


Does the word “häftig” or “häftigt” appear on multiple occasions in the course with different translations each time? I know that has happened with a few other words on the course.

The reason I ask is that “heavy” doesn’t even seem to be a very good translation for “häftig” - at least not according to the translations given for “häftig” on ord.se.

The “classic” translation for “heavy” would be “tung”, as you mention, Aleta, so it would seem misleading to teach people that “häftig” means “heavy” as they are bound to assume it means something that weighs a lot.

In my opinion, it would make sense to change this word to “häftig” rather than häftigT- as Jimsox suggests - and to provide a different translation.

Here is the entry from ord.se:

1spec. om sak:våldsam violent; om t.ex. smärta äv. acute, severe; lidelsefull äv. vehement; om t.ex. lynne äv. impetuous; hetsig hot; om t.ex. dispyt äv. heated; intensiv intense, fierce; ivrig eager, keen; hastig sudden
häftig feber high fever
ett häftigt oväder (regn) a violent storm (heavy downpour)
en häftig rörelse a sudden movement
2spec. om person:hetlevrad hot-headed, hot-tempered; lättretad quick-tempered, hasty; upphetsad excited
en häftig motståndare till… a violent opponent of…
han blir [lätt] häftig he loses his temper [easily]
3vard., bra great, cool, super, awesome

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