Memrise is making things a bit too easy… this started recently, sometimes the correct response is only there twice, sometimes its the only solution (and it’s always the correct response that’s repeated)
General issue, not limited to a specific course.
This has been a Decks bug for months now, not fixed.
I actually feel it’s getting worse. but maybe I just notice it more…
It started with new words that were added to the Decks database maybe two month’s ago or so. Any words added before a certain time are scrambled with more suggestions.
I think this is an easy bug to fix, somehow the randomness function is looking at data records that are either/or based on some values stored for each entry such as version number or data time stamp. Should take minutes to fix. Up to Memrise and their engineering team…
Two other treads report the same:
When learning same answer shows for all option
All answers are correct answer
@MemriseSupport - FYI. You’re already working on those two, I believe. As it was introduced with a change, can’t we roll back that change? Or review that change, because the issue can only be a piece that was changed.
Yes, please fix it. This bug is reported in multiple sub-forums now, over and over… If nothing else, make a new course, use the web site, test the word out from a set of let’s say 12 words in the course and have debug output of your algorithm pointing out the criteria why the alternate words were selected. We can’t debug this from the outside.
I would recommend refining the algorithm so that if two or more of the same words are in the set of words, ignore the duplicate and get new ones.