Audio Review - all answers the same

Same here.

It wasn’t like this last year, but since several months ago, all the class I was using started to have this problem in every word.

Is anyone trying to fix the problem?

Thank you.

I’m also experiencing this problem, though interestingly only with the iOS version (the Android version-- latest from Google Play-- works okay). It crops up in multiple courses:

Deutsch for B1/B2/C1
First 500 characters in Mandarin Chinese
Characters 501 - 1000 in Mandarin Chinese

And a few more. All three sounds are the same.

I finally found a way to solve this problem, and it seems to work with all the courses I’ve created.

Here’s what to do:

  1. Go to “Edit course”
  2. Choose the first level and click “Show”
  3. Click the symbol next to “Test on Language 1, prompt with Language 2
  4. Change the “Prompt with” selection to “Audio”
  5. Save
  6. Change the testing direction settings back to the settings you want to use.

The downside of this method is that all existing user progress on that level will be lost… But maybe Memrise could be able to identify and fix the real problem now…?


I’m learning German, and this is the same problem I have. It lists the English word, then instructs me to select the audio for the above. All the icons look the same and there is no other cue, so since I’m not clairvoyant, I can’t figure out what to choose.

It’s more than just a couple in the German course (ios, web). It’s all the audio ones so far. And all of them aren’t the same audio. I tried it just now to make sure on “please”: randomly selected on of the 3 unmarked icons and again was told I made a mistake.

I had moved from Android to iOS recently (about month ago) … after using Memrise Pro on Android without hitch, for more than year … immediately after I moved on iPhone, this Audio review behavior became standard for all the courses I attend (and I did not create any of those and I do attend dozens of them) … I honestly thought that must be some weird special feature of the iOS version of Memrise app.

Of all the curses I attend, I do the following most intensely and I can guarantee that the bug is present there (for me):

However I will contribute also with some new observation …

This behavior does not seem to stick with some particular words … it tends to appear the most (for me) to freshly learned (for not so long time ago) words … and when the word comes back in some later iteration the audio option is already presenting three real choices.

It does not feel like problem with the course’s setups at all, it seems rather like some strange behavior of the iOS Memrise app on the phone itself.

Very new and lovely course I started and is showing this behavior to me is also this one:



Look, after checking, aqll the courses mentioned and linked above have all one in common … THEY ARE!!..
…EITHER HUGE in number of words OR in KOREAN OR BOTH

As I reported earlier, that it is present in all the courses I attend - that would fit-in too, because … well I tend to choose if I can, only the big one as well (tired of small ones).

It looks like it is king of way how the Memrise try loafing around, if the course is too big for loading it or something in this direction. (I had no problem in Android though)

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I’m not the course creator but noticed a couple of courses that have the correct audio file come up for all 3 choices on the iPhone. They are under Algonquian Languages. The course names are:

Ikidowinan ji-bimaadiziyan ojibwemoyan eta-go

Nibewigamig Ikidowinan

There is another course, though, where the audio testing seems to work fine on the iPhone - Gikinoo’amaading.

Thanks if you can fix the other two.

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I have had that problem and gave up on audio on my ipad. I use a laptop. But now the lap top will do maybe 4 or 5 words for the audio test and just stop working. It won’t work at all right now. The problem is no longer that all the audio choices are the same but that it just doesn’t work after 4 or 5 words.

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Same here :frowning:

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Just switched to ios and got the same bug. I also wrote to memrise… interessting that so many people have this problem and nothing is happening :frowning:

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The same problem

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Two years later and still the same, original problem. No word from Memrise?

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This is getting worse now. It used to be that it didn’t matter which one you chose, it was all correct since they were the same. Now with the latest iOS release, only one of them is “correct”. Good luck on guessing the “correct” one!

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As extra info: This week I studied a course that was specifically designed for testing the audio - and not even once the three audios where the same. They always where all three different! It functioned correctly.
It was this course:
Note that the ‘second’ column is audio in this level.

Wonder, what is the trigger for this issue to happen? Is it a requirement that the course is not a course that test primarily audio?

Joshua asked specifically for this info:

Could you tell us with which course you are experiencing the problem? And perhaps a few examples with which words? Or always all the words?

I also wonder why Memrise doesn’t respond to this issue. Joshua actually asked me specifically for information, which I posted, and I hoped he would be able to help somehow. Perhaps this time.

Awe1Some, could you also post the info Joshua asked for. Who knows, it solves the puzzle. Thanks!

@L_Neward reports the issue in his English 1 course.

le_professeur’s fix has just worked perfectly for me. THANK YOU.

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It seems to me that adding Audio as a response or a prompt (even if you remove it again after) forces the app to recognise that it needs to load multiple audio options. It is an annoying bug and shouldn’t be a thing, but adding “audio” as a prompt and then removing it again seems to be a workaround.

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Do you have to do this for every level?

Christopher Pye

Teacher of Modern Languages

The British School of Guangzhou

983-3 Tonghe Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou 510515, China.

Tel: (+86) 020 8709 4788

No! Happily, it seems to have fixed every level on the course without additional interference.

Other people using my course said it’s now fixed for them too.