Does anyone know if there’s a problem with the database at this moment? I’ve been trying for the past hour and it isn’t working.
O/S: Windows 7
Browser: Firefox
Problem: I created a new database, and it worked OK. But when I tried to create a new column or modify an existing one, clicking on SAVE produces nil reaction.
I have just created a new database just to see if I would have the same problem but everything seems to work just fine.
Yes, I created a new database (without any wiki) in which I deleted, added, renamed columns. Then I added some items, and everything worked.
Not working for me, not even with Chrome. I’ll try tomorrow.
Not working. Clicking on Add, it just sits there. Same thing happens when I try to modify labels. No modification works.
O/S: Windows 7
Browser: Firefox, Chrome, no difference.
When: Did it yesterday, did it today.
Staff??? Is there a problem?
Maybe clearing cache of the website would help. Try Ctrl+F5 on the site you have problem with…
Hi ChiewPang,
I assume you are talking about your own created course as I know there have always been limits on what a Contributor can do.
The advice above, to log out and reboot your computer may help.
Otherwise wait a day and report it again.
@DW7 That’s interesting… first, I had the problem yesterday so I’d already done the reboot bit. As so happens, this is technically a course where I’m not a creator. “Technically”, because although I instigated its creation, I’d shown my students how to create so, one of them is the official creator. I’m listed as a contributor.
If what you say is true and that I’ve been unable to fully edit the course, a few issues come to mind. [Footnote: I’d just went on to prove your theory and yes, I’m able to edit the database of a course where I’m the listed creator but can’t do it where I’m a listed contributor].
The program should flash a warning saying something like, “sorry you can’t do that because you’re not the creator” instead of doing nothing and saying nothing because it looks like it wasn’t working.
It would be sensible to allow a contributor to be “promoted” to creator status so that full edit functions can be granted. This is especially important in teacher-student courses.
The blurb in Contributors has to be changed. Currently, it says: "Adding a contributor grants them full edit access on this course (except only the creator may delete the course). Contributors can also add/remove other contributors."
I take it literally - a contributor is allowed to do everything except delete the course but we now know that to be untrue.
Thanks for “clearing” it up @DW7. At least I know the reason instead of being left in the dark, thinking that it was a bug (which, for me, technically, it is!).
Thanks ChiewPang,
I thought it might be.
I have raised many of those points many times in different places - especially about the text about what contributors can do being wrong. One day perhaps it will be changed.
In the meantime the MemRise staff are very good in responding (actioning) a request about columns and un-ticking issues. Email [email protected]
Related, I have asked that on courses that are no longer supported they allow us to be elevated to “Curator” or “Custodian” (my terms) with full editing rights.