BUG: Attributes missing in course creation

I am doing a second part of an advanced learners course. And I see no columns for audio, gender, pronunciation, part of speech anymore.

course: http://www.memrise.com/course/1170155/5-fortgeschrittene-teil-2/
audio column added by creator
browser Firefox 48.0

Hi @Hydroptere,

I have taken a look at a couple of my courses. This is what I’m currently seeing (which looks normal):

Could it be a browser issue? Just guessing…

jeeee… @thanks @alanh, yesterday my firefox asked for updating… i’ll try to move this to “web bugs”. I’ve started making the course today, maybe this is a new issue?

(i’ve added the “audio” column myself)

OK. Good luck! I just tried adding a column to one of my courses, too, and that worked OK.

i don’t know where the old fashioned way of course creation went… I am doing a second part to my advanced Dutch course, and the column are missing… if the team took this feature away as well… never a sign, never a word

Could you post a screenshot of what you are seeing?

I have just tried creating a new course just to see what I can see. Here are a couple of screenshots showing the attribute columns:

Does yours look anything like that?

@Hydroptere Have you selected a wiki to use for your course or added a database?

I have just created a new course, and the ‘usual’ columns are there - audio, part of speech etc. I’ve been able to edit and delete all columns in the database. I selected the Bulgarian wiki. when creating it.

Then I added a second database without selecting a wiki, that has given me a database with only 2 columns - Bulgarian and English.

i don’t know about selecting wikis. And usually the items I am adding are not in any database…

many thanks

in this one i’ve added the audio column myself, also the “Syn” (synonyms), because memrise did not give me any columns for audio etc)

That first one does look strange!

Does it make any difference if (from that first screen) you click on “+ Add Level” , then “Databases”, then “+ Add New”, then call it something and then pick the Dutch wiki from the list?

If that doesn’t work, you may have to join me over on the ‘dark side’ and switch to Google Chrome! :scream::laughing:

many thanks

i’ve done that (add level, see what happens, etc) with the italian course… the situation did not change. If memrise works properly only with google, then memrise should tell the users that. No, @alanh, i’ll not join you on the dark side :grin:

Sorry @Hydroptere, I’m all out of ideas now. Maybe @Leggi will be able to identify what the problem is.

I’m sure that Memrise normally works quite well on all browsers not just here on the dark side! :smiling_imp:

thanks for your efforts, @alanh

well, after @Lien taking care to say that “community-created” courses are not “carefully crafted”, I don’t think I gonna care much about curating courses

Yes, I just saw that! :grinning:

Context is important @Hydroptere

Many community-created courses are actually excellent, especially for more advanced learners and those learning a niche language or non-language subject.

As you well know, my message said that ‘unlike the community-created courses, our official courses are carefully crafted by our in-house team of professional linguists and translators’.
Which does not mean community-created courses aren’t carefully crafted. All it means is that they are not created by our in-house team.

@Lien, Have you got any ideas as to why @Hydroptere’s attribute columns are not showing? It would be good to know what’s causing it.

Have you tried starting a new course and selecting a wiki when the option appears to see what attributes you get? It sounds to me you’ve made a course without a wiki. no wiki = no preset attributes, just the two language columns showing.

If you don’t want to use a wiki then just add/edit the columns in the database as you need them!

If the course was created via bulk upload, that may have caused the attribute columns to disappear. Or they may have deleted them and forgotten about it?
They can add the attribute column again via the Database > Add Column > As attribute

@Lien, context is important but so are the words and implications!

It’s very easy to take the above comment as:

'‘our official courses are carefully crafted by our in-house team of professional linguists and translators, unlike the community-created courses’.

Intended or not it implies community created courses are not well crafted.

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