[Course Forum] + 2000 Indonesian Words by thebiglearner/SNikola

This is the course forum for + 2000 Indonesian Words course.

The old Is it possible to add sound? thread is archived by the Internet Archive.

Hi @SNikola , sorry to bug you again. I’m worried the current open comments will disappear in a couple of weeks. Would it be possible to close-out all the open issues in the old forum before July 1? There are about twenty or so from me and others.

I’ll try, and I’ll also try to archive the forum somehow.

“formulir” = “form”. Form could mean the shape of something and many other meanings. I think the definition should be “paper form”. Also you have another word for “form” “wujud” which maybe should be corrected at the same time.

“rugi” - definition is “deficit / loss”. I don’t see any deficit meaning in the word. Think it should be “loss / damage”.

actually… maybe I should do this as a single post instead of emulating the old forum and having a post for every word.

“arahan” - definition is briefing. I’m not 100% sure of the definition “directive” maybe, but not briefing?
“odol” and “pasta gigi” should be alternates of each other.
“untung” - defintion is profit, which is correct-ish but it is also commonly used for luck/fortune.
“salah sambung” - “wrong number” -> “wrong phone number” ?
“jangka waktu” - “time measure” -> “time period” ?
“iuran” -> “collection / premium” -> “dues / levy” ?

that course has so many mistakes, that @snikola should be credited all rights and author status

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He should - I’m sure he’s tired of my messages :slight_smile:

“asrama” - barracks. This definition is too military. I think “a dormitory” .
“sampanye” - “chamapgne” spelt wrong.
“dingin” - definition is currently “cold; winter”. Should only be “cold”. Winter is “musim dingin” (season cold)
“tingkatan” - what’s the difference between “tingkat” and “tingkatan”. Both mean level?
“pesisir” - “coastline” -> “coast”
“kutub” - definition is “pole” which is very misleading because I think this is ‘poles of the earth’, like north and south pole.
“keliling” - definition is “surround” which isn’t right. “to go around”
“penerjunan” definition is “drop”. I feel this is misleading. It’s more a person diving or jumping down and not dropping an object.
“pokok” - “main” is misleading since it implies “major” which would be wrong. “main/central theme”
“meninggalkan” - definition “to leave, to keep, to put”. I can’t find support for the last two at all. Should be “to leave behind”
“gigi” - “gear / teeth” --> “teeth / cog”
“mohon” - “please” is way too simple. “to request politely”
“dada” - definition “breast / white meat” is wrong. “chest (body part)” is right. white meat?
“kecurian” - general comment - not sure why this course doesn’t teach base words like “curi” “to steal” first.
“perihal” - think I already commented on this but “matter” isn’t a good definition. Should be “event, incident” or similar.
“paha” - I can’t find any evidence to support “dark meat” in the definition. Just “thigh” I think.

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(btw, as I said in one of my mems, asrama comes straight from SAnskrit, and has in Indo still the meaning of “refuge, school, asylum”. )

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“tegangkan” - “to tighten, arm a weapon”. Not convinced this is an actual word. “menegangkan” perhaps?
“mata angin” - Most people, including me, don’t know what a “cardinal point” is. “compass point”
“cicilan” - definition is “mortgage”. But this is the “mortgage payment”, “installment payment”. Didn’t I log this before?
“kilat” - “express (domestic)”. Think I logged this before too. Kilat means “lightning”.
“untung” - “profit” is correct-ish, but refers more to “luck”. “luck, profit” ?
“terdiri” - “to be consisted” is incorrect english. “consists of”

“suku” - definition “rate of change” should be changed to “tribe, people, rate (of interest)” perhaps
"kebiasaan" - “custom”. Misleading definition. I thought it was like custom in customized development, but it should be more like "habit, traditional customs’
“siaga” - “alert”. I thought it meant alert as in alarm, but it should be more like “staying alert, vigilant”
“iuran” -> “dues / fees”
“dinas” -> “(government) service”

And just recording some of my unresolved comments from the old forum here so they don’t get wiped:

“perihal” - definition is “matter” which could refer to “substance”, but actually is talking about an incident or event
"antar" - definition is “to deliver” which sounds like a postman, but I think this word is related to delivering people. I think “to accompany, guide” is better.
“tagihan” - definition is “bill”. Has a few meanings including duck’s beak. think “invoice, bill” is clearer
"lewat" - definition is “past” which is very broad. I think: “past (when telling the time),to go past”
“angsuran” - definition is payment. I think this is a specific type of payment “installment payment”.

Unresolved comments from other people:
@Frans_Engstrom4b wants some alternatives to “attack” since there are so many of them “serang”, “menyerbu”, “meyerang”, “terpa”
@Miro_Bell49 wants “ingin” and “mau” as alternatives to each other.
@Terry_McAssi wants you to switch the audio mode on in the course settings, although I believe it already is.

Changed English for “formulir” to “paper form” and for “wujud” to “form, shape”.

KBBI gives examples related to monetary loss, and I don’t see an example of physical damage, so I’d rather leave it as it is.

Partial reply, I couldn’t look some in detail:

  • Changed Indonesian for “barracks” to “barak”, since there was another entry for “dorm”.
  • Even if today is less used, “sampanye” is the correct spelling of the Indonesian pronunciation, as KBBI confirms.
  • Changed English for “dingin” to just “cold”.
  • Changed English for “kutub” to “pole (north/south)”, since it could refer to Earth’s or magnetic pole.
  • Changed English for “keliling” to “surrounding”, but it doesn’t mean “to go around”, that’s “berkeliling”.
  • Changed English for “penerjunan” to “jumping down”; although it could refer to dropping an object too, this is more common.
  • “Dada” means “breast”, not “chest” (KBBI: “bagian tubuh sebelah depan di antara perut dan leher” = “the part of the body at the front side between the stomach and the neck”, while “chest” is the entire body part), and of course white meat is chicken breast.
  • Similarly, dark meat is chicken thigh.

what is KBBI? i mean which kamus bahasa is this one?

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, http://kbbi.web.id/

thanks. I forgot about that one, it is so very slow (at least for me, needs ages to open)

“curam” - “sheer”. Sheer also means see-through, or cutting hair in english. Someone has created a Mem to indicate “sheer clothing”. “steep, sheer” would be better.
“kopling” - “clutch” also means to hold something tightly. “vehicle clutch”
“salah sambung” - “wrong number” -> “wrong phone number”

Changed all.