Beta - don’t get rid of typing tests

It’s been two months now. You said that this was already fixed, but the behaviour is still the same, IOW, I have to either tap the keyboard-icon or tap into the textbox for every single question to bring up the keyboard. Any info or news on this, @James_g_memrise?

You are absolutely right, that’s very annoying because we definitely did the work. Let me go find out what’s happened, it might have gotten lost in some github merge/conflict debacle.

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Okay even worse than a github debacle there was a JIRA debacle which caused confusion.
So right now iOS has a persistent keyboard
On Android the work was done on the rebuild of the learning sessions and not the existing learning sessions which is why you can’t see the change in the app. The good news is that Words and Phrases rebuild will be in this week’s Android release, and that will have a persistent keyboard. Unfortunately Classic Review is still at an earlier stage of being rebuilt but when it’s released will have a persistent keyboard.
As a side note on the web you will have some good news on typing soon.

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Many people who learn a foreign language do this by listening and writing, but now memrise has disabled this feature in a backward and irrational move. If you continue to do this, what is the difference between you and other companies?

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Typing tests make up 60% of classic review by default and there is a setting in the settings to make typing tests the priority so they will be given to you wherever possible.

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For me, who likes to learn by typing and remind by typing, Mermrise has become meaningless to me. Because it removed this feature for unknown reasons.

Sorry i was not clear.
There is a button in the settings to enable typing by default

The option you mentioned is enabled in my profile settings, I used to learn words just by typing. And I was just reminding by typing. Typing is not enabled for me at the moment and in the lessons I am learning.
Instead of capitalizing letters, I think it would be better to explain why it is not possible to use the site as before.

I think they only prioritise over multiple choice.

So disable audio tests and tapping tests.

I did that too, but typing is not enabled. And learning and recall are demonstrated simply by selecting one of the available options for each word.

@MemriseSupport you might want to get someone else in here to deal with the public. I think this James dude has had enough because he’s now yell-typing at and being super sarcastic with your customers. In this instance, a customer who had literally never posted in the forum before, didn’t have all this background, and couldn’t have been expected to know that they need to modify their settings to make this site function the way they are used to.

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The setting only applies to classic review.
You shouldn’t need to turn off other types, the typing tests takes higher priority over all of them

You are right, i shouldn’t have used caps lock, i was in a bad mood at that moment, and I thought i had answered the question previously and the follow up was
“For me, who likes to learn by typing and remind by typing, Mermrise has become meaningless to me. Because it removed this feature for unknown reasons.”
Which was not correct and seemed to have ignored my direct response to him, so i thought i’d make it clearer


Hey man, I specifically do not work in a job where I have to interact with people because I have similarly limited patience with very customer-y customers, especially them taking out on workers decisions made by upper management, etc, so I get it, and I know I have bad days where I’m an asshole customer too. And yet I don’t think any of the comments here are directed at you specifically, unless you are actually the architect behind all of these changes. Just putting it out there.

Sorry you have to defend all of this. I don’t envy your position, that’s for sure.


Dear James
I thought my question was clear
I do not want any new features.
Is it possible like before that only and only and only
Do we learn and remember words just by typing?
Until yesterday morning, I was just learning and memorizing by typing, but since yesterday morning, the appearance of the site and its features have suddenly changed for me.
I ask you to guide me so that I can use the site as before.

Explain why this does not happen when I do not want to try new features and when you yourself have said that by not selecting this section, new features are disabled for the user and the use of the site is consistent with the previous features.

Im pretty sure that learning new words is not affected by the prioritise typing toggle.
You just have to deal with the multiple choice popping up in the learning sessions.

In the review session, you won’t get multiple choice though.

Old memerise was nuked, this is the future.
(you can’t go back)

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