[Course Forum] 450 most common French verbs by jonesqd

Alright! So I fixed enlever so that you can distinguish the difference between that and retirer and I also added my own pronunciation for “remplir” and removed the other pronunciation so hopefully that should be helpful. I think that should be all! :slight_smile:


Thanks for fixing enlever and all the other fixes. It has made things so much clearer

Just another small issue
Difference between
to squeeze, to press - presser
to press - appuyer

I often try presser for ‘to press’


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You’re quite welcome. Also alright I demarcated which one is which within the definitions so that they won’t get mixed up again.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

Thanks. I leave it up to you to choose. Just as an aside I quite like the use of (not …etc.) to exclude other possible verb/s. I am learning synonyms as well as the verbs.