Changing the memrise font?

Hi there,

I’ve recently had my computer repaired and had to switch back to Windows 7 from Windows 10.

I’ve noticed that the fonts on Memrise are different to what they used to be (which I’m guessing is due to different version of Windows) and wondered if there was a way to change it without messing about with loads of scripts seeing as I’m pretty inept on that part.

I use chrome so if there’s any extensions that work, please let me know.

I can read it fine I just don’t like it and in other questions it sometimes takes me a little longer to read everything due to it being so handwritten-esque.


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That is some kind of system setting. You might want to change it in your browser. I use memrise on windows and linux, and letters ち and さ look absolutely different. If you find out what is the difference between the fonts used on these machines, you might be able to use the same font. (You might want to try the VL PGothic font.)

@hallgat, that is not entirely true

@StopSlacking: memrise uses an italics font (by default) for both mandarin and japanese: You could try

or other stuff from

i personally set my own courses on “never italicize” and I’m using an userscript for chinese which “affects” japanese as well

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That’s worked great thanks!

I looked at similar threads and saw Stylish was recommended but I couldn’t find it myself


glad I could help!

Looks like Memrise made another update to make things worse. The usercript ( is not working any more.

The update seems to have broken my font setup as well.
I was using this (部分強制メイリオちゃん/kmjcmncjhdnaealenhoohllicfkdojpb) chrome extension to adjust fonts but it has stopped working on Memrise.

two adapted (by myself, but i am not an IT) variations work somehow in my firefox.

Try replacing the script with :

^1. {

.val, .things, .qquestion, table.pool-things tr.thing, table.level-things tr.thing, body.level-view .things, .layout.level-view .things, .thing-show .row .row-value, .question-row .extra-info, .garden-box .typing-wrapper .typing-type-here, .mem .mem-middle, .forum-thread .detail p, .forum-thread ul.comments > li .comment-body p, .mem-text p {

font-family: “Times”,Times,Arial, Maboroshi no Nijimi Mincho, “SimSun”,Sans-Serif !important;


.qquestion {
font-size: 250% !important;

.body.level-view .thing .col_a, .layout.level-view .thing .col_a, .row .row-value {
font-size: 300 !important;
line-height: 200% !important;

************ to get this


  1. /* Clear background image */ {

/* Use Japanese fonts. Sorry Chinese learners. */
.val, .things, .qquestion, table.pool-things tr.thing, table.level-things tr.thing, body.level-view .things, .layout.level-view .things, .thing-show .row .row-value, .question-row .extra-info, .garden-box .typing-wrapper .typing-type-here, .mem .mem-middle, .forum-thread .detail p, .forum-thread ul.comments > li .comment-body p, .mem-text p {

font-family: “Helvetica Neue”,Helvetica,Arial, Maboroshi no Nijimi Mincho, “SimSun”,Sans-Serif !important;


/* Make the questions really big */
.qquestion {
font-size: 300% !important;
line-height: 100% !important;

/* Make some things non-bold */
body.level-view .thing .col_a, .layout.level-view .thing .col_a, .row .row-value {
font-weight: normal !important;

to get this:

hope it works

That appears to be a third-party website. These kinds of websites provide feature enhancements around an existing platform - existing platforms are not designed such that they comply with these third-party websites. That would be impossible to maintain and outside of the scope of Memrise. Perhaps you could contact an administrator over there for support?

this variation (applies to both Mandarin and Japanese) gives me a smoother page:

val, .things, .qquestion {
font-family: “Times New Roman”, Times,“SimSun”,Sans-Serif !important;


table.pool-things tr.thing, table.level-things tr.thing {
font-family: “Helvetica Neue”,Helvetica,Arial,“SimSun”,Sans-Serif !important;

body.level-view .things, .layout.level-view .things {
font-family: “Helvetica Neue”,Helvetica,Arial,“SimSun”,Sans-Serif !important;

body.level-view .thing .col_a, .layout.level-view .thing .col_a {
font-weight: normal !important;

.thing-show .row .row-value {
font-family: “Times New Roman”, Times,“SimSun”,Sans-Serif !important;

.question-row .extra-info {
font-family: “Helvetica Neue”,Helvetica,Arial,“SimSun”,Sans-Serif !important;
font-weight: 300 !important;

.garden-box .typing-wrapper .typing-type-here {
font-family: “Times New Roman”, Times,“SimSun”,Sans-Serif !important;

.mem .mem-middle {
font-family: “Times New Roman”, Times,“SimSun”,Sans-Serif !important;

.forum-thread .detail p {
font-family: “Helvetica Neue”,Helvetica,Arial,“SimSun”,Sans-Serif !important;

.forum-thread ul.comments > li .comment-body p {
font-family: “Helvetica Neue”,Helvetica,Arial,“SimSun”,Sans-Serif !important;

That looks the same as what is currently live on the website to me. May I suggest a Gothic based font as opposed to Mincho? I think it will look closest to the previous fonts.

Adding the simple Stylish script:

.garden-box *:lang(ja) { font-family: Meiryo; }

changed the font back to what I had before.
Just leaving this here in case it’s useful to someone else.


I am sure those prefering the cursive are grateful to you (as to me, i don’t love meyrou too much :smiley:). Took the liberty myself to post your line in the other thread mentioning font changes

Try this to customize your Memrise fonts.