Android bugs

Further to the above: this happened again today, on a different course. Funnily, after tapping on “Learn new words” it took me to a course way down my list (Russian 5, 18 courses down) and started a learning session there. After cancelling the session, that course didn’t get selected though. :unamused:

I was forced into an update to the latest version of the Android app (don’t ask); and found it unusable. I had a long rant written up about all the shortfalls and ‘improvements’ it presented, but then realised that this won’t help anyone, and that memrise is unlikely to to care about my opinions, as usual.

So, instead I went and dug out a repository of old versions, and am working my way through those, trying the find the sweet spot in-between the download issues, the unhelpful keyboard behaviour, and the newer changes to the course list.
One phone is now on 2.94_9930, which is the first version which downloads all my large courses.
The other one is on 2.94_13360, which already shows some issues with the on-screen keyboard

Anybody here with an opinion where the sweet spot is in terms of functionality/buggyness?

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Why not? There’s a shortage of critical opinions about Android app nowadays, except for mine and Olaf’s.

Depends on what you need. Probably you have to look at dates when they removed or “improved” your favourite features.

By the way, where is Jesus @JBorrego ? Does he still with Memrise?

Hi all,

Thanks for updating this thread and sorry that it’s taken a while to respond.
@Olaf.Rabbachin regarding your issues since changing to a new tablet:

  • Yes that’s right, currently the new Speed Review is only for official courses. UGCs should still load as the old Speed Review sessions. Please let me know if that’s not the case.
  • As mentioned in this thread, including difficult words and ignore in the Speed Review update would mean rebuilding it so I’m afraid it’s not a quick fix, but its future is in discussion. In the meantime, you can mark these at the end of a Speed Review session.
  • We haven’t been able to reproduce the countdown issue. Do you mean the number of hearts you see? Do you have any screenshots/examples of courses where you see 6?
  • Please can you also clarify the fade out issue? Where this happens and any screenshots/recordings
  • Regarding the 3 glitches you reported, I will open bug tickets. Are they only happening on your tablet?

@Hombre_sin_nombre are you still seeing crashes and are you an Android 7 user? We did experience some issues recently for Android 7 users but this should now be resolved. Yes, Jesus still works with Memrise :slightly_smiling_face:

@mthierst please do feel free to share your thoughts. We receive a lot of (varying) feedback so while we can’t make promises, rest assured we collect it all and pass on to the relevant teams.

Anything else, please let us know :slightly_smiling_face:


I might have been unclear. What I meant is that, on the new tablet and only during SRs for official Memrise courses, I only have 4s to answer a question. On my cell phone (Galaxy S10e) I have 6s, I also have 6s on all devices for community courses.

On newer Android devices, the new SR layout will show a fading grey background. When that comes up I know that I’ll be running the “new” SR.
As for what happens when: while working through a SR, I tap “the right” item. When that happens, the app goes on to the next item. During old SRs, the screen just goes blank and the next one appears. In the new SR, however, the answer-items fade out. This happens quite quickly, but it is very distracting nevertheless.

Yes, I have only seen them on the tablet. However, this hasn’t happened over the last 2-3 days. And you have to bear in mind that I do most my sessions on the tablet, so this might not be all to meaningful.

A post was split to a new topic: Feedback on new visual effects within sessions

@MemriseSupport - as you wish, here’s the short form :wink:
3 main issues with the latest android app version, making it so much of a pain to use it that I rather use an old version:

  • no indication of language (used to be country flag) on the list of courses. It makes it very difficult to figure out which courses are for which languages in a long list, given that the app does not allow filtering by language like the web version
  • app loses location in course list when reviewing, and always goes to the to, ie to the course you just reviewed (and thus don’t need to), forcing you to then scroll down and find the next course in the language you are reviewing (and the language is not displayed on the course anymore, making this even more of a pain)
  • text input via keyboard is completely broken - beforehand this used to be one click into the text field per course you reviewed to trigger the on-screen keyboard (which was one too many from a UX perspective IMHO). Now it takes two clicks into the field, every time typing is required, plus 3 (three) to get the typed input accepted. I mean, I understand that Memrise would like this to be a kiddie’s point&click game and move away from that fiddly typing/spelling malarkey, but this is just ridiculous.

Hi @mthierst, thanks for taking the time to provide feedback
Would you mind explaining your third point a little more? I’ve tested it on a couple of devices and am struggling to replicate it.
I think you mean typing tests in classic review mode? We do show the letters needed on screen as users new to a language probably don’t know how to find letters with special characters on their keyboard so we make them available on screen rather than having a keyboard open by default.
Of course, some users want to free type, and so have two options, firstly they can click the keyboard icon at the top of the screen. With one click on that icon the field is selected and keyboard opened for typing. Alternatively you can click the field itself and the keyboard pops up. Both are single clicks not two as you seem to be experiencing.
And then when you have typed the answer it will auto-submit if correct, with no need to click. If it doesn’t auto-submit because it’s not fully correct I can submit the answer just by hitting the return/enter key on the keyboard. So again I’m unclear what is requiring three clicks at this part.
Sorry if I’ve misunderstood completely, but if you are having to use 5 clicks to type then that is not intentional on our part and is possibly a bug.
To help us check could you let us know what Memrise app version you’re on, what Android version, which device and which keyboard you have as the default?



It used to be one tap to activate keyboard, it would have been visible until you turn it off. Now keyboard is disappearing after every typing test, thus you have to tap again and again to open it. If I remember correctly, @Olaf.Rabbachin mentioned this nuisance, too.

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Filed in the list at the top of this thread as #18 (reported 12/04/2019, so less than 2.5y old = probably still to young to assume the team found the time to fix this).

Doing a speed review on user generated courses does not show the course name on the initial loading screen.
This only started happening after the last 2 updates.
It just says " recall memories fast" twice.

This can be annoying because sometimes the sellected course is not the one that activates (although this only happens every few days - not as frequent as in the past).

Has anybody else noticed that, upon selecting a new course, the app scrolls down to either the last level/chapter (for finished courses) resp. the one that contains the next learning session? I’m talking about wild scrolling for several seconds, depending on the number of chapters within a course. Annoying like crazy!

Also, all of a sudden (and intermittently resp. seemingly randomly) the app may pick a totally different course after starting, for instance, a SR session. When cancelling out of the session, that course will not be at the top of the list, but rather somewhere in the list. That’s about the most irritating bug I’ve come across in a while, it will simply jumble my list and I won’t know until I stumble across the course during the next learning session, woot!

I remember something like this in the past, but now can not confirm it, because my app version is outdated and it’s just showing the last learned level without scrolling.

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Thank you for flagging this @LarBoylan, we’ve created a ticket for the team to look into.
@Olaf.Rabbachin I’m having trouble reproducing your issues. How often do these occur? For the first one, does this only happen on completed courses?


Yes, I have the latest version and it does scroll to the first level containing words to learn.
This can indeed take several seconds to finish scrolling.

Also (and I reported this over a year ago) if you start a review session on a course with no words due for review it can take from several seconds to more than a minute to start the session.

RE the scrolling: happens all the time, just as @LarBoylan wrote.

RE the selection of a completely different course: this happens rarely, I’d say. Over the last week (max. ~10 sessions) or so it happened three times.
Another issue that might or might not be connected is the fact that, after selecting a course, I get an empty list. IOW, the levels do not appear. In this case I have to usually select a different course and then the problematic one again. This has happened about 5-7 times over the last week or so.

While we’re at it, going back to my posting here, I can add that Speed Review performs different on my mobile (Samsung Galaxy S10e, Android 11 / 4.14.113-22340597) and my tablet (Lenovo Yoga Smart Tab 10.", Android 10, no further details available).
I. e., the tab will only give me 4s (official Memrise courses only!) for each item, the mobile gives me 6s.
Am I the only one with this issue?

Thanks for the information, Olaf. We are raising the scrolling issue with our Android team now.
I will open a bug report for the course selection issue, is this happening on both your devices?
Regarding the Speed Review timings, we also can’t see any differences on our devices. As we are looking into reviewing timings on these sessions anyhow, this is not likely to be looked into by the team in the near future but stay tuned.


Can’t tell - it hasn’t happened on my cell/mobile, but then again I’m using it only every now and then.

FWIW, I just went ahead and cleared the cache and all data on my tablet. After restarting the app and changing all settings to what they were before (identical on mobile and tablet) the app still behaved the same. Both devices are on 2021.9.8.0.

Thanks for the additional information :slightly_smiling_face: All issues have now been logged and are being investigated.


Another error I have seen infrequently in the past and just now is after selecting a new course the lesson type selector button is missing (i.e. the 9 dots). sellecting the course again does not fix it.
I had to exit the app and run it again to fix. see attached before and after screens.