COURSE BANNERS | What's with the purple and blue banners in the website version?

Anyone know what the purple banner vs blue banner means? Did they change their looks or is it an indication of sorts related to specific courses?

very strong colours, not very inviting, rather the opposite… they working on making the site like the app, what a pity…

I agree @Hydroptere. It’s a terrible change. The Memrise flower garden from the old login page seems to have suffered a cataclysmic nuclear attack and has been turned into a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Whose bright idea was that? :unamused:


Not mine, that’s for sure, hihi

thanks for finding the proper words, Alan: it is probably about space/universe/starships, (however this colour has some negative medical connotations), to me too looks like a post-apocalyptic landscape indeed :weary:

(how to get a taxing webscape: to dark purplemauve add piercing green)

Quoting from that post:

Please note, there will be further design improvements in the near future, but no major engineering works are planned for the website.

It’s good to hear confirmation that Memrise’s priority continues to be the app, and further gamification, as Ben alluded to in one of his posts a few month’s ago, and Cos responded to in his thread (that shall not be named.)

On a positive note, it’s good that they chose the color purple, as that is the official color of Alzheimer’s awareness, so in a way it’s fitting that a memory game should adopt colors that remind us all of the millions of patients stricken by that terrible disease that robs people of their memories, and their lives, in such a devastating manner.

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Although initially I thought the purple was for learning and the blue was for everything else, but no, it looks like a major change. I agree it is a sad departure.

Was it announced? (PS thanks for the info @mizinamo, but only if one goes looking.)

The worst loss is the multi-coloured hexagonal logo which has been replaced (and looks like the forum format) with white “m” in a purple circle on my tabs. I rather liked knowing where I was (learning or commenting).

PPS So sorry to read that the garden landscape that we loved has gone. Will the completed levels still show flowers or a lunar lander perhaps?

Extra I’ve always clicked on the hexagon when I wanted to get to my home page. It appears that not even the “m” is there and I had to click on the word “memrise”.


i beg your pardon??? (please mark irony/sarcasm as such…) I’ve been working since 6.00 in the morning, my eyes are really tired, I fortunately got native audio for my Malay course, but the colour schema is scary, and for my eyes a small disaster.

(the Memrise D4 "A dark, semi-minimal theme for " from is a bit glitchy, but…)

There is nothing ironic or sarcastic in my post.

Alzheimer’s disease is a deadly serious problem, and those who are afflicted with it, and also their loved ones, deserve our support and concern, even if the diseases has not yet touched our lives personally.

If Memrise’s new color scheme serves to keep them in our thoughts, and better yet, to motivate us to volunteer to help, or donate to our local Alzheimer’s support group, then that is a good thing.


sorry, but yours is sheer authoritarian nonsense… Some really think they’re entitled to decide what all others have to think, feel, do? I don’t know how old are you, but I can assure you that with age we all get our own fair share of problems and pains, and that life is deadly (i.e. ends in death)

Memrise supposed to be about learning, not about sensibilization towards Alzheimer.

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Been here since the beta and the aesthetic has changed far far far more times than the learning platform, or at least it seems that way! There are a lot of features we’d like to see added and I don’t remember anyone ever saying “I’d like it to be prettier” or “i’d like a space motif instead of a garden”.

On the other hand in the beta the layout of the main site was very labyrinth like, not because there were too many options but because they were counter-intuitively laid out and there were a lot of dead ends and “you can’t get there from here” moments. So all of this playing with the GUI has actually had a positive impact, over all.

I get that the look and feel of a product is super important. I’m sure they know what they are doing.