Attributes refuse to show themselves

What browser are you using? And is it in English, Finnish, or what?

Chrome… It think that is a browser, right? Sorry… technology makes me nervous.

Yes, Chrome is a browser. :slight_smile: in the upper right corner, right beneath the button to close, there should be a button with three dark grey lines. Do you see it?

Yes. Everything is in Finnish, though.

I can put some screen shots in if it would help @Zzzzz.

Thank you, @alanh.

That would probably be very useful, thanks.

OK. Stand by.

Sorry about the delay!

From the 3 bars button, select “Settings” and then scroll down to the bottom to “Show advanced settings”:

Under “Privacy”, select “Clear browsing data”:

Make sure the 4th box is checked (checking the others is optional) - this relates to the next screenshot:

Click on “Clear browsing data”.

Good luck!

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I’ll attempt to translate the labels into Finnish. “Settings” I believe is “Asetukset”, “Show advanced settings” = “näytä lisäasetukset”, “Privacy” = “yksityisyys”, “Clear browsing data” = “Poista selaustiedot”. I’m positive I got those wrong, but at least they should convey the idea so you can find the right button.

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The position of the buttons will be in the same places.

Right. But you didn’t specify where “Settings” and “Privacy” are, so this will (hopefully) make it easier to find those.

Sorry! I thought that putting the red boxes around the locations was enough.

Thank you. It did not affect the attributes though. And the course still appears to have zero users.

I had to go through imgur to get that pic here. Uploading it from my computer did not work.

If you go into the course, does it show the leaderboard?

Yes. Nice that at least something is working.

Now that I look at it again, it shows the same thing on my course list. What does it show when you’re looking for the attributes?

I am not certain if I understand your question.

You said you can’t see the attributes. When you’re looking for them, what do you see?

Nothing. Just empty space.