[Course Forum] 5000 Important words in Greek

Level 12 - removed βάλτος recording.

Agreed, I have made περιπλανιέμαι the primary and περιπλανώμαι as the alternate. I am now deferring to the Dictionary of Standard Modern Greek (Artistotle University of Thessaloniki) as the primary source for definitions, alternates, etc. I have been using a number of online sources over the years, but I’ve recently been advised by a native in Greece that this is considered the best online Modern Greek dictionary. It is all Greek, so it still requires getter appropriate English translations.

I’m not really sure what we can do here. παράδοση already has these translations: delivery, surrender, tradition, handover, lecture and κατηγορία has category, class, accusation - I’m not really sure that creating artificial(?) compounds solves the problem. I try to defer the order of translations provided to what I find in my Φυτράκη Ελληνικο-Αγγλικό Λεξικό.

I sometimes wonder if the way Memrise courses are often structured, with a ‘main’ translation and all the alternates, that people tend to focus only on the ‘main’ one. η παράδοση is a perfect example. If, while learning παράδοση one were to also learn παραδοσιακός, παραδοσιακά, παραδοσιοκρατία, ο παραδότης, etc. then the word would make much more sense. But, alas, the original ordering of the words prevents this approach and sadly Memrise lacks all ability to fix the problem. Example, you cannot ‘dump’ the database, add new words in the order you want them, and re-import because you would lose all the audio connections, etc. It has been a problem we’ve debated here for years now. And, even if you could, all of the learning history would also be lost. It is quite a thorny issue.

Geez, shouldn’t this mean you’re spending most of your waking hours learning Greek :slight_smile:

I’m not really sure what we can do here. παράδοση already has these translations: delivery, surrender, tradition, handover, lecture and κατηγορία has category, class, accusation - I’m not really sure that creating artificial(?) compounds solves the problem. I try to defer the order of translations provided to what I find in my Φυτράκη Ελληνικο-Αγγλικό Λεξικό.

What do you mean it already has these translations? I only ever see it with “delivery”, and there doesn’t seem to be any kind of button to view alternates or anything?

edit : Ah, I see the problem, I use the course primarily on mobile, and there does not appear to be a feature to see those additional translations AT ALL on the mobile app!

I mean, when you’re learning words you should see all of the Alts. There may be a problem with enabling the display of them during the review. I have been trying to make some changes today to test to make sure this works, but Memrise seems to be refusing to save my change!! I’ll keep poking at it. In the meantime, take a look at the “More” and “Less” text buttons that toggle details on/off.

I just figured out what the problem is. Because I am not the original creator, and therefore not the official owner, I am unable to change the testing and review options. I am going to have to try to get in touch with the Memrise admins again to see what can be done about this. Apparently, at least the last time I was told, they were not able to change ownership, which sounds completely absurd to me. After a lifetime working in IT and with databases I’m absolutely astounded that such a simple thing is undoable!

Hi @BeaTrisy - could you please look at my post I just made over in another Forum area, which is about this course? I could not post the same thing twice.

[Feature Request] for increased powers for Course Contributors who are now responsible for courses

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Note to all users, the Forum title has now been changed to match the course, thanks to some help from a Memrise Leader. I have also changed the forum address in the course description.

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Hey, @neal.p.carey (and others), long time no see. How are you?

Just dropping by to tell you that I’ve put together a little utility that is able to scrape this course in its entirety - levels with all the words (Greek + English with alts, audio links, part of speech, gender and context columns). I remember you complained about there not being an official way to download the whole course in the past; would you be interested in this now?

Absolutely! I am very interested in this utility.

What kind of output would you like to see? Just a CSV file? Also, are you on Windows?

CSV would be ok. What else are you able to do? No, I am on a Mac, but I do have access to a Windows machine . I will be away from my computer for about a week beginning today.

What else are you able to do?

Whatever you want to do with it :wink:

Right now it should work on most Windows machines without any dependencies, but for Mac you’d have to install a runtime component from Microsoft.

OK, I’ll be ready to try it/test it out in about a week. Thanks!

Neal, I’ve just run into the word μείνω, which is translated as to stay (future - μέλλοντας). I’m now over 2000 words into the course, but this is the first word of its kind I’ve seen. Why isn’t the basic, present simple form (μένω) taught instead?

EDIT: It appears μένω is in the course, too, and twice at that :slight_smile:

EDIT2: I believe διαλέγω and επιλέγω should be cross-alted.

Hi Nphx, would you be able to scrape this course for me? No worries if not but I’d appreciate it if you were able to and to send to me (or send me the details of the utility). Thank you! https://www.memrise.com/course/1179799/spdls-miscellany-orphans/

Sent you a message.

I only find μένω once as a primary word, Level 56. μείνω (future tense) is found in Level 87. μένω does appear in many context sentences.

I really have no explanation for why μείνω is one of the few (I’ll bet there are others) verbs presented in another tense. I suppose the original compiler of the course had it and we have thus far seen no reason to change or remove it. See the context phrase and it may help explain why this form matters. Πρέπει να μείνετε!

OK, will do. FWIW the English equivalents had a fair amount of overlap :wink:

Level 90 on the PC shows ηχογράφω, even though the verb is ηχογραφώ. When you type in the correct form it isn’t recognized as the correct one.

Thanks, fixed.

Hi Neal/nphx. There are two entries for ‘rough’ - τραχύς [level 190, I think] and αδρός [Level 40 or 39]. Also two entries for ‘smooth’ - ομαλός [L.187 or thereabouts] and λείος [L6 or 7]. I think the Memrise jargon for this is ‘cross-alt’d’, if I’m right. Anyway, you enter one of the Greek words but the correct answer is sometimes the other (Greek word). Thanks, Daithi.