[Course Forum] 5000 Important words in Greek

Hey Neal, hope all is well. Just a couple of small issues from existing words (haven’t yet got around to the most recent couple of hundred additions)…

χωρίς, Level 19. You recently changed it to ‘χωρίς, δίχως’, which is totally fine, given that they really mean the same thing and there’s no great way to disambiguate them. However, Memrise recently changed the way that it treats commas - it used to be that if you entered just one of the terms that was separated by a comma, you’d be marked correctly. Now, you have to enter the whole string, ie, you won’t get marked correctly on this slide unless you enter ‘χωρίς, δίχως’ verbatim in that order.

Semicolons now work like commas used to. So, can you change it to ‘χωρίς; δίχως’ or ‘χωρίς; δίχως; άνευ’?

Also, απομνημόνευση, Level 94, could do with audio if you can find it on Forvo.

Thank you!

  • audio added for both απομνημόνευση and απομνημονεύω

I changed the , to ; but it doesn’t make sense as I have _χωρίς and _δίχως as Alts so it should accept either??? Memrise can be a real pain sometimes, things change arbitrarily and it can have a significant impact on a course. And I’m sure there are a few others lurking in there!

Many thanks Neal! Yes, fortunately commas weren’t really used in this course, but there are quite a few courses which made extensive use of them, and there were a lot of very annoyed people following the change…

@nphx - our favorite word came up today in vocabulary review: η κλεψύδρα - glad I learned it :slight_smile:

A number of new additions to the course. We are @ 3,111 words now.

Note: Google Docs is acting funny today, so I’ll replace the worksheet with the most-up-to-date one tonight.

Even a few Christmas words have been added! :slight_smile:

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Just a minor dupe issue which could do with disambiguating or cross-alting when you’ve got a mo: μεταθέτω Level 15 and μεταφέρω Level 55, to transfer. Thanks Neal and have a great Christmas and New Year.

changed the primary definition: “to move” but there are several Alts for both. I also changed the context sentence and updated it in the new worksheet.

Καλά Χριστούγεννα και σας ευτυχισμένο το Νέο Έτος!

Hope you had a great Christmas Neal! Just a few small ones - I’m still mainly working with the pre-December content at the moment as I’ve been growing Orphans (quite substantially).

I’ve finished the Duo tree, but I’m shortly going to be abroad with no internet access, so I’ve been going through a load of Greek children’s books I’m going to take with me and pulling out and learning all the unfamiliar words. I will definitely get around to all your recent additions at some stage in the New Year though! Looking forward to them, especially the food ones.


αλαζόνας, Level 55 and μουστάκι, Level 83, could do with unarticled alts.

οθόνη, Level 78, is incorrectly listed as a neuter noun and has been articled accordingly.

And although they differ on the spreadsheet, καταριέμαι and μουντζώνω (25/78) both have a primary definition of ‘to curse’. I think defining μουντζώνω as ‘to damn’ (as per the spreadsheet) might be the best way to disambiguate.

Have a fantastic new year!

Yes, thanks, Christmas was great! Hopefully yours was as well. Currently planning our trip to Greece in 2017, 3 weeks! Lots to see and do, mostly notably Μετέωρα για 3 ημέρια.

[quote=“spdl79, post:274, topic:817”]
[/quote] is a way of cursing with a hand gesture (noun = η μούντζα), considered pretty rude, like when you’re driving a car. In Greek it is defined as: “δίνω μια μούντζα, κάνω σε κάποιον τη χειρονομία αυτή” So, the def. is now: “to damn or to curse (with hand gesture, open fingers - very rude!)” but this may be entirely too long. Let me know how you think it works now.

[quote=“spdl79, post:274, topic:817”]
αλαζόνας, Level 55 and μουστάκι, Level 83
[/quote] - both fixed

[quote=“spdl79, post:274, topic:817”]
[/quote] - fixed!

Many thanks for that Neal - that definition’s absolutely fine, too! Meteora looks lovely - I’ve seen a lot of Greece but very little of the interior. Enjoy your planning!

A dupe: καταστήμα Level 29 and μαγαζί Level 85. If you could disambiguate or cross-alt, that’d be much appreciated.

Actually, I think they may be cross-alted already, but if you could add unarticled cross-alts, that’d be great, as I think that’s what led to the incorrect answer.

νέον, Level 32. This is given in the plural - τα νέον - but as far as I can tell, it’s not one of those words like λεφτά which are always pluralised. Can you please check it out when you get a mo a see if it should be το νέον? Thanks!

Note: it is κατάστημα, rather than καταστήμα (maybe you’re thinking of καταστήματα pl.?). Anyway, I have made the primary for κατάστημα as store, with shop as Alt, and μαγαζί is shop with store as Alt. But both of the Greek were already completely cross-Alt’d with and w/o articles.

[quote=“spdl79, post:279, topic:817”]
[/quote] is νέον επίθ άκλ (indeclinable) - so I’ve removed the article until I get further clarification and defined it simply as indeclinable.

Oh - yes, that may well have been it, sorry![quote=“neal.p.carey, post:280, topic:817”]

Thank you! Yes, it’s a bit of an odd one. My Oxford says that the correct word for neon is νέο. En Wiktionary has it as νέον, neuter, singular and uncountable (although it does decline in the genitive). El Wiktionary also has it as νέον, but the entry is pretty sparse. I think what looks most authoritative is the El Wikipedia entry - https://el.wikipedia.org/wiki/Νέον - which refers to it as νέο(ν) in the introduction, νέο throughout, but always in the singular with a το.

In any case I don’t think the τα is correct, unless perhaps there is some other use of the word, like if you’re referring to neon lights as a general concept - “the neon [lights]” - perhaps that’s when a τα might get used.

I also couldn’t get the new spreadsheet to download - just got a 404 error.

Thank you! That worked.

I take it the levels are not frequency-based. I was a bit surprised to see a word like το θειάφι (sulfur or sulphur) in level 3. It is the kind of word I would learn eventually but not when my level is still somewhat basic.

You are correct. This course was taken over by the current owner and the original owner never made it with regards to frequency. There’s a bit of a running joke about κλεψύδρα - hourglass, being in the 1st level as such an uncommon word as an example of the confusion this has brought up.

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Hi everyone, καλή χρονιά!

I’m currently learning level 35, and one of the words there (“context”) is given as “το συμφραζόμενα”, but correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this neuter plural, so shouldn’t the article be “τα (συμφραζόμενα)”. Has this been discussed before?
