[App Feedback] Orientation/scrolling problems and general bugbear with update

It’s very difficult to find anything in the new pulldown menu as I’ve got a lot of courses in lots of topics and it is not sortable by language, the items to be reviewed, alphabetical order, completed courses, items to be learned, goals to be achieved or anything else that is remotely useful. Everything is just thrown in there and sometimes if the course creator didn’t specify in the title, I can’t even tell which language the course is anymore, (say, if it’s called, “prepositions”).

You have to scroll, and scroll, and scroll, and scroll…

There doesn’t seem to be a speed review option anywhere, and now I can’t review my hindi courses as the ipad app does not understand the typing of devanagari as it should be. I type things correctly and the output is wrong.

There doesn’t seem to be an option to review several courses in the same topic at once (very clumsy if there’s just one or two words in lots of courses).

The planets look nice but they decrease useability and slow the learning process as you can’t see all the levels in a glance, you have to scroll, and scroll, and scroll, and scroll… and there are unnecessary detours into the planet window when I don’t want to see the planets, I want to go and choose a different course.

I can’t find an option to delete a course.

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Can you please specify your version and model?

As it is a display problem, the size of your screen could be the issue. But hey, I dont really know :innocent:

I am an Android, but maybe I can help you.

Clicking on the tab “Comprehensive…” You’ll get

The Recycle Bin is for deleting the course.
You can press the four dots and you have options there also!
If you want to delete the downloaded file just press the green downward arrow.

I don’t think it’s the size of the screen problem, there’s plenty of empty space in the screen, it’s just that the updaters decided to not to use it and hide things behind a lot of scrolling instead.

thanks Andrea, I managed to delete a course. (Not sure why that button had to be hidden behind a click as well)

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I get it now @donjeta-a.

You can not find your way around the new interface. Only the welcome screen and the rocket animations are new.

When you select the course by “tapping” it’s name you get to the usual course details, with the list of levels and the 4 buttons : delete, streak parameters, download and share. At the bottom the button to select you review choice or a big button that will suggest a review choice. Thnak you @Andrea_Mo3

BUT, you can go straight to the choice of reviews by tapping on the arrow in the green circle from the animation screen. And when you choose “Classic Review” all reviewable items from the course will be selected together, not separately. But by tapping a planet you access to the level you choose.

You come back to main course screen by tapping the 3 horizontal lines in top left.

From main course screen, you can see the courses, and the number of items to review per course, a green check lets you know if downloaded or not.

Your welcome! :relaxed:
I think that many people don’t even know that it’s a functional button. I found out myself by accident, even the colourful dots associate to that menu!

i’m sorry to ask a question here… but doesn’t the new interface works slow for you guys? I’m also using a android phone, Samsung Galaxy Note2

The new layout with the rocket thing when you log in and everything is arranged from top to bottom is nearly impossible to use, it is so laggy and feels awkward… I’m using a Galaxy Note2 with the latest update, can anyone else confirm that?

Same here.

Each time you enter a course the list of levels scrolls from bottom to top. It gets super annoying when a course has like 300 levels. Besides that when you finish a session, and then open list with courses it gets closed immediately. Probably because synching has finished. And when it does the list scrolls itself again.

You can’t see from list with courses how many difficult words your have or whether you finished today’s streak or not.

The app is difficult to use. Unlike before …


That’s a bug I guess, so moved to Android Bugs.

It is not really a bug, more a dislike on the the new rocket animation. The time it takes is similar to accessing a course before. Try to remember :wink: @Rodyzi

I will move it to an existing subject indicating troubles with this new lay-out.

It takes some getting used-to for sure. @111

From a course, you can not come back to the other courses, it will go back to your phone welcome menu. You need to press the 3 bars top left of your screen, next to the course name. @Rodyzi

Yes, the lack of information at a glance is a definite loss and it is more difficult - it is less fun to use - more labour intensive selecting course after course and drilling in to determine your current state. Alternately, one could have the web interface open in the background, but that defeats the purpose of the app really, doesn’t it.


I have summed up, tried to, the main points brought up at the top of this subject.
@111 @Rodyzi @donjeta-a

Please read @Andrea_Mo3 indications and other advice here for help.

No, actually that was not what I was complaining about. . But thanks for trying to explain.

I know how to access the course details by tapping the name of the course, and I know how to access the individual review of every individual course, and I know if I downloaded a course or not. But it doesn’t seem to be possible to review several courses in the same language at once. It is possible in the desktop site when you go to the language category. But I don’t find that option in the app. I would find it much easier and faster when there are just a few items to review in several courses.

Another problem is that the pull down menu in which the course titles are to be found is smaller than the list used to before and harder to tap. And the courses I’m learning are not sortable in any manageable fashion. I have a lot of courses that I’ve started and they are not in any logical order in the pull down menu. All the languages are in a hodgepodge.

There is no option for speed review anymore.

And the rocket interface adds a lot of very annoying, unnecessary and time consuming scrolling.

More scrolling = Bad.

Okay never mind, after I wrote the above I deleted the app and installed it again and I’m so happy to see that it looks more like the familiar old app, the tiny teeny pulldown menu is gone as well as the rocket interface for the levels list. Yay!

I still miss the speed review option and the sorting courses options, and the review several courses in one session option.

Now off to find out how to disable memrise automatic updates…?

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How do you mean there is no option for speed review?

I mean just what i said. There is no option for speed review. I can see where it says speed review but it is grayed out and not available. Maybe it’s a pro feature now? If so that sucks because it’s the only thing that works for reviewing one of my hindi courses.

The old version worked yesterday but now it’s back to the rocket interface.

It is 100% bad optimization on the new rocket interface and all these planet animation, I found out that while you are changing the “daily goal” points and if you try to scroll up and down, the background is smoooth, just like before.

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In the old UI my routine was to learn and strengthen individual skills: The table of levels had a nice “Learn” link on each level.

How the heck can I do that with the dumbed down version we have now?

This course has 96 levels. It is already too much stupidity to find a specific level: A single screen height shows exactly 2 (two!) levels. (The names of those two levels take about 1% of my 2560 x 1440 pixels - but hey its colorful)
When I first go to the course I have to endure 4 seconds of hectic automatic scrolling.
Then to find a specific level I have to manually scroll 48 screen heights (in the worst case). And you keep mocking me even more: After I have gone into the view of a specific level and back to the “overview” I AM GETTING SCROLLED UP AGAIN.

Still I have looked everywhere but have found no option to practice a SPECIFIC LEVEL.

I am paying for the PRO version, but if this does not get better again soon I will cancel. (This is just to state a fact. I am aware that a single paying customer more or less does not mean much to you.)


Click on the planet thing of the level you want and then the thing on lower left, and then you will be able to water/ overwater/ learn etc. specific level.

(I feel you on that android update.)

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Ok, thanks Rodyzi. You a right: In the new version the options accessible from the “four dots menu” apply to the selected level only. That’s at least a little relief.

Still I am really missing a better overview of all levels and that FORCED SCROLLING MAKES ME MAD, makes me hate the app and stops me from wanting to use it.

Going from one level to the next literally takes at least 20 seconds: 4 seconds for the app to auto scroll me to my topmost level and the rest for me to manually scroll down again and find the desired level.