Bring back the course forums

@JeffHammerbacher doesn’t seem to be active here.

the old forums were good because you didn’t have to make a log-in to ask/answer a question, but this forum isn’t hard to make a login and I prefer the layout

Yep. I also miss the old forums. It was a great way to communicate with my students in the courses that I create

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These new forums are awful. Sometimes you look at a change and think… how the heck did this seem like a good idea? I haven’t found a single forum to go with the courses that I liked to study.

I agree this can happen, but to be fair, in the past just because there was a Forum, didn’t mean the Creator was active and was still supporting the course.

But it did mean that if a Contributor was supporting the course s/he was also notified.

We now need to hunt for the Creator and then ask the MemRise team to contact them (if they are not present), with a view to us supporting the course - if that is what we want to do.

As a Contributor to many courses, I am adding my ‘name’ to the long description so people know they can contact me via a Forum or a PM (and there is a quick link on my profile [on the learning pages] should people not know their way around here.)

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I normally found that the creators of the course rarely looked at the old forums :disappointed:

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There is certainly more of a community feel about this area, but if I remember correctly, there were two ‘community’ areas under the old system, it’s just that Course Forums were automatically set up with all new courses - which was great at the initial stage while the Creator was active and keen to improve the course.

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Usually it was a contributer that replied. The actual creator had moved onto other things… sometimes you would get replies from other students studying the course too. Aside from submitting error reports it was nice to just talk to other people who were doing the course also. Anyway. History now.

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I need help. I created a course, with 850 words, and probably did some mistakes… I wanted to check my forum, if any user complain about something I could fix. But I don’t find. Do they just disappear ? Did I have to create a forum no-one will visit ?

And I found a mistake in a course, So how can I report it ? Before, it was reaaaaaaaally easy… Just a single button. This disappear too ?

I’m using Memrise from a year and I feel the app getting worse and worse…

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I need help. . . . . Did I have to create a forum . . . ?

If you have a read around, you will see this has been discussed and you will see the suggested solution that most of us are following, namely to create a “[Course Forum] ‘Subject title’ by Jacen_Likes” (under the appropriate subject heading) and then put that link onto your course description pages so people will find it.

Ask if you want to be shown links to this information.

I would like the old system back too, if it were ever possible. This is incredibly cumbersome, and people who do bother to copy and paste the url and then figure out how to re-log on here find it very confusing. So far I’ve spent more time trying to explain that I don’t own memrise and the money from the pro doesn’t go to me and that i can’t change things on courses that aren’t mine than I have actually fixing typos… that never used to happen!

there were a lot of abandoned courses, and it used to be easy to tell they were abandoned because you could see the messages in the forum weren’t being replied to.


When I heard the course forums would disappear, I didn’t care too much. I thought it wouldn’t be a big deal, and I also thought it would prevent me from wasting time on useless interactions instead of using time to study. However the current system makes it very difficult to get in touch with fellow students. If you make a thread for the course, it disappears too easily in the sea of existing threads. If you meet somebody in the existing threads, you can’t trace them back to the courses. There is certainly value in threads of a higher level than an individual course, and even in pupils jumping to threads from other courses to help each other out. But other possible relations are gone.

yes, there were loads ::confused:

If you haven’t read our discussions about the loss of the course forums (and our wishes) the links given above might prove interesting: Bring back the course forums

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@DW7 They don’t care. I’m thinking of developing my own system. I know I could make it better than this one is.

Memrise is purple now though, so that’s something.

how do you do that? I am not a programmer, so the best I could produce myself are sort of flashcard+screensavers where images are some of the mems I use to find in “good old days” on memrise + my own mems, but i don’t have any clue - yet - how to make it more interactive…

@RabbitWho Memrise is purple now . . .

There’s a thread about that. COURSE BANNERS | What’s with the purple and blue banners in the website version?

(Thanks for adding a nice logical icon to your posts.)

@moonglum101, I’m thinking of developing my own system.

Perhaps you could add to this thread: Memrise is dead. Let’s get together and build an alternative which I don’t think you have visited.