Bogus follower / spam / sexual language

Hi, we also have an issue with students being followed by
Can this user be removed, or do we need to disable Memrise for our students?


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Does anyone know if this problem is now fixed? SLT at our school won’t allow us to use memrise until I can confirm that students won’t encounter these inappropriately named followers at all.

The above spam accounts have since been removed. We actively monitor the Memrise platform for spam related content, and will remove any deemed by us as being “Inappropriate”.

Unfortunately we won’t be able to guarantee you will never encounter an inappropriate name again. Being a platform which contains user generated content (such as usernames) it’s possible you may be exposed to a piece of Inappropriate content.

Please see our terms & conditions and privacy policy for more information on User Content on Memrise [8].

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I want to contact developers privately @MemriseMatty

Hi @MemriseMatty, @MemriseSupport, @codinghorror

I, too, have found a number of these ‘followers’ linking to the domain. The relevant Memrise usernames are:


It’s really time you got to grips with this and found a lasting solution, chaps!

Related threads:

100% agree. Created a feature request. A voting/review system for users/mem-s might also a good idea for weeding out the bad and the ugly from between the good.

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I disagree… do not wish to see users classified. I wonder how much time some peeps have on their hands to even notice “spam followers”…

also, so many “regulars” and “leaders” and blabla did not even notice what Lien made public on her profile and wrote also privately to some of us. She is not working at Memrise anymore, stop shouting at her…

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We are aware of the situation, and are working towards a long-term solution for the bogus followers and Mems. We will update you once the most recent batch of bogus followers have all been reviewed.

Although it may be a good idea, we have no current plans to introduce the ability to block followers or make profiles private. I will update you if this changes.

Hi @MemriseMatty

The problems might be lessened by including a reasonable daily limit on the number of new “following” links any user can create. For example, a 20-per-day limit may be reasonable for genuine users.

Currently, these unwanted followers appear to be setting up new accounts, and immediately adding ~500 links along with an offensive Mem.


Agreed. I am not meaning to vote people up or down. I’ve never liked that.

Voting in the first place refers to the usefulness/appropriateness of mems. Or, perhaps even more simple, a statistic how often a mem is used.

Also agreed. Though, since this a collaboration community, some possibility for communication to a course creator is highly appreciated.

Thank you! looking forward to it.


Good to hear that this problem will soon be erdicated. :slight_smile:


The reported Mems and users have now been reviewed and actioned. You should not see these messages at this time. If you do come across any more, feel free to report them to us for review.

Thanks again.

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Hi. @MemriseMatty, can you review these too?

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Hi @MemriseMatty,

Of the five I reported in my post above, the following three haven’t been actioned:

Is it not possible to remove all these people as “followers” as part of the clean-up action?

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Thank you for reporting this. We reviewed the majority of the Spam Mems, but some have clearly slipped our net. We will review these cases mentioned and keep you updated.


Yeah. Also ive just noticed once one started following my alternate account. More and more kept coming. Really hope this stops as this is getting out of hand. I deleted the account but it didnt matter as it only had 500,000 points

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Hi @MemriseMatty - a few more for your attention - these have been around for at least a couple of weeks:

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@MemriseMatty - a couple more probables.

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they just wont stop coming… needs to be eradicated

I agree with the concept of “approving” followers (and being able to remove any that followed you before such a system is/was implemented), due to the above described issue. >_<