Can someone help me here?

This is going to be deleted real soon by @lien, but it needs to be said. Private messages are not private. She deleted numerous posts, topics, “private” messages, etc. And she will probably delete this one before too many people see that she actually “liked” an incoherent post about my courses. [Course Forum] This is the course forum for all courses created by @jaimebrasil

And in case @lien decides to delete what she “liked”, I saved it and I will repeat what @Hydroptere posted.

And yes, she has the power to go through your “private messages” and read them all and delete whatever she wants to. I was talking to a native Brazilian speaker about adding authentic audio to my coursers, and she deleted that. Why? I was also talking to another native Brazilian speaker, @IgCostaBR, and all of those “private” messages were deleted. @IgCostaBR is actually an employee of Memrise, so @Lien really has some “power”, right?

I know I’m the bad one now i’m really getting bored by your rant jaimebrasil. You’re acting like a 5-year-old


I’m truly sorry that you feel that way @Atikker. Don’t feel bad though, sometimes it takes people with greater integrity to list the wrongs over the rights.

And @Atikker? Why would you just consider this a “rant” and be that offended by this post and not be more offended by my “private messages” about a native speaker helping me to add audio on one of my courses on Memrise being deleted?

I only know what’s going on as far as what I’ve seen on this forum, but it does feel like the air needs to be cleared and then for everyone to start afresh.

@Lien. I don’t think you’ve handled some things as well as you could have on this forum, but moderating is a learning curve.

In my opinion forum moderators/those with the ‘power’ should act as little as possible, mostly to tidy up and re-direct. Posts shouldn’t be deleted, or threads closed, without a good reason and an explanation. I’ve not used the private message function, but I’d expect it to be private unless someone’s made a complaint about messages they are receiving. It’s very easy for things to get out of hand on a forum without clear signals from the management.

@jaimebrasil I hope Lien responds with an explanation of what’s going on with your PM’s etc.
Unfortunately, repeated comments and complaints against someone on a internet forum starts to make you look like the one with issues, even if you have a valid point.

I hope you can both (apologise?) agree to forget the past and start afresh, Jaime free to use the forum without interference and Lien to be free of old complaints.

happy face



I’m thinking all your private messages were probably automatically deleted when your basic user and member badges were deleted. So that was not intentional and just a side-effect.

And you repeatedly say your posts were deleted. I see no or only very little evidence of that. Staff of course has the right to delete posts.

And yes, Memrise staff can read private messages as easily as they can read this. That doesn’t mean that they do.

@Arete_Hime quote=“Arete_Hime, post:6, topic:4295”]
I’m thinking all your private messages were probably automatically deleted when your basic user and member badges were deleted. So that was not intentional and just a side-effect.
[/quote] “All” of my “private” messages were not deleted. They were picked and chosen by which ones that “they” wanted to delete. It was intentional and there was no side effect.

[quote=“Arete_Hime, post:6, topic:4295”]
And you repeatedly say your posts were deleted. I see no or only very little evidence of that. Staff of course has the right to delete posts.
[/quote] Before I posted the two topics tonight, it said that I had posted five topics, yet all that you could see was three. That is my own fault for not doing a screen shot before I posted. And yes, staff does have the right to delete posts anytime that they see fit, but why delete posts with multiple likes that are in no way threatening?

@jaimebrasil, I hope that meanwhile you found out what the “Michaelis” is .

As for other walls of text you keep posting, the only thing that comes to my mind is

Don’t bother to reply, because I’m in the habit to fully ignore those prone to anger bouts. Sorry for this, but… I wish you happy memrising and many pleasant interactions in these fora! I mean it!

It’s Discourse’s policy to automatically hide any comments and private messages created by blocked users. This being the first case that required such action, I hadn’t noticed your private messages were hidden too. Upon request, I unhid all your public comments when lifting the block and to start with a clean slate.

At this point I’m only able to redirect you to the Community Guidelines and ask that you follow them: Start here!

Your work as a course creator is valued by other members of the community and that’s where the focus should be. Please note that to avoid further diversion from the main purpose of this space. I won’t be able to reply to any other messages in this thread.


I am INTENTIONALLY bumping up this year-old thread (from September 2016). The community forum today (September 2017) contains some serious personal attacking of Memrise staff, which I anticipate would lead to forum-use consequences that could seem harsh or unfair to any community members who (1) are not aware that there is a year-long history, or (2) perhaps are unaware that this space is driven by business rights. Absent a court order, I would not expect Memrise or any other company to pay an employee to spend any more time on this.