[Course Forum] 5000 Important words in Greek

Really great course… very much enjoying how random it is :). Great audio too! Thank you for all your hard work.

The audio is great, but I did notice that a couple of words are mispronounced by a gentleman who appears to be maybe Serbian or Albanian? The pronunciation of the work τύχη as “Tishi” (instead of Tihi) for instance. The native speakers are awesome though… I just thought the discrepancies may confuse those who may not be that familiar with the language.

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I also noticed this - in some cases, this speaker uses the wrong consonants and/or puts the tonos in the wrong place (e.g. μεγέθη, level 133, which the speaker pronounces μέγκεθη). Loving the course otherwise though!

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Hello! I have been doing this course some time and really enjoy it. Thank you very much for creating such a huge vocabulary. And I am glad to find this discussing board dedicated to course. Great!!
There are some words which are difficult for me to memorise because I cannot figure out their meanings. The most problematic is “ο σκάφους του εικονίδιο” meaning “icon board” (Level 125). Either there is some grammatical mistake, or I just cannot make out what it is. Would be grateful for your comments

Sorry for late response, but I’ve been away from the Community for a while.

To respond, the speaker of η τύχη is a native Greek and it sounds quite normal to me.

Also, regarding “τα μεγέθη” - this is the correct spelling and pronunciation. It is a neuter plural and means sizes.

Hi Neal, maybe there are two different recordings of the word and we are listening to different pronunciations? In Greek χ is a throaty h, as I am sure you know, not sh (as in “shell”). I lived and went to school in Greece during my teens and early 20s (my father was Greek) and have never heard the letter used this way, except by Albanians who commonly make this mistake. If all the recordings are of native Greek speakers then I am sure they know better than I though! Maybe I am just misunderstanding the word.

Hi Svetlana, I have finally tracked down the correct expression of “icon board” - it is “το τέμπλο της εικόνας” and I plan to change it today. I will then try to get a recording of it to post.

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I have requested a new pronunciation of τύχη @ Forvo just to see if it sounds different, but to my ear the pronunciation is correct. It could be something regional, but the person doing that pronunciation is from Katerini, which is ‘northerly’, not far from Thessaloniki.

While ηχογράφω now reads correctly as ηχογραφώ, the audio retains the erroneous accentuation.

Just encountered “λάθος,” introduced in Level 101. It’s presented as an adjective, with the singular forms given as “λάθος, λάθη, λάθο.” I’ve not found these variable forms in any dictionary; all my sources show “το λάθος” as a noun (with pl. λάθη). When the word appears in adjectival (“σκεφτόμουν την υπόθεση…, με λάθος τρόπο”) or adverbial usage (“το ρολόι πάει λάθος”), it’s regularly shown as an invariable “λάθος.”
The entry for this word in Dictionary of Modern Standard Greek (www.greek-language.gr) includes the following regarding the word’s use as an adjective:
4. (ως επίθ.) που είναι λανθασμένος, εσφαλμένος: ~ κίνηση / απάντηση / κατεύθυνση / μέθοδος / εκτίμηση / υπολογισμός / πρόβλεψη. ~ δρόμο πήραμε. Πήγε σε ~ διεύθυνση . ΦΡ χτυπώ ~ πόρτα.
If my understanding based on research proves out, could this course entry be amended to reflect the word’s basic nominal forms and usage?

Quizzed on “homework” today, I responded with “εργασίες για το σπίτι.” That was not accepted, however; only the singular εργασία is currently allowed. I’d submit that the plural should be considered for inclusion. Glosbe shows numerous examples of the latter usage, such as, " Γιατί δίνεται τόση βαρύτητα στις εργασίες για το σπίτι; | Why is so much emphasis put on homework?

μπροστά (από) has the wrong audio, it sounds like enopio.

Been away for a while. This is now fixed, μπροστά actually had 3 pronunciations, don’t know why, now just has μπροστά and μπροστά από

ηχογραφώ pronunciation is finally fixed

re: λάθος, you are correct, it is now fixed and displays “λάθος (επίθ ακλ - indeclinable)”

I’ve added the plural “εργασίες για το σπίτι” as an answer. I don’t know why there is so much emphasis on homework, but we all have to do a lot of it :slight_smile:

Hi everyone,

One comment:

-A “ρ” seems to be missing in “σιδηροδομικώς”: I think it should be “σιδηροδρομικώς” (by train)

All the best