[Course Forum] 575+ Spanish Verbs: Sentences by googed

This is the forum for the 575+ Spanish Verbs: Sentences.

This is a course on the examples from the book 575+ Spanish Verbs by Elsa Pittman.

If you found some errors in text or glitch in the audio, you are welcome to write about them here.
Translation is not likely to be changed, as author of the book is considered more expert than most of us. Other stuff (errors) are likely to be changed. I’ll try to report here about changes being made by me or use your corrections on possible errors (if there will be any). I hope that together we are able to make course a bit better!

The story of course making

googed created the course and coppied all the examples from the book to the course.
@swampy added audio with computer generated voice on most of the sentences
@zomlove added current audio tracks with man and woman voices for all the sentences
@FerdinandO_o deleted computer voice audio and made few corrections described in “Latest changes” section.

Latest changes

30/05/2019 in 115: changed audio in Ella se ha matado para conseguir esa posición. (in audio it was: “… conseguir esa trabajo”).
09/05/2019 in 125: ocúpese (Ud.); no se ocupe -> ¡Ocúpese (Ud.)! ¡No se ocupe! Added translation Occupy yourself! Don’t occupy yourself!
09/05/2019 in 128: opóngase (Ud.); no se oponga -> ¡Opóngase (Ud.)! ¡No se oponga! Added translation Oppose! Don’t oppose!
09/05/2019 in 142: quéjese (Ud.); no se queje -> ¡Quéjese (Ud.)! ¡No se queje! Added my own translation: Complain! Don’t complain!
09/05/2019 in 162: Added audio for ¡Ni soñarlo! / ¡Ni lo sueñes!
09/05/2019 in 163:La madre sostuvo al bebe en sus brazos. -> La madre sostuvo al bebé en sus brazos. Also changed audio accordingly. Audio may sound quieter than the others.
30/04/2019 in 173: added skipped sentence and its translation. "Debemos utilizar nuestros recursos naturales con cuidado. - We should use our natural resources with care. " Also audio was added. The place for this sentence is slightly wrong (it should be in 174, but 173 had 14 verbs, so it was added here).
30/04/2019 in 174: “Es una lástima que Paola no haya utilizado la computadora para su investigación. Debemos utilizar nuestros recursos naturales con cuidado.” -> “Es una lástima que Paola no haya utilizado la computadora para su investigación.” Fixed audio for this one.
17/04/2019 in 167: Fixed audio for “No me tientes con ese helado porque estoy a dieta.” (The audio was playing its english translation instead of this spanish sentence.)
17/03/2019 in 155: no, apenas lo supe… -> No, apenas lo supe…
28/02/2019 in 148: Fixed audio for: “Los obreros rehusaron firmar el nuevo contrato.” (The audio was in english instead of spanish.)
28/02/2019 in 144: Reanudarán las clases tan pronto como terminen el edifico. ->…edificio. Fixed audio for this sentence.
31/12/2018 in 118: mójese (Ud.); no se moje - mójense (Uds.) -> Mójese (Ud.); mójense (Uds.). - Get wet.
26/12/2018 in 115: Ella se ha matado para conseguir esa trabajo -> Ella se ha matado para conseguir esa posición.
19/12/2018 ¡Que llueva! - ¡ Que no llueva! -> ¡Que llueva! - Let it rain!
in 78: Dividirán la herencia ente los hijos. -> Dividirán la herencia entre los hijos.

For possible contributors after me: here you can generate audio for sentences. You should choose apropriate voices. In this course voices of Martina (Castellano) and Luis (Español Norte Americano) are used.

There is an obvious mistake in one of the sentences in level 126: “¡Que me/ te/ le/ nos/ os/ les ocurra(n)!” - “¡Que no me/ te/ le/ nos/ os/ les ocurra(n)!” As you see there is a spanish on both sides. Deleting it seems a bad idea. Translating one of the sides to english seems like a good one. How should it be translated: “Let me/you/him/her/us/you/them occur!” or somethiing like this? Should I put just “me” instead of "me/te/nos/… "? Any other ideas?

On level 3, there is a sentence “no recuerdo cómo se resuelven” - “I can’t remember how to solve them”. I believe (although I may be mistaken) that as this sentence is not a question, it should not have an accent. Forgive me if I am mistaken.

Well, first of all congratulations - you are the first one to comment about this course except for me in this topic.

According to this page https://www.diccionariodedudas.com/como-o-como/ it looks like “cómo” is used not only in questions (of which I had no idea till this day). Didn’t manage to read all the article on the page above but it seems to me that everything is fine in this example.
P.S. In the book it also goes with “cómo”.


thank you for checking that out

Sorry - more questions :
In Level 2, why are "Por poco tengo un accidente and “Por poco me gano la lotería” in the present tense when they are about events of the past?
Also in Level 2, is the sentence “yo les doy regalos a mis hermanas”. Why is the object marker needed here? I understood that it was only needed when the object wasn’t explicitly stated, but here “a mis hermanas” is the direct object.

And a complaint :
In Level 4 is the sentence “Salimos tarde de la casa esta mañana” and then there is a note which says that in Spain, one would leave out the article “la” but it is marked as incorrect if I write it without the article. please could you put the sentence without the article as an alternative answer


About “por poco” I don’t really know, but as all of the examples are taken from the book “575+ Spanish Verbs” , I hope tenses here are correct.

As far as I know “les, le, …” are always must have in the sentences, but things like “a mis hermanas” are optional. Leaving the sentence without les would be incorrect.

Alternative answer in level 4 added, thanks for that.

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