In an effort to unify the look and feel of the Memrise apps and websites, we’ve launched a Starship Memterprise Spring design update! From today you’ll see:
Updated version of the Memrise logo (the Hexagon has been officially retired)
Header and footer of all pages changed from blue to purple
Space theme applied to the homepage
Updated logo and color scheme here, in the Community area of Memterprise
Please note, there will be further design improvements in the near future, but no major engineering works are planned for the website.
I thought the hexagon was really elegant.Oh well! Nothing matters, even a little bit, except the learning.
While you are at it could you make it easier to search for courses in the app? I had to add a number to the description of my course and tell my students to search for that number. I don’t know if that idea would occur to everyone, not that I am a genius… just that it was a genius idea… anyway there aren’t many possibilities for what to name an IELTS vocabulary course so every possible term was showing up far too many courses to scroll through.
I ADORE your space rabbit icon. I used to draw space rabbits all the time. I didn’t even know you could have icons on this forum.