Thanks for your comments @cos and @widle.
So 6) the app has a strange typing feature, with only all the letters present.
Thanks for your comments @cos and @widle.
So 6) the app has a strange typing feature, with only all the letters present.
It seems to me that App users ought to be made aware that they are using a “trimmed-down” (aka limited) version of MemRise and courses, and your advice @cos to check out the web version first, should be given on the App, somewhere.
PS EDIT MemRise eg @Joshua , if this is correct, could this tip be advertised somehow, eg when signing in each time or on your home screen or when looking for other courses on the App please?
I haven’t found the creator nor the full description. If you open the course details (by tapping on the top bar with the course title), there’s a short description, just a sentence or so.
Thanks for that.
That must be the short description we are now encouraged to submit on courses.
So 7) There is no full course description.
8) The Creator is not mentioned.
without being able to offer statistics I get the impression that the android app
9) offers answers in form of tapping instead of typing a lot more often than the web interface (I use mainly typing tests and still get to tapping a lot using the app)
10) you can`t access groups
11) On the app, you can’t create your own mem.
I’m working on several Turkish courses that have few, if any, mems. When planting, I have to create my own. Because of this, I use the web version almost exclusively. When I have to use the app, I write down mems in a documents app on my iPod while doing Memrise on my iPhone…
Re: #6, the limited keyboard: In the iOS app, just to the right of the text box, is a little rectangular keyboard icon. Click it, and you get a normal keyboard. If you need a foreign-language keyboard with special letters (such as Turkish, for example), you’ll want to install that keyboard on your phone first. (Settings > General > Keyboards > Keyboards > Add New Keyboard) The little globe icon near the spacebar lets you change input languages. Tap quickly to switch to the next language on the list; press and hold to see the list of languages you have installed and choose one.
12) I’ve noticed as a course creator that the app does not display attributes correctly when testing you. For example, if I’ve told it to show the column “case” for tests, it will usually show my “pronunciation” column, which is not supposed to be shown on tests. It’s also inconsistent about which attributes it shows. I do not have this problem on the computer.
App limitations mentioned generally above
Some advantages:
E) The App is clearly more portable -
F) It is available even when you are places that don’t have wifi (such as an elderly parents home) -
G) because it does have less choices and in typed out answers more clues- it encourages the learner - used in tandem with a web computer - ie. back and forth - it is a tremendous reinforcement.
I can’t provide much by way of feedback as I only use the web version. “Way back” I considered trying the App version but I was frightened off by comments in the old forum about people losing their streak. That could well be sorted by now and as my streaks are much shorter than previously, I may give it a go. It’s interesting reading the different comments. Thanks for starting this thread DW7.
13) using the androidapp I need two sessions instead of one of “learn new words” until a word is considered as learned by the plant symbol and the corresponding statistics.
You are still shown the same word 6 times with each application. The difference between the 2 platforms is that on the web version all 6 times are in the same “session”, whereas on the app version you are only shown the same word 3 times in a session, then have to go to the second session to see the word for the next 3 times. Not sure why Memrise chose to do it this way on the app.
Sometimes I forget to go to the second session on the app, and you if you don’t actually go through it, you are not credited with having learned any of the words from the first session until you do. The app does however remember your progress from the first session, so even if you forget, once you return you just have to go through the second session to fully learn the word(s). Again, not sure why it has to be this way.
I will expand on this. In the web version, Memrise takes a batch of new (or not completely planted) words and attempts to teach you all of them fully, at the same pace. If you don’t make many mistakes, you will have learned them all at the end of the session.
The app seems to prefer to mix words at various levels of planting: at the end of a session, you will usually have planted two or three words fully and others follow at various levels, some with only a leaf or two. For the next session, a few more leaves are added to every word (including some new ones) so that, again, two or so are planted and the rest moves forward a bit.
@pdao I think I need three sessions for a word sometimes, on the app.
Edit: I only have experience with the Android version.
Yes, having only dealt with the Web version and yet MemRise is keen to publicise the App version, if we are going to make our courses work for both, we (I) need to understand how the App works.
(I don’t have anything that will run the App, as besides a Mac with Safari and a W10 pc with Firefox, I use a BlackBerry PlayBook tablet using the web and our phone is not a smart phone, by choice )
@Foorgol ~ I don’t recall encountering 3 sessions before. Maybe I should pay more attention as I use it. Thanks for the heads up…
14) since the (most recent?) update of the androidapp I am shown mems without asking for them when learning new words.
There are 2 versions of the app (Android and iOS) and both seem to have different update schedules from Memrise (and who knows what else might be different between the two).
It might be helpful if users in this thread state which version of the app they are referring to (Android or iOS, or both). Thanks.
good catch, pdao. Edited mine
G) Both web and AndroidApp show the number of difficult words, BUT on the web you only get the information 20+ (if you have more than 20 difficult words), the app shows the correct number
CHANGED today. Web also shows the complete number of difficult words now.
I’ve recently realized the likely reason why we’d had different experience with 13) - the number of sessions needed to plant a word on Android. It seems that I had the app set to 7 words per learning session. With 5 words per session, it works exactly as you described: all the words are half-planted after one session and fully planted after the second one.
@widle ~ thanks for the illumination on this. I guess I have never used any other option than 5 words per session.