Course Creator's Wish List

I’ve just had a “pop-up” advert about the MemRise 1-hour learning experiment on my home page, so that’s one way it could be announced.

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15) An easy way to search all levels so I don’t need to manually open every level and search it to find what I’m looking for. Really a big pain once there’s a lot of levels.

16) A “Show all/Hide all” button to open/close all levels. Even just this would help with 15) because you could open all levels and do an F search. Still a pain but a lot easier than it is now.


Hi @A_User re

15) An easy way to search all levels so I don’t need to manually open every level and search it to find what I’m looking for.

I presume you know you can search the whole database easily - although it will find the entry you are looking for, it does not tell you which level it is in (unless you have set up a level indicator or unique level description in say an attribute column).

Searching the whole database in one go is very helpful if you have several entries that have similarities, as it will show all of them.

Ask if you need clarification.

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Actually I hadn’t found that yet, thank you! It doesn’t seem to be the most useful search, though… For instance, I searched my Slow Finnish course for “I am fine, thank you” and got a variety of more or less related things, including some that are very much less, like “Finland is in Europe”. I’m not sure how that’s supposed to have anything to do with what I searched for. That wouldn’t be much of a problem, if the exact matches were at the top, but they aren’t. Nor is it sorted by level. It appears to be entirely random. So if something has a lot of results come up you still need to wade through them all to find the ones you’re looking for. So that’s hardly an ideal solution even if they do add the level.

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Hi @A_User,

Actually I hadn’t found that yet, thank you!

See PM just sent.

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My first thought too (sadly) - I still remember the excitement and hope when the old feedback forum started, lots of great ideas from users, mostly unacknowledged or ignored by Memrise.

But … here goes :sunflower:

This has long been asked for, both the ability to change the order of the columns and also to change their status between testable column/attribute. @DW7 Attribute columns can’t be made to appear after tests at all as far as I’m aware. A 3rd testable column can be. I didn’t know about the ‘flash after a test’ feature (very useful with the pronunciation since I don’t have audio on my courses) but my pronunciations have all been added as an attribute column. I’ve spend a lot of time manually duplicating them in a testable column to be able to use that feature.

That would be great, often I want to add a related item near to an existing one but finding a word in a course is not easy. The ability to do a database search for items not in a level - picks up all those mistake entries or ones that need to be used somewhere!

And a few other suggestions …

16) An undo bulk add button.

17) Numbered items in a level. A database search could then give a ‘level X/number Y’ for an item.

18) A move to ‘level X/number Y’ feature available on the edit levels page (and database as mentioned above ).

19) Some hint to whether alternatives have been added, preferably showing how many per item.

That’ll do for now but there are more… :smile_cat:


20) When bulk adding words - all information in the columns of the bulk add should be added to the course.

Currently if a creator has selected to use a wiki and there is a match for the the first two columns of a bulk add it uses the wiki entry, overwriting the bulk add entry - not so great if you’ve gone to the trouble of adding attributes etc. and the wiki hasn’t!


Quite right I remember thinking this a long time ago @leggi

21) ability to change . . . .column … status between testable column/ attribute.


Attribute columns can’t be made to appear after tests at all as far as I’m aware. A 3rd testable column can be. I didn’t know about the ‘flash after a test’ feature (very useful with the pronunciation since I don’t have audio on my courses)

I knew it could be done somehow but had forgotten, although I did mean the “flash top right after testing” which might be the attribute column - but I can’t remember for sure.

I’ve spend a lot of time manually duplicating them in a testable column to be able to use that feature.

22) It would be nice to be able to duplicate columns automatically to make this easier.

  1. An undo bulk add button.

Have you tried “Control + Z” - that has helped me with things. (The only other way is to laboriously deleted them from the database.)

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How do you all cope with bulk add if one of the columns has a photo/ picture?

23) I don’t think one can bulk add with pictures, so does it all go wrong?

A simple solution would be nice.

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@DW7 I haven’t tried "Control + Z’’ I’ve had a couple of bulk adds go wrong in the past, so now I do all my bulk uploads on a test course first :sunglasses: but if I will try the “Control + Z”.

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@leggi - I haven’t tried "Control + Z’’

It certainly has helped me out of problems when I have inadvertently deleted an entry in a data field which I wanted to modify but it was highlighted and I’ve deleted everything.

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24) It would be great if when we went to edit a data field it showed as it displayed, ie all the text, rather than as a small slot window which only showed a few words. This makes it slow and hard to find say one word to edit and even harder if part of a larger phrase has to be changed. (It’s almost as if it’s only been set up for single words as in a language course rather than a long phrase or description.)

There are ways round this (eg copy and paste to a text or word file) but that is laborious.


25) It would be great to be able to control the display size of the text in both columns.

I have some courses where a phrase is used and when presented with the text when learning, it almost fills my screen.

Then in tests when offered 6 or 8 alternatives, one has to scroll down a lot to read them all - even if one knows the first bit of each answer it’s hard to find the right answer in the time.

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26) This is @nukemarine’s suggestion


On the MemRise learning area, it says this about Contributors:

Adding a contributor grants them full edit access on this course (except only the creator may delete the course). Contributors can also add/remove other contributors.

As many of us have pointed out this is not the situation.

27) It would be good if Contributors could rename columns

28) It would be good if Contributors could turn off typing and tapping

29) It would be good if Contributors could delete superfluous columns

30) It would be good if Contributors could add additional columns

Perhaps @lien could ask the MemRise team to investigate if they could increase Contributor’s rights and privileges in line with their statement.


Tapping only works with three or more words in a definition. There are occasions when one would like to turn off Typing but allow taping for two (ie a pair) of words.

31) It would be nice if tapping was allowed on TWO or more words or we were given the option to lower the number from three to two words.


32) It would be good if courses now listed as by “deleted” could be re-assigned to the active Contributor who has in fact become the Custodian or Curator (my words) of the course.

Unfortunately courses listed by “deleted” could put people off trying them as they think they will not get any support.


33) It would be nice if there were a way for non-contributors to see a list of all contributors to a course, not just the Creator (or Custodian or Curator if 32) were implemented).


Hi @A_User Re “33”, On all the courses I support I acknowledge my involvement (in the course description) together with a date of the last update.

On larger courses like the Easy Academy ones, I have listed all the contributors so users can PM one of us or use the [Course Forum] for that subject, which I’ve set up.


@DW7 Yeah, that’s one way to do it. But it would be really nice if it were automatic, not all courses are going to have that by a long way.

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