[App & Site Feedback] Differences between the WEB version and an APP version

Yes, having only dealt with the Web version and yet MemRise is keen to publicise the App version, if we are going to make our courses work for both, we (I) need to understand how the App works.

(I don’t have anything that will run the App, as besides a Mac with Safari and a W10 pc with Firefox, I use a BlackBerry PlayBook tablet using the web and our phone is not a smart phone, by choice :wink: )

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@Foorgol ~ I don’t recall encountering 3 sessions before. Maybe I should pay more attention as I use it. Thanks for the heads up…

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14) since the (most recent?) update of the androidapp I am shown mems without asking for them when learning new words.


There are 2 versions of the app (Android and iOS) and both seem to have different update schedules from Memrise (and who knows what else might be different between the two).

It might be helpful if users in this thread state which version of the app they are referring to (Android or iOS, or both). Thanks.

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good catch, pdao. Edited mine

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G) Both web and AndroidApp show the number of difficult words, BUT on the web you only get the information 20+ (if you have more than 20 difficult words), the app shows the correct number

CHANGED today. Web also shows the complete number of difficult words now.

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I’ve recently realized the likely reason why we’d had different experience with 13) - the number of sessions needed to plant a word on Android. It seems that I had the app set to 7 words per learning session. With 5 words per session, it works exactly as you described: all the words are half-planted after one session and fully planted after the second one.


@widle ~ thanks for the illumination on this. I guess I have never used any other option than 5 words per session.

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I actually thought there were no such settings for the app. Either I remembered it wrong or they changed it.

@widle ~ on the iOS app the setting choices for learning are 3,5,7,10. For reviewing they are 10, 25, 50. I have always used 5 for learning and 50 for reviewing - so it matches the settings on the web site. Not sure what the setting choices are on the Android app.

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The settings for Android are the same (well, there’s also an option of 5 for reviewing, not sure if there’s a real difference or you just missed that one).

Sorry, no 5 for reviewing on iOS - at least on the version I am using - V 2.1.16 (2411).

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Well, remember, they told us explicitly that they really don’t care about the web anymore, only the mobile apps matter. Nevermind that the mobile apps have debilitating flaws that make them time wasters in comparison to memrise on the web.

App is no time waster. It’s the only way I can use memrise. I really don’t have time or possibilities to sit by the PC. I’m really happy that they created the app version of memrise


I would be happy about it too, if the apps let you create mems, if the apps didn’t convert typing tests into multiple choice or give you those spoilery limited keyboards, if the apps didn’t hide multimedia levels from you… as it is, the apps end up having you spend a lot more time using them, for less learning per time spent, which is why I call them “time wasters” - but I also particularly hate the apps for hiding multimedia levels, which are such important and integral parts of the courses I’ve created. Using the apps ruins my courses.


Now I understand your frustration. Maybe you can add in your course description: works best in browser not app-suitable, vital information in multimedia levels @cos

Ps! I can still make mems and typing tests with app.

It would be very sad if there weren’t onscreen on app. It’s the only way I can learn Russian, Japanese and Turkish. You can’t do that on PC because of the lack of correct keyboard and a timer. I also use onscreen keyboard to get the upside-down questionmark and exclamationmark in Spanish. For Spanish, German and Swedish I mostly use my phone keyboard, but sometimes the so-called spoiler keyboard is great help.

I don’t use multimedia levels on my courses and alk my typing tests work well, so I don’t see a problem here for me

So as memrise app helps me save time, not waste it. Everyone can’t like same thing. We have a saying for that (kellele ema, kellele tütar) which roughly translated would mean that some like daughters and some like mothers

As to return to the main subject/topic. Course-takers count really does not work

On desktop a course can include a full keyboard, or just the special characters needed for a particular language. You should also be able to configure your keyboard to type any language. On Macs, it’s in the “input sources” preferences. I have no trouble typing Hebrew, Korean, French, and Finnish on my macbook keyboard.

What I was complaining about with the mobile app, though, was not your phone’s own keyboard - it’s the toy spoiler keyboard that memrise gives you with just a small subset of letters that include all the ones you need to type the correct answer. Just looking at that keyboard gives away the answer half the time.

Did I really know it before I saw the keyboard? Now that I’ve been reminded of the answer, how can I even figure out if I really knew it? I will just believe I did, and enter the correct answer, and memrise thinks I’ve learned something that I haven’t actually learned. So memrise will schedule the next review for further in the future, and I’ll forget it by then because I don’t really know it and need to get it sooner. Then next time, the same thing will happen: I’ll see that toy keyboard with only like 8 letters on it, and it’ll remind me what the answer is immediately, and I’ll think I remember it, and get it right again, and it’ll be scheduled further in the future. Until I get some other sort of test and botch it, because not only did I not really know that one, but it took too long to come up again and now I’ve totally forgotten it.

What a colossal waste of time.

This is one of the reasons why even doing a little bit of review with the mobile apps is insidiously damaging to one’s use of memrise. Even if I do most of my review from the web, just a few review sessions on the mobile app will harm my learning and waste my time.

Of course if you only ever use the mobile app you never realize this. You don’t know that you’re spending a lot more time but learning less for it. You think it’s just normal.

Hi @alanh!
I’m really sorry for making this mess, thought my last reply was the last but it seems I have some more to say.

So will you be so kind and move the discussion to the differences topic because it is not about layout only. (You seem to have the power to move things)

This post also…



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[The] App is . . . the only way I can use memrise. I really don’t have time or possibilities to sit by the PC.

Just a thought or question.
Does your device give you access to the internet via a browser?
Presumably that is how you are able to comment in this Forum.

If it does, could you access www.memrise.com to check out details or even to use that in preference to the app?

I do that on my 7" tablet.