[Course Forum] 5000 most frequent Italian Words ♫ Audio

The definition for “il pensiero” (Level 14) incorrectly lists itself as one of the wrong answers.

Also, another minor typo: in the definition for “il fuoco” (Level 7), “ot” should be “not.”

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Thanks. Fixed

Looks like la battuta (level 2), can also mean joke. “Dobbiamo cominciare con una battuta simpatica. We need to open with a funny joke”


The audio for “personale” (Level 14) is actually that for “parere” (which itself is fine and includes its own correct audio).

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According to Wiktionary, “joke” ain’t a feasible translation. I guess it means something like"witty remark", “bonmot”, “witticism”. Mnemonic: battuta/batter/punch line. I added “witty remark”.

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Done. Thx.

Witty mark is fine, but I’m looking at these three sites; they have it as joke, too.


oh, and also, il brano can mean musical track or song.

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Checked this out. Added joke.

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Hi Robert, Hi Guys!

I just came to say “thanks!” to Robert (!!) for creating the course and hi! to all of You :slight_smile:

It seems this will be one of my favorite courses in the coming future. Nicely done indeed.

I was surprised, that only such short amount of people is learning it now, and than yet those who do learn it, are so dedicated :-))))) … The only explanation which crossed my mind, proved to be right, it indeed is(!) just fresh new course! I only can forecast it great future :slight_smile:

Right now, I do not have anything to report, however I will come back with anything I notice.

Have a good time


Me too
I always study several levels at the same time. And not only here. (One of the levels being just of somewhat higher priority than others) It is especially important at lower level, when there is mixed in a lot of word I do already know …so I can advance fast forward, and yet still do give every word the option to have a time to sink in in the "green"mode.

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Added this

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Could you add “allocate” to destinare?

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Agreed and added.

(Decision supported by collinsdictionary, wordreference and linguee.)

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I also see cacciare can mean kick out. “Mi ha fatto cacciare i miei figli da casa.”


There’s an error for il casino. It makes you type the parenthesis.

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Again, I agree. Added.
(support from collinsdictionary, wordreference; implied support from linguee’s example sentences)

It’s not really an error, per se, but more of a consequence of the strict typing. Both forms, with and without the accent, are correct Italian words. If it is to be “fixed,” one form could be made an alternative answer of the other (but then the question becomes, “Which one is the main and which one is the alternate?”).

There is also the possible solution of breaking the two apart into separate listings with the accented word defined as “the casino” and the unaccented word as “the mess, brothel, hunting lodge”, as this seems to be most accurate according to linguee.com.

Robert-Alexander and/or gmelillo, I would like your opinions on this one, so I will not be doing anything to this listing just yet.


I guess my vote would be to split the entry into two separate words. My sources also have “il casino” as having a wider range of meanings than “il casinò,” which seems to mean exclusively “casino” (i.e. in English). Yikes…

Let’s see what Robert thinks.


Thanks, you two!

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Thanks for improving the course while I was away.

Yeah that’s reasonable. Let’s split the entry. I guess I didn’t think that one fully through. I fixed that. “casinò” is now at the end of the level. I’m still away from a proper desktop computer. Could one of you be so kind to position this entry where it belongs (alphabetical order)?

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Safe travels.