Can't use the Pro member features

Hello! I am a pro member but cannot access the videos of native speakers or the latest update which says that you can practice the language as an "agent. Thanks for the help.

OMG … we can have VIDEOS if we are pro?? - how can we do this?

Only in some courses (Portuguese, Spanish, Norwegian, German, …)

The Meet the Natives videos are only available in some offical courses.

See: The MemBus is off!

The First Contact exercises should appear in the planets screen and look like a rotating satellite icon. This is currently only in the part one of some of the offical courses.

Yes, I am using the official French course, but I still don’t see any Meet the Natives or Mission options.

Hi, it seems you’re not currently enrolled to any of the official French courses.

Here they are, arranged in order of ease:

French 1:
French 2:
French 3:
French 4:
French 5:
French 6:
French 7:

Happy Learning :smiley: