[Course Forum] 4000 German words sorted by frequency by knwlss

I don’t see a thread for this course which is weird because it is pretty popular. This is a fantastic course by the way… however…

‘‘eingehen’’ - ‘‘to deal with, give attention’’ is wrong I’m pretty sure. Figuratively it could mean ‘‘to sink in’’ which I suppose is the closest thing to this definition. But mostly from what I know means ‘‘to shrink’’, like a t-shirt or something.

or with an additional prep auf it would be better. auf etwas eingehen. or something of that effect.

@Knwlss image

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Do you know if he is active? Could a email be sent?


If he isnt then the Admins could make you a course contributor so you can edit mistakes (they have done it before @Geil)

Wrong audio for die Hälfte. Sounds like Hüfte.

it means “to go in” as in “to enter (a building, scene, etc.)”. This usage is rare however. More often you would say. “er geht hinein” (verb: “hineingehen”) or “er geht rein” (“reingehen”). But there are some idioms like “ein- und ausgehen” (~visit frequently) or “in die Geschichte eingehen” (~to write history) that use “eingehen”.

Figurative usage is far more often: “auf jemanden eingehen” (~to deal with someone’s feelings ~to be empathic ~to relate to someone). “die Pflanze geht ein” (~the plant dies/cripples/shrinks), “auf eine Frage eingehen” (~adress a question)

BUT: I wouldn’t say “das T-Shirt geht beim Waschen ein”. That’s maybe a regional (maybe southern?) variant - I’ve never heard anyone saying that. I’d prefer “das T-Shirt läuft beim Waschen ein” (verb: “einlaufen” ~ to shrink: lit: run in).

geht bei heßem Wasser ein. Is a pretty common thing to see, and I don’t think that is Austria or Bavaria only thing…

But that is my point. The verb needs an additional prep ‘‘auf’’ to for it to be closer to the meaning to deal with something. It would be off in it’s usage otherwise.

Yep, checked the DUDEN. https://www.duden.de/rechtschreibung/eingehen It confirms that “eingehen” can be used in the context of shrinking textiles when washed inappropriately. The Duden says nothing about regional use, indeed. “Eingehen” is also all over the internet in this context. So perhaps I’m wrong. Or I’m sitting in a regional bubble (west/northwest Germany) where you’d virtually always use “einlaufen” in this context.

But you are right that “eingehen” often uses a preposition or at least a direct object like in “einen Vertrag eingehen” (~sign a contract).

PS: Austria+Bavaria is just a fraction of the German speaking southern areas.

Yeah, don’t forget my part of the world, Baden-Württemberg, the powerhouse of the German economy!

In this area, I have also often heard things like “das T-shirt ging beim Waschen
ein”. “einlaufen” makes me think of an “Einlauf” :smiley:

You are right, people use it like that in Baden-Württemberg as well.

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an extremely large fraction, but sure, no point splitting hairs. That’s usually what comes to mind when anybody talks about southern German, to me. I’m not very familiar with south west Germany.

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Sure, I’ll let you know when I have any news.

Hi. I’m glad this course is still popular, but no longer interested in maintaining it. I’d be happy to assign new contributors who are willing to take over and update the course.


@knwlss, thanks for taking the time to reply to my email and this forum thread. I’ll make sure your course is taken good care of.

@Geil, I reckon you would be an excellent contributor to this course :smile: What do you think?


Sure, I would love to help maintain it. But honestly, there is not much to maintain other than adding some more audio and fixing one or two translations. Great course. Well done @knwlss



Couple more translations I would like to fix.

bedingen - to cause: is too basic of a translation. Bedingen needs to also reflect ‘’ to necessitate’’ Which is much more common for it anyway.

überlassen - to leave: again too basic. Much better if this was ‘‘to relinquish’’.

Audio for Phänomen sound off in the last part of the word.


Hi @Geil,
I hope you don’t mind being added as a contributor.
You should now be able to access the course’s ‘Edit’ button.
Best wishes,

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Hi, @Geil. What’s your ultimate goal about editing this course?
It’s getting hard to revise some words because you are moving them from one level to another.
What levels are you going to freeze as they are?
What levels are you are going to split and move their words to alphabet levels?
Thanks in advance if you see this comment.

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I’m going to leave the original 4000 words intact for highest freq. All other words will be moved to alphabetized states for sake of making this course a ‘‘all German word’’ course. There are a handful of highfrequency courses making a top 4000 course rather redundant. It will be a process, but it will be a pay off.

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minor typo on level 174 - der Blitz has “1) lighting 2) flash (photo)”

should be “lightNing”

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Good catch.
Schon abgearbeitet.

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