[Course Forum] 5000 Important words in Greek

Ah, yeah, I forgot about the word limit on the description. That’s absolutely fine as it stands!


Yeah, Stavropoulos is the Oxford Greek-English Learner’s Dictionary, sorry, we called it the Stavropoulos back in my student days, and it just stuck around.
Thanks for the changes :slight_smile:

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G’day Neal! πρόεδρος - it’s one of the new entries (Level 76), but we’ve already got it in Level 39. When you’re next doing some work on the course, would you be able to nix the new version? Ta!

If you could cross-Greek-alt or differentiate the following English dupe, that’d be great:
Dessert - γλυκό (Level 18) and επιδόρπιο (Level 76).

το βιολί - Level 76 - can you please enter βιολί as an alt (ie with no article)?

[quote=“spdl79, post:185, topic:817”]
[/quote] - nixed.

[quote=“spdl79, post:186, topic:817”]
γλυκό (Level 18) and επιδόρπιο (Level 76).
[/quote] - done

[quote=“spdl79, post:186, topic:817”]
[/quote] - done

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All the new words I’ve received recently, plus a bunch of my own have now been added. We’re at 2,304!

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Awesome stuff Neal, keep up the great work.

I’m progressing through the new batches fairly slowly as I’m also Duolingoing, and adding all the new words I encounter to Orphans, but I’ll keep working through them and feeding back.

Thanks again.

προφορά, Level 76, plus νύφη, ξαδέλφη, αδέλφια and παππούδες, Level 77; plus νονός, Level 78.

All currently need an article to be marked correctly. Can you please add unarticled Alts?

ανιψιός, ανίψια and ξαδέλφια, Level 77. Currently have no audio.

πλήκτρα, Level 79. We already have ‘key’ as κλειδί. I think something like ‘keys (of an instrument/keyboard)’ might be a better English definition for πλήκτρα.

I am in the middle of fixing/removing duplicates throughout (there were about 25 or so) so you might see your progress change for levels where words have been moved around to fill in the gaps from removals. Bear with me. Another day or two. I will fix the other problems just reported perhaps tomorrow. Off to a wedding just now :slight_smile:

No rush Neal, hope you had a great day!

[quote=“spdl79, post:190, topic:817”]
All currently need an article
[/quote] - Sean, all are now fixed plus a few others where audio was missing, notably in Level 79.

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@spdl79 @nphx @Timtz75 @MPoorter @Alexi

I have completed the latest cleanup/overhaul, removing all the dupes that I could find, adding a number of new words. We are now counting 2,343.

Here is a link to the MS Excel sheet that contains all of the words listed by Level. Note that there are other tabs containing material I’m either considering or working on adding. I have a lot of cognates from the Greek Cognates course that I’m considering adding but have to weed out all of the duplicates that are already in Most Important Words.

As you can see, we need a lot of examples/context sentences, so feel free to submit some!

Perfect! Many thanks:)

I will actually be providing an updated worksheet in a few days with a couple of corrections and some new words I’m just in the middle of adding now. I’ll try to continue to use Google Docs to provide periodic updates of the worksheet, which is the only easy way to keep track of things like dupes when adding new words as the Memrise search feature in the database is almost useless.

Excellent stuff Neal, thanks so much.[quote=“neal.p.carey, post:194, topic:817”]
I have a lot of cognates from the Greek Cognates course that I’m considering adding

Great idea!

@spdl79 @nphx @Timtz75 @MPoorter @Alexi

It now contains 2,462 words, and all Levels are complete through 98! 99 & 100 will continue to move as they are special Levels for uncommon words and abbreviations.

You may have noticed that Levels 68/69 were collapsed together to make a Level of 25. This is because the old Level 68 was where the original 1692 words ended and thus was incomplete. One more change to get away from the 1692 number.

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Awesome - all we need now is for the site to start working properly again :wink:

…which is now is. Phew!

I’ll try to get through as many new words as possible next week and feed back. Thanks Neal.

G’day Neal,

I hope all is well. I’ve been working my way through the new words, and here’s what I’ve got in the way of feedback/suggestions so far.

All the below words are marked as incorrect unless the article is included. Can you please add unarticled versions as Alts?

  • Level 75 προφορά
  • Level 76 νύφη
  • Level 79 μεταμόρφωση
  • Level 80 γραφικός χαρακτήρας
  • Level 81 διγλωσσία

All the below words have the same (or extremely similar) primary English definitions. Would it be possible to tweak the primary definitions and/or cross-Alt them?

  • Level 42 & Level 90: διαλέγω & επιλέγω, to choose
  • Level 12 & Level 91: μπερδεμένος & συγκεχυμένος, unclear
  • Level 25 & Level 78: καταριέμαι & μουντζώνω, to curse
  • Level 62 & Level 78: τόξο & υπόκλιση, bow
  • Level 23 & Level 79: εκκλησία & καθολικό, church
  • Level 55 & Level 80: μεταφέρω & κουβαλάω, to carry
  • Level 25 & Level 82: αγγίζω & ακουμπάω, to touch

I could be wrong, but I think καθολικό is a bit more like a chapel. υπόκλιση could also be changed to something like bow/curtsey.

And a few more assorted things:

  • Level 17, λέω ψέματα. The primary of this is ‘tell a lie’, but I think ψέματα is plural. So would ‘to tell lies’ be better?
  • Level 79 σφραγίδα. Could you perhaps change the primary to something like ‘seal (stamp)’ to avoid confusion with aquatic creatures and things that prevent leakage?
  • Level 79 καθένα. I’m going to defer to your much better Greek skills here, but this is listed as a noun - should it be a pronoun? And, given that the primary Greek for everything in the course is given in the masculine, should it be καθένας? Or can it actually operate as a noun?

I’m only on Level 83, so there will probably be a bit more feedback to come. No rush for any of the changes, and thanks for your work with all this Neal, it’s much appreciated.


[quote=“spdl79, post:202, topic:817”]
unless the article is included
[/quote] - these are all fixed now.

[quote=“spdl79, post:202, topic:817”]
Level 17, λέω ψέματα
[/quote] - agree, “to tell lies” is now the definition.

[quote=“spdl79, post:202, topic:817”]
[/quote] - changed to “bow, curts(e)y” with bow, curtsy, curtsey all acceptable answers

[quote=“spdl79, post:202, topic:817”]
[/quote] - changed to “church (chapel)” with either acceptable. That said, I just asked my teacher last week what the word for chapel was and she told me “παρεκκλήσι”, which I have not yet added. If I understand correctly a καθολικό is a chapel in a monastery.

[quote=“spdl79, post:202, topic:817”]
[/quote] - changed to “stamp”, then “seal”[quote=“spdl79, post:202, topic:817”]
[/quote] - I changed this to καθένας and identifies as pronoun. It’s not entirely clear to me if it can be a noun. I’ll try to inquire at my lesson this week.

The middle group of comments I’ll try to get to later on today or tomorrow.

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