Attributes refuse to show themselves

Can you take a screenshot?

Thatā€™s the image from the course catalogue. It looks like that on mine, too.

Thereā€™s one other thing I can think of that you could try. What is the courseā€™s ā€œStatusā€ set as: ā€œIncompleteā€, ā€œUnlistedā€ or ā€œPublicā€? You could try changing the status, saving it and then going back and re-setting it to ā€œPublicā€ and saving again.

I think itā€™s ā€œPublicā€ atm, Iā€™ll go try that.

@Zzzzz Try now, whatā€™s it do?

OK. New development informal/formal shows but nothing else does.

Here is what it looks like when it works.

Now just imagine nothing instead of informal.

It looks like informal/formal is the only attribute we have entered for that word. Try ā€œJooā€ in level 7 (you can find it faster using Preview), and see if it shows both informal and interjection.

Both show in the preview. Yippee! :grinning:

Yay! So is that everything fixed?

I hope so. It still shows zero learners though.

Yeah, it does. I suspect that just hasnā€™t updated or something like that, since it shows the same for everyone else.

There is currently a wider ā€˜bugā€™ affecting the counting of learners. It may just be something to do with that.

Iā€™m going to bow out from this thread now.

Good luck with your course! :smile:

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Ah, thatā€™s probably it. Thank you for your help!

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