Bug or not ? / New Android Update / No downloadable Course

You seem to have the previous version of memrise but same version of android… so best turn off auto update :slight_smile:

:joy:, just saw a bit of irony that what works in your favour is a bug :smiley:

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I think the same… But unfortunately, that might be a real bug. I mean, if the feature doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do, it is a bug. :disappointed_relieved:

The good point is, this is exactly the kind of bugs that gets fixed as soon as reported, and quick response when it comes to fixing bugs is always nice.
The bad point is, this is exactly the kind of bugs that gets fixed as soon as reported. If this is really a bug.

Edit: And regarding what you said about “not updating to keep the feature”, this might not even be possible. Some developers will add something like “if your version doesn’t match with the last version available as soon as you get an Internet connection, then you won’t be able to use the application until you upgrade it to the last version”.

I don’t know if Memrise does the same but some of my other applications are like that. As soon as there is a new update available, I cannot use them anymore without this last update.

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Any news on this? There’s a new update waiting for me in the Play Store but I don’t want to risk it.

I agree with @Onesmy that I might be able to avoid it only for the time being, but I’ll try at least.

I updated to the last version. It’s the “planet” one, but I still seem to be able to download courses (I just downloaded one, and I’m not a Pro user). On the other hand I don’t know if this is related in any way to the fact that I already downloaded a short course a week ago because of this thread.

Anyway, it seems to be working exactly the same as previously… Well, except for the planets and the even-more-difficult-than-previously-to-check number of points needed before reaching the daily goal.

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Thank you. I haven’t seen the planets yet but from the reactions here on the forum, I’m not sure I want to. :slight_smile:

A user in another conversation provided a link to download older versions of Memrise.

Sorry, but I am not an Android user so can’t explain if you need to jailbreak or anything. It may just be another store. Certainly the About Us page makes it sound like only a simple download is required. I have on idea, but I thought it might be worth you looking at.

@jimnicholson ~ I went to that link and was prepared to give a try to one of the previous android versions, but got the blurb that downloading the app might cause damage to my phone. Not sure if that was a legitimate warning or not, but I am not going to take a chance.

As eye-popping as they are, I can live with the brightly colored rocket ship and planets, and the endless scrolling on the app, but I can’t live without a working phone (for actual voice conversation purposes), so I nixed the idea of loading a previous version of the app.

Who knows, maybe someday Memrise will revert back to one of its less eye taxing interfaces on its own and this type of option won’t be necessary (one can always hope)…

They could have just been covering themselves, but yeah as with anything, you have to way up the risks and benefits.

Avoiding Pro might be quite a out of money saved, so might be worth the risk.

But if it’s just the rocket design you want to get rid of then perhaps not worth the risk.

I really hope they will reverse this change. I cannot download anything anymore and I just told a group of my friends how great Memrise is and that everything works offline… I was relying on the offline mode quite a bit, since it works way better than duolingo’s offline mode.


I just got the blurb on my Android phone about downloading courses thru Pro. It wasn’t there until today. Since I am not a Pro member, I cannot download any courses via the Android app. How sad. :weary: Luckily I still can on the iOS app. I hope that will always be the case. I hope Memrise reverses this logic and allows free downloads again on the Android app.


my two cents: a long-term user and a course creator such as @pdao would deserve pro membership for life…


For anyone leaving because of this, Anki is still free on Android…?

If the staff read this, I’d just like to point out that this is a horribly insidious way to do something which affects only your poorest users. People with wages and steady incomes are already paying for Pro - and they’re probably the people who can afford things like unlimited mobile data, and have good, steady online access. The people who don’t are kids, students, and people on low-paid jobs. You only need offline access if you can’t afford a good mobile data plan, or you have capped internet, or if you’re in a country without widespread free wifi coverage. Sneaking it in via an update is the app equivalent of taking candy from babies, in the dark.

Memrise has only become less stable in the 14 months I’ve used it. The updates all appear to be focused on unnecessary graphical tweaks and underhand monetisation, and I’ve never been less inclined to pay for Pro. The fundamental point of premium membership is that it should offer you something extra. You should have a better experience. What you’re doing right now is trying to force the poorest of us to buy back functions we already had, which you’ve taken away, without even having the decency to make an announcement about it. This isn’t good or responsible business, and it has a direct impact on the goodwill which used to mean we spread the word about you.


Don’t feel bad. I am a Pro member and I can’t download courses with the new app version either.

I “un-downloaded” a couple of courses that I previously had offline in order to force a refresh, after the courses had been updated. When I attempted to re-download them, nothing happened. I tried force closing and restarting the app, restarting the phone, logging out and back in, clearing the app’s db/cache – nothing. The app tells me it’s downloading for a few minutes but stores nothing.

Fortunately I backed up everything up prior to updating, so I was able to restore that completely intact. But I’m still stuck unable to refresh the updated courses or download any new ones until it’s fixed.

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@Flim ~ I’m sorry to hear about your ordeal with this issue. I kinda did the same thing on my Android phone. I deleted some courses so I could add a few more later. The ones I left on were not the ones I wish I could keep forever, but I had no idea at the time about this change in downloading. Had I known, I would have downloaded all the viable ones I wanted, and just left things like that. But that’s all part of the learning curve with Memrise, I guess.

It seems to me what is lacking in this thread is the opening message posted by @sircemloud (at the top of this thread) when he mentioned that we need clarification from Memrise staff regarding this issue. Was it simply an “Ooops, our bad, we’ll fix it soon…” or was it “It was intentional, this is our new direction…” It seems all we are doing now is postulating and/or venting our frustrations among ourselves. This is not really a question users can answer, only Memrise can. I hope they chime in at some point and at least let everyone know where we stand.

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@sircemloud ~ not sure if this is an issue or not, but thought I would mention it anyway. The title of this thread has a typo in it. It should read “downloadable” not “dowloadable”. Gotta love spellchecker ! :slight_smile: Thanks.

[quote=“pdao, post:35, topic:434”]
Had I known, I would have downloaded all the viable ones I wanted, and just left things like that.[/quote]

Honestly not sure it would’ve helped. Frustratingly, I just lost a 55+ day streak due to offline bugs in the new client.

Seems the past few Android APKs versions (back to v2.9_3820) included both the old and new layouts. I noticed the switch to the new layout was time-triggered on 3823, and it turned out even my backup version (3820) was “trojan-horsed” this way: old layout when I backed up last week, new layout when I restored this week.

Since my backup had the new layout anyway, I tested the offline downloads a few more times after posting here yesterday. Eventually – after many errors, failures, “download interrupted”, hung downloads, app crashes – it seemed I’d got them to stick. I had a long commute this evening (subway, no internet) so I planned to do my Memrise courses then, as I have for the past 2-3 months. Fired up the app on the train: “This course has not been downloaded” for all courses. So that was a wasted 90 minutes. I had rebooted my phone during the day and I guess (?) this caused the app to lose track of the downloaded data. App Info still showed 250MB of Memrise data (my main course has a ton of audio) but apparently the app couldn’t see it any longer.

By the time I had another a free moment to do the courses back in connected internet-land it was after midnight and my streak was dead. :angry: (Not that goals or streaks have been resetting/recording properly or reliably for the past several weeks anyway. :unamused:)

After some testing, you have to go back to APK version 3818 to get a client without the new layout. The downloads still seem flakier than I recall (the large course randomly and silently aborted its download twice) but it seems happier offline, so this is the version I’ll be sticking with for now. There’s really no added functional value whatsoever in the layout, so I’m losing nothing by avoiding the update.

Since, as you point out, there’s still no official word on whether offline ability is now Pro-only, you could try sideloading 3818 (various APK archive sites out there) and see if you can still download courses using that.

@Flim, I know! Their server problem of not reseting daily goal is ridiculously broken. And I’ve tried my best to bring this issue up again and again on new/old forum and beta community. While their staff admitted the issue and said they are looking into it, it doesn’t seem like any progress is made. At this point I assume they have no interest to fix functionality bug but just want to keep making UI’s bells and whistles.

thanks @pdao

it’s corrected

Hi, I have updated the app severeals days ago and the score is not working :frowning:
For HSK1, I have a Mi-4c and Andoid 5.1.1 LMY47-V