Beta - don’t get rid of typing tests

Please don’t get rid of typing tests on the web app. Honestly there is no reason for me to use the app if you disable this function and make it multiple choice. Please don’t do it I’m really really hoping!


I use Memrise to practice my spelling and typing. There are loads of flashcard apps with multiple choice and word banks but Memrise was different. If they take away typing then they have killed it for me.


Don’t get rid of typing tests for classic review.

Even better idea…leave classic review alone and don’t feel the need to ruin a great product…STOP!!


I agree! Without intense typing this app is useless for me. I wish they wouldn’t make these changes.


There are heaps of cheat sheet applications with numerous decision and word banks yet Memrise was unique. On the off chance that they remove composing, at that point they have murdered it for me.


Agreed, typing things in is one of the best ways to learn words properly.


Please keep the typing only tests and add a typing only test option to the iOS App.


I agree! It is really helpful to recall words from your memory but not cards. Of course, it is much easier with cards, but you don’t have them in real life, so it’s quite useless learning. I don’t use the mobile app because of these cards. Now you want to ruin the web version.


Hi everyone!

Thanks for all your feedback on the new sessions. We’ve taken one step towards making more typing tests show up on classic review and are working on adding more over the next few weeks.


Please have the typing tests not mark automatically accept a word as correct if it has been typed with missing/incorrect accents. If a course is not set up with strict typing, you could still allow the typing test to accept a word with incorrect accents by having the user hit enter. That’s how it works now. But please don’t just go green and move on to the next word while I am still trying to remember the accent.


Yes, same, this is my very first reaction to the beta. I make my own cards with multi-word phrases on them to practice details like which prepositions go with which verbs and when to use the subjuctive; with multiple choice this is totally useless.


We don’t want just ‘‘more’’ typing to show up, we want just typing.


I completely agree! We need typing test, or the possibility to turn them on!
On reviewing sessions AND learning sessions!
Otherwise I will have to stop using memrise even though I’ve been using it for almost 10 years…

Some of us have a memory that requires typing a translation to remember words, not just clicking on words or typing from what we hear…


Got a set of text tests from a web app. I like everything about it, the only thing is I don’t know is i would continue the subscription, because I want to learn English in my spare time at work, but my computer is monitored through employee monitoring. Have you encountered this problem?

For the words which only come up for review every 6 months I don’t want that to be taken away from me because the site decided to give me multiple choice. There has to be some way for us to choose only typing. Please listen to the feedback everyone is giving you.


Is taking away typing tests really on the table? I would absolutely quit if this happens, typing tests are essential to me.


I agree. Turning off multiple choice exercises should be an option. They are a waste of time. Without typing tests there’s no point in using Memrise.


Please offer an opt out for multiple choice exercises in the lesson settings. They are a waste of time.


YES!! PLEASE keep the typing test! It’s the only reason i’m using this app! And if possible add it to iOS as well! The Multiple Choice is just way too easy! Please please please keep the typing test!!! otherwise i would have to move thousend of words to another app :confused:

Good Grief, don’t you dare remove the typing tests!!! And make sure the words are spelled correctly, that means with all the accents before marking the word ‘correct’, otherwise it is not correct.

Just returned to Memrise after a too long absence, due to a move, and was shocked to see all these (possible) changes. I am not fond of changes. Get rid of the typing and I am gone.