Closed - Hello Memrisers! Meet & Greet, Introduce yourself!

Hello everyone, I’m new to Memrise so I decided to introduce myself and you can do the same! :blush:

My name is @KOTLC_Faith, I started doing Memrise maybe a few days ago so I’m still pretty new to it. I’m learning Latin for school because it’s the
root of most languages. I practice Spanish and French on Duolingo! But I’m
so happy to be learning with the all of you! Feel free to tell something about yourselves! :blush:

(Sorry if this was kind of short)


10 posts were merged into an existing topic: Hello! Let’s introduce ourselves :slight_smile:

Hi @KOTLC_Faith & @KarmenKern, I’ve moved our posts - they are in date order.

Your first one has also been moved but a copy is left here for a week.

As I said, you could delete any posts that you feel are unnecessary or duplicated.
I will do the same.

Enjoy your learning (and chatting on the Forum).