Are you serious with this new update?

Did you actually turn the web version into the app??? who’s idea is this? they need to be fired asap. There is a reason why I avoided the app, it’s garbage imho.


I think your tone is unreasonably abrasive, however…

Why does this site keep changing things so drastically and (seemingly) never respond to any of the complaints from dissatisfied users?

I am a free user (i.e. - I don’t pay for a membership) so I won’t pretend like they’re going to lose any money from ignoring my wishes, but… why would I even consider paying for a membership when the site can completely change overnight and user feedback will be ignored?

I really appreciate all that Memrise offers for free, but it’s almost mind-boggling how they decided to implement changes on a whim with no communication or response to user feedback.


I think the company needs a good communicator working on this forums. Most companies have people with good customer support skills operating on forums.


My exact reaction after today’s update. Worst ever.

Now I have to open a sub-menu of EACH lesson to see if I have any words to review. Instead of just a glance and a little bit of scrolling on the main page like it used to be. I hope it will be fixed.


The worst update since Ziggy. The interface is getting worse and worse. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. :frowning:


I agree with the above comments. It makes no sense that you can’t see how many words you have to review in each course.


Totally agree.

Recent change overnight (on 13 of Dec 2017) is appalling:

  • extra buttons make it hard to navigate
  • daily goals completely resetted and they do not save

Please solve the speed issues when course titles are loaded. It takes tenths of seconds to partially open a list of several courses I am subscribed.

(In case of, I am a premium user)


This is god damn bananas, streaks are super hard to see, gave me a god damn scare at first because I thought I lost them.

Now I cannot see how many reviews I have left and I hate how is trying to push me to do random task that I don’t want, specially that speed review that doesn’t go down if you use the Keyboard.

Why is it so hard to just set some options + show what you want being either streaks or reviews or both??

Anki just looks better and better every time Memrise does something wrong.


I started some time ago to transfer some of my courses to anki and I really start to like it. There are some more flexible settings that go well with my way of learning. Since I cancelled pro yesterday due to the last changes and the continuos ignoring of all the people generating content I think I’ll delete my courses as well in the next time.


It was useful to know how many words there were to review in each course at a glance. You have to click ‘More’ to find that out now. Apart from that, I’ve no problem with the update.

However it is worth noting that every time a change is made, threads appear in here with dozens of long-standing users complaining. Memrise are miles out of touch.


I just do not understand why this update was made. It simultaneously made the web version uglier and less efficient. There was much lost and nothing gained. Was someone just bored and needed something to do to justify their job?


I think you hit the nail on the head with that last question. You can see the same thing happening all over the Internet.


Personally, I think people are over reacting quite a bit. By the sounds of it it’s mainly aesthetic changes. After my laptop broke I had to switch over to the app version and it was perfectly fine, I wouldn’t say I really prefer either version tbh, both equally suffice.
I can’t speak on the number of review words going missing, but in the app you can see that, so that’s a desktop exclusive thing (which is pretty crap if true, I’ll give you that)
Also, from my experience, the ‘next’ button thing is simple to use and easy to ignore if you don’t want to.

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how very nice for you. stick with the app and don’t speak for web version users


I generally agree with the comments above. I’m glad that the “Review” button at the top of the home screen is still there – I like to review everything in one batch rather than stepping through each course (which is now more tedious, as noted by others, having to go through the “More” button just to SEE if you have anything to review). I wish there were a similar button at the top for Difficult Words.

I really don’t like having to go into the “More” button to find the Difficult Words (if any) that need to be worked on. It was nice having a direct Difficult Words button for each course. Now there seems to be a number by the Difficult Words icon (after clicking on More… :grimacing:), but it seems to be disabled unless there’s some minimum number to be worked on. I want to be able to work on the Difficult Words, even if there’s only a few!!! (Is the Difficult Words review disabled because it’s too soon to work on them or because there are too few of them?)


I’m sure your horse is a very nice high horse, but I would strongly suggest that you get down off it.

For one, I am a web version user, I use both. It isn’t some kind of exclusivity where you can only use one or the other. I explicitly stated that I like both and would happily use either version. Yes, my current situation means I use the app version considerably more, but that because of circumstance, not personal preference.

Also, pretty sure I didn’t really try and speak for anyone, I said that I personally think some are over reacting and then gave my reasons why, that’s it. Even said that something’s I’ve heard that have changed do suck, so I don’t know what you thought I said, but I just gave my personal opinion on the current topic.

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I am very sure your horse is even taller: you pop up out of nowhere (and as an app user) just now, to tell those using the web version to calm down because well, what’s the big deal. And you say this to people who spent a huge amount of work and dedication on memrise. Sincerely, when people like you come out the blue in such situations, I wonder if the team sends them.


I’m not a new user like you seem to be saying, I’ve been using Memrise for quite a while now. I can’t say exactly but I would guess around a year, which may not be as long as you’ve been using it, but it’s definitely not popping up ‘out of nowhere’. Yes, only signed up to the forum portion today, but because, as a Memrise user, I want to give my opinion, just like everyone else on here, and I didn’t see any 6 month long initiation thread you have to stay on until you can share your opinion, so I did just that.

And you complete neglect the fact that I use both again, yes, I am an “app-user”, I do use the app, however I signed up to the web version, exclusively used the web version, and still use the web version if I need to/get the chance to. I’m far from just an " app-user". Also, are you seriously trying to suggest I was sent by the Memrise team directly? That’s a laughably absurd claim. Of course I’m not, I’m just a user (who has put quite a fair amount of work into memrise too) with a different opinion than yours, not a not and not paid off.


Yeah, I will agree on the whole “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” thing. Don’t change something just for the sake of it. But I mean you can’t really blame Memrise for wanted to try add new features to keep the site alive. That being said, clearly people will be split and opinions will fly. Generally I think it’s alright for them to try new little features as long as they don’t do what LiveMocha did when they got bought out.

Also, I highly agree with the personalization idea. Kinda like how when YouTube drastically changed how the channels look and worked, they still let people use the old channel if they wanted (at first at least). I agree that Memrise should do something like that with their new little updates to keep more people happy.


To those who saw this post when it first went up, I was drunk was and pissed off when I saw the new update. I’m actually surprised that a moderator didn’t delete this thread and at least temporarily ban me from the forums. I probably should stay off the internet while under influence.

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