[App Feedback] Honest opinion of the new interface

I would like to ask the users community what is their honest opinion about the new interface. I personally find it awful. I think Memrise is leaving the concept that once made it great. I was pretty happy with the panting---- growing----- watering theme. Now I don´t get it. Plus, the new app layout seems to require more work to get the info general people need. It takes more time to use it and there is more scrolling.


Hi @linkf1,

You posted this topic in the wrong category. This is Bug Control, which is reserved for posting feature bugs.

Try posting again in the General Discussion form. Located here: http://community.memrise.com/c/community-hub/general

[ update ]
Thanks for putting this into the right category!

We have discussed this also in the bug section as many struggled to find their way around the new layout.

General bugbear with new app

I have used the new layout for a while, and got used to it and I don’t need to scroll anything in my process of learning.

This kind of “in between” animation is kind of frivolous but I get the aim to make it even more attractive that way. (question of tastes and we are all different in respect of taste - I did like the plant and seeds better)

My main bugbear is the fact that we cant see from the courses control panel if we have achieved our streak objectives.

Please see what was said about the orientation if you have some difficulties, @Andrea_Mo3 was kind enough to provide screenshots

Otherwise, when you tap the arrow in the green circle you find the usual screen with your learning options, like you used to have before.