[Course Forum] 5000 most frequent Italian Words ♫ Audio

Fixed l’accusa. And I’m glad the fix of Level 24 worked for you as well.

Oh - and those frequency lists that you linked to are great, BaneOfRoom. Thanks.

You’re welcome. Glad to help.

(figuring out how to quote on this board and goofed up the next post)

Same type of error on “la fabbrica” (Level 7): it’s marked as being masculine instead of feminine.

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“la fabbrica” fixed.

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Doesn’t il calcio also mean calcium? (level 4)


Yup. I added it to the definition. That seems fine to me, but Robert can undo it if he disagrees.


That’s ok, gmellilo. I appreciate it. While I sleep in Europe, someone works in CT. Is that the globalization everyone is talking about? Calcio: I guess in most daily conversations Italians would refer to the game.


Good morning from the other hemisphere!

You’re right, but we’re the kind of people who leave no stone unturned, right? :wink:

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I only guessed it meant calcium because that’s the word in Spanish, and I wanted to make sure it wasn’t a false cognate.



Doesn’t il calcio also mean calcium? (level 4)


Yup . . . . added

And kick! (As in ‘to give a kick with your foot’ - hence ‘calcio’ = ‘football’ as you kick a ball - never associated that before!)
But I guess one would NOT say “il calcio” but “un calcio”

So ignore this post! It was for fun.


Found a (very) minor typo: in the definition for “nervoso” (Level 12), “rritable” should be “irritable”.


On level 18, tacere can also mean “cease, stop, or omit”, like I cannoni tacquero all’improvviso and Ha confessato, ma ha taciuto i nomi dei complici.

I’m going to start adding sentences as mems, so I might be posting more secondary/obscure meanings soon, if that’s apposite.


Fixed these errors. Thanks guys.


That’s awesome. Some courses (like the 5000 Dutch course) display such sentences as a separate column. Do you know what I mean? When learning the word on preview mode, this sentence is displayed in a separate line of text. Also, after you have given a correct answer, the example sentence is briefly displayed. I don’t know if users appreciate this feature at all (I never paid much attention to example sentences) or if the majority of users like your “sentence in a mem approach” better. However, if you like, I can add you as a contributor, so that you could write example sentences to the course.

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I know exactly what you mean. Unfortunately, I have a bunch of courses at the moment, and I don’t think I can take on adding sentences for everything. I typically do so if the word won’t stick, or I have trouble spelling it and need constant examples.

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Well, I posted that, then I went ahead and added some sentences for words I didn’t need, haha. Who knows: maybe I’ll end up doing them all.

Hehe. These things do sort of suck you in…

Level 7 la fede can also mean wedding ring. “I had to sell my wedding ring. Ho dovuto vendere la mia fede.”

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Danke schön (your mixed-language username makes me using English and German in the very same post) Added the “wedding rings” meaning.

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on 10, legare can also mean bond as in form a relationship, “If she’s to be my daughter-in-law, we have to bond. Se diventerà mia nuora, dobbiamo legare.”

this course is great, by the way.

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Fixed “legare.” Thanks.