Cannot create levels from database

From time to time I try to generate levels from my whole database, so I can check if there are “phantom” entries in it, records that don’t show up anywhere in the course itself. Usually I just click on the button, and the levels are there within twenty seconds.

In the past few days it is not working, the process starts and then it stops before completion, usually after 20-40 levels. Now I managed to get all the way up to 7901-8000 (80 levels), but it is still not complete. (And of course you can’t start generating levels from record #8001, there is no functionality like that – even though in most cases I’d only need the past few hundred, maybe thousand entries.)

Is anyone else experiencing problems with automatic database-level conversion?

Hi @poggi

Now I managed to get all the way up to 7901-8000 (80 levels)

It seems you are you trying to have 100 items per level?
Have you tried say 50? I know the default is 15, so they may like smaller numbers.

A good and reasonable suggestion, thank you. However I have 11000+ entries in that database, there is no way I’m experimenting with 15 words/level :slight_smile: In all honesty, I’d prefer to generate with 500-750 words/level, but you can’t go over 100.

Plus I seem to recall there is a limit of 500 levels on a single course, so I’m quite sure it wouldn’t reach the end of it anyway.

I managed to get it generate to the end though last night, on what must have been the 20th try, so right now I’m content with that, I’m just wondering about the

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That’s good - I was concerned there might be a word limit.
I know sometimes certain functions do not always happen when ‘requested’.

There might actually be a limit, but if there is, it must have been introduced quite recently – it was working fine just two weeks ago.

Anyway, thanks for your concern, I’d like to know if there is some issue in the background hindering the generation process… but it seems no-one else is experiencing this trouble (at least no-one else from the huge demographic course creating, forum visiting users with monster databases.)

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It is still not working, and I’m still wondering, if
a) anyone else is experiencing this issue and
b) if anyone is doing any investigation or fixing or something about it.

It is quite annoying, and now there is essentially no way to check if there are “orphans” in my database: words that are not included on any single level.

(Not to mention that I keep experimenting with different solutions, trying to reverse the course and to see if it is possible to use it in the opposite language direction too, and this issue has put an end to that as well.)

Hi, poggi. I recently decided to do some experimenting with this, after seeing your previous post, since this would soon be a problem for me too, when I try to make my largest course so far.

The results are unfortunately not very conclusive, but I thought I’d share them anyway, just in case they can shed any light.

I made a dummy course purely for testing what happens when I try to compile levels from a very large database. I specifically wanted to investigate what happens when it would lead to more than 500 levels, to see if there is indeed a set limit.

I created a spreadsheet of 7,500 items, simply a single column of “1”, “2”, “3”, etc., and bulk uploaded them all into my database.

I first wanted to see what happened if I made large levels, so I tried compiling with 100 items per level. I waited about four minutes after confirming the compile, with no re-direct, but oddly enough, when I went to the level editor, everything seemed to be compiled.

I then deleted all newly-compiled levels, leaving only the two empty ones I had made to access the database editor. After that, I tried compiling again, this time with 15 items per level. If this were to succeed, it would compile 500 full levels, in addition to the two I started with.

Again, I waited about four minutes, with no redirect, before going to the level editor. It had compiled 132 new levels, before giving up, with the last level empty. (1,965 items total)

From here, I basically tried the same thing repeatedly, without deleting any levels and working my way up to the 500 level mark to see if it capped.

  • The second attempt yielded 70 levels, with the last level empty.
  • The third attempt yielded 42 levels, with the last level missing the last nine items.
  • The fourth attempt yielded 123 levels, with the last level empty.
  • The fifth attempt yielded 36 levels, with the last level empty.
  • The sixth attempt yielded 115 levels, with the last level empty.

My course had a total of 520 levels by now, and I tried manually creating a new level without any issues (other than it taking quite a while with so many levels). So there doesn’t seem to be a limit of 500 levels, at least.

I tried the same routine one more time after this, getting 44 new levels, with the last level empty.

Unfortunately, I can find no rhyme or reason to these results. The amount compiled seems to be very sporadic, but within a certain range. I initially suspected that the number of levels currently in the course would hinder how many it manages to compile, but the data doesn’t seem to support this theory. Although the first attempt was still the most successful…

It’s also interesting to note that aside from the third attempt, every other attempt resulted in a completely empty level at the end.

It doesn’t seem that there is a time limit to how long it can work on it before giving up either, which was another guess of mine, as it seemed to work on it anywhere between two to six minutes before giving up each time.

So yes, I’m not sure how much help that will be to anyone, but those are the results of my experiments with it. As it stands, I’m unsure on how to proceed with my future course, which I expect to total over 3,000 unique items, plus duplicated levels for different testing directions. If there aren’t any new developments on the issue by the time I’m ready to start building it, I’ll probably be coming up with some more experiments to run. I’ll share any other results I come up with.

Any insight from the staff would be very appreciated though! :slight_smile:


You are plain amazing. You know that, right?


By the way my finding are pretty much identical to yours, only I wasn’t so articulate about them :slight_smile: But in my experience after experimenting for a few days, compiling levels about 20-30-40 times (doing a lot of deleting, retrying, deleting and retrying inbetween – and being incredibly careful not to accidentally delete any real levels meanwhile) it ultimately succeeds. But it is a hassle and I don’t see any pattern in it either.

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Hi, 8000 words is way to much to have in one course.

The “create level” function breaks when you attempt to do so.

This is an error message you’ll most likely see in the console when it fails to create anymore level.

I spoke to one of the web developers and we both came to an conclusion.

We believe you should create 3 - 4 separate courses. Having 2000 - 3000 words in each course database, rather than having 8000 words in one database.

We might also have to place a cap to prevent this from happening. You have way to many words inside your course and the function just can’t handle it.

if I have multiple databases (10 for example), can I have 500 words per database or will it break the course? Is this 3000 phrases limit per course or per database?

I see no issue with having 500 - 3000 words per database in a single course, thats fine.

But having an entire database consist of 8000 + words / phrases, will most definitely break it.

Thanks for the info, this is not good news though. But it was working fine just a few weeks ago – was there a change in this? This was not in the past few months that my course became this huge.

So it you place a cap, will my course just disappear? I’m quite sure mine is not the only one. It can’t really be split up in a reasonable way, and there are actually quite strong reasons to have everything in one course – and one database too. (I can list them too, if needed). Also if there is no way to link together different courses, this seems to be a counter-productive suggestion.

If the only problem this causes is just this functionality of generating levels, wouldn’t it be a better idea just to limit the size of the part of the database which can be used at the same time? I mean: generate levels with 50 words / level from record 1700-3500? Wouldn’t that solve the problem?

I understand that just outlawing big databases would make keeping this from happening a lot easier, but I’m feeling quite protective of my baby-monster. :slight_smile:


Have you tried using multiple databases? You can add 3000 entries per database. You can have extremely big courses and you don’t have to split nor link them

Yeah, this would be a big no no. A giant no no.

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I don’t believe there has been a change in the functionality of this feature.

We aren’t thinking of placing a cap on your database, but placing a limit to the amount of words when splitting an entire database into levels. Just trying to make things less complicated.

Creating multiple database which Atikker suggested, would be a much better solution than creating several courses as I suggested.

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I have the same problem. :frowning: