I have just found your course, and wanted to thank you for the impressive beast you have created. I imagine it represents hours and hours of work, and I really appreciate your labour. I am just starting out, and looking forward to learning more.
It’s strange: while learning the word, its audio never played, yet the other 19 words of the session were playing their audio files just fine. Now, I just reviewed all of them, including “la conseguenza,” and it works as it should. In this case, my Internet connection is probably to blame, it is just a bit odd that it manifested as it did.
In level 24, the sound file for “il cammino” is the word “camorra.” I figure it’s better to let you handle audio files so you can keep the sourcing consistent.
I think there is a bug in Level 24 (C, Vocabolario d’alto uso). Whenever I try to advance the course I get an error message:
Whoops. Cannot load the session. Sorry.
This happens whenever I get up to about “il cavo”. I tried resetting and then relearning the level, and I ran into the same problem when I got to the same spot in the list. I can move ahead to Level 25 and start learning and I don’t have the problem.
I would be curious to see if you have the same problem. Maybe Robert, or Bane of Rome, can skip ahead to learning Level 24 and see if the error arises.
I found this thread, in which someone discusses a similar problem:
This may also be relevant:
Assuming you can reproduce the problem and it is not just an issue on my side, there are number of suggestions on the forums to solve the problem:
Deleting and re-entering the problem words (I think it’s either “cavo” or “cavolo”).
Copying the words to a new level.
Deleting and manually recreating the level.
Unfortunately that is one of the biggest levels, and so it would be troublesome to recreate it by hand. Let me know if you can reproduce the error, and if so, if there is anything I can do to help fix it. I’d be willing to share the work of recreating the level manually if that is what is required.
I deleted both “cavo” and “cavolo” from both the database and the level and re-entered both words. I also duplicated the whole level and deleted the original level. I didn’t try to reproduce the error but I came across such glitches before. Sometimes it helps to ignore the word (and learn it later), clear the cache or log off and back in (esp. when using the app).
I skipped ahead as gmelillo suggested and came across the same error. I learned up to “la caviglia” and now whenever I press the “Continue learning” button, I get the error message. I tried clearing the cache and restarting my browser, but that didn’t fix the issue.
If it’s helpful at all, my next learning session would be 4 words I misspelled from previous sessions, plus the next 16 words starting from “la caviglia.” I use the desktop version of Memrise, viewed with the latest version of Google Chrome.
Thanks BaneOfRome! I suspect we’re going to have to rebuild the level without duplicating it within the course editor, but I’m new around here so I’m not sure.
Memrise counts 581 words, I count only 580. Maybe I’m wrong, but there could be a ghost word that stops progress. I also deleted and re-entered “concentrazione” and “carenza”. These two entries were not exported correctly to Anki. They were maybe corrupt. Plz try to resume learning. Maybe it works now.
If that still doesn’t work, the level must be retyped. I’m not sure how to do this properly. Maybe it’s sufficient to keep the database as it is, create a new level and just retype the words. In this case, re-entering words is an easy task, 'cause full entries appear as soon as the first few letters are entered. I would try this first. It may become tedious, if all words in that level need to be erased from the database ( save audio files first) and re-entered. Here you find some useful data for bulk import: https://www.dropbox.com/s/grnwtihnqy7da86/Italian%205000.zip?dl=0 The excel file has two tabs: 1. all levels 2. Necessary data for level 24. The two csv txt.files are derived from these two tabs.
All right guys. I rebuilt level 24 and am able to advance the course. I plan on working through it quickly so that if I did something else to break it I can catch and fix it.
It depends on how you like to study a language. I understand why a beginner might prefer to learn words that are connected thematically, as well as expressions that are useful in ordinary conversation. Personally I learn languages by studying the grammar at a high level of abstraction, memorizing the morphology, and then making about 10,000 words - including the high frequency words of the sort that comprise this list - passively available to me by rote study. I then go directly to reading novels and watching movies. For my purposes I don’t require the words to be thematically organized; an alphabetically organized list works just fine.
I learn similarly to you, and in the romance language department, I already know French and Spanish. I tried the first level, but there’s something not sticking in learning all A words. I think my best method is learning five from four levels each day to clear up the slipping ephemera.
I understand completely - in fact I do the same thing. When a level is particularly long I’ve been learning X from a level, X from the next long level, and X/2 from a short level. I also don’t want to study nothing but A-words for days in a row…
That’s what I do. I hate studying the same letter for days. I like frequency lists that are strictly sorted by frequency better. But I had no choice. I have no frequency data for each word. Randomly mixing words was an option but makes maintenance difficult.
If you want, there is a publicly-available frequency list for Italian through the Kelly Project (or something along those lines). I had researched this when I was planning on creating my own Italian list before stumbling across this course.
The Kelly list is an Excel document, so it should be fairly easy to reference each word in your current list with its corresponding frequency position in the other one.