Hi, this is my first message, so hopefully it’s in the right forum. I’m enrolled in a course called “The 450 Most Common French Verbs”. One of the few workds that keeps getting on my nerve is that I think the author is using the same question for different answers. In other words, “to return” is used for both “rendre” and “retourner” and I never know which I’m supposed to answer. Once I DO get it wrong though, the additional meanings do show up under the “English” and also it also tells you its attributes, like if it’s a verb, etc. If there was a way to get the additional info to actually show up during the question, not simply the verb, it would help immensely in other problematic word pairs, such as “savoir” vs “connaître” both of which can be interpreted as “to know.” I dropped the course because these things were getting on my nerve but then I thought I’ll bring it up here and if no solution, I’ll just take another course.
Firstly, try a search on this forum for the course creator’s name and invite them to this thread by using @before their name if they are forum users.
If the course creator isn’t active on Memrise anymore you can ask to be made a contributor to the course to make necessary edits yourself. Use @ Lien to get the attention of Memrise staff.
Otherwise, the ignore function is very useful to make courses run smoother. It took me a long while to actually use the ignore function, but when I did - bliss!
Oh, I co-maintain that course. Had no idea that was the one you meant, though! Always a good idea to include a course’s URL in any new post about a specific course. I’ll take a look…
Okay, I changed the English for “retourner” to “to return, to come back”, so at least when you see it in the Intermediate French course you’ll know which word it wants. “rendre” doesn’t seem to be in this course at all.
Oh, just noticed another thing. Could you maybe remove one of the audio files for „plonger", the one that sounds like it was recorded with through a tin can. Since there is one good pronunciation of the word that other weird one isn’t needed I think.
Not sure about this one but maybe there is another problem with „appeler" and “nommer” which I think both are just “to call" and therefore can be confused in the reviews.