Android bugs

I noticed today that, when you lose a heart, the heart counter appears. It’s only barely visible, but it’s there.

Thanks - It happens for me as well, though it looks like it only occurs while in Dark mode - so in the meanwhile, please consider using light mode. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve raised the issue to our developers (MA-7890)



Since we are at it, there’s another problem with this counter and speed review. If you are doing 150 words speed review, you won’t see the counter after 99 items. Don’t know if it’s only my device or a common bug, and I have not done 150 speed review for a while, so maybe you’ve fixed it, though I doubt it.

Also, earlier there was a pause after the final item in speed review, and you could see the points total. Now it’s gone. It’s not a big thing, but I’d rather see it.

I can’t reproduce this on my device. Can you specify if you see something like “99+” or just no counter at all? Do you have a screenshot? If you see “99+” instead of the actual number of correct words, it sounds like it’s expected behaviour on smaller screens to ensure that text isn’t cut off (rather than a bug).

Similarly, I believe this is expected behaviour as well, so it won’t be changed I’m afraid.



Perhaps it’s not a technical bug, but it’s not a small screen, and your developers could easily move other items in the upper part of the screen four pixels to the left or make it resizable, so the counter is visible despite of how many words you’ve passed.

Yeah, it’s not a news that instead of want for developing useful features you have itching for removing good things. But it’s not too late for you to recognize it.

@ale_c @MemriseSupport

After completing speed review it’s no longer possible to open any item from the list of reviewed words. That is to say, they are simply not clickable, you can not look into them in detail, and it’s a nuisance.

Is it expected behavior or another bug?


Recently I’ve had troubles adding words into difficult words list. Sometimes you need to tap them several times. Is it OK on your side? Looks like an old bug is back in town.

Happens here as well. Tried it with two devices and with/without dark mode.

Adding and removing DWs has been a pain for longer than I care to remember. I never noticed that it was working right. Particularly, (un-) flagging a DW during a session seems to never work right. Unflagging them in the recap seems to work most of the time, but not always. Probably related to some asynchronous process, i. e. (un-) flagging triggers a process that is running in the back; if you quickly change the flag for several items, most of them will not be changed; during a session, this process probably doesn’t even get triggered if i.e. performed during a speed review.

@ale_c have your devs at least checked that the way I just described it here (again)?

@MemriseSupport @ale_c @JBorrego

Can we have an understanding here?

First of all, there are (many) things which can really improve your app. For instance, search feature, pinned courses in the courses list, feedback line with course creators, more customization, push-notifications switcher, etc. This list could be quite long. I understand that some of these features are not so easy to make, some of them you just don’t want to make, or you need to synс them with web and it makes them more difficult.

In the second place, there are elements of design which you can make better: profile/settings button on top of the screen (bring it down so it would be easier to reach it); text and buttons overlapping in typing tests (why don’t fix it?), etc. And then you still have several bugs. They are not critical, but we see them every day.

Here we come to what’s really happening. I think there was only one and a half improvement for the last three-four years - dark mode and still half-cooked grammar mode. Most crucial parts of the app are the same as they were before (alarm clock in learning app is not an improvement).

At the same time we see small changes which are either so insignificant that nobody notice them, or they are make it only worse (999+ numbers in the courses list, elimination of the final screen in speed reviews, etc).

It’s understandable when you are not coming with a brand new feature every month, it’s understandable when you choose your way in developing app and desagree with users.

But if your resources are as limited as you say they are can you use them more wisely and at least not to waste them on these insignificant and unwanted changes? Why not concentrate your resources on something big and really helpful?

Another problem has seems to have resurfaced: when switching from one course to another, it takes quite some time until the app will show the right numbers (like how many words are up for review) when bringing up the menu where you can select the next session (type).


This option will actually be reintroduced in the next release. Please make sure you keep your app updated!

@Hombre_sin_nombre Regarding your other comments, as I’m sure we’ve reiterated on several occasions in the past, all changes and improvements that we make (including the seemingly small ones) ultimately serve our business goals. Please also understand that all changes are prioritised against other requests/UI changes/bug fixes based on several factors, including available time and resources, business priorities and long-term goals.

We’ve heard your complaints and we appreciate that although not critical, some of the bugs and UI issues that you encounter everyday make the user experience worse for you and other customers. Please rest assured that we’ve taken extra effort to raise this concern to the relevant people - this actually sparked an internal conversation about the possibilities around this and how we can improve in this area.

You’ll also be happy to know that we’ve been working on improving the way we collect feedback and feature requests - this will allow us to capture requests and report on them better. Not all of them will be taken on board as you can imagine, but all of them are heard and considered against other improvements based on the factors above.

Finally, on this point:

We’ve actually released many changes and new features (some small, some big) over the past years, but many of them are only available on our official courses. Please understand that if you’re mainly learning community-created courses, you will unfortunately have less visibility on these.

This being said, I realise there are still a lot of outstanding bugs on Android. The list above is quite long and I’m not entirely sure how many of those are still valid, which makes it hard for us to investigate further. @Olaf.Rabbachin could you post below an updated list of the ones you still experience regularly so we can have a look again?



I have maintained the list over a pretty long period of time but got a little tired of doing that, so the list is no longer complete. However, I just took the time to edit my original posting and flag the fixed items as such. That is, I used the < del > tag to render fixed items differently (red background) - sadly, Discourse doesn’t allow to strike-through text. I don’t want to change the items and their numbers though as they are being referenced throughout the thread.

That said, the items/bugs not marked as fixed are still there. I’m not all too sure about 9., 10., 15. and 25., but all the rest has definitely not been fixed yet.

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About 40% of my courses are official ones. Could you name new features and improvements you made in the official courses over the last year?

As I said before, I understand that you might have different goals on your mind and see things differently. The problem is that there’s no real development, some things are only getting worse, other things you are changing superficially, without any obvious reason and without moving forward. At the same time there’s a big heap of really helpful things which you could have made.

Here’s an example of your work: some time ago it was possible to open courses list with a swipe from left to right, and now it’s not. What kind of an improvement is this?

Thanks for this - I’ll post a cleaned up version without the fixed ones below for better visibility. We’ll validate these and create tickets so they’re included in our backlog.

  1. Updates/changes to course content are not propagated (automatically) to app , see this thread

  2. Difficult words sometimes need to be removed several times before they disappear from the list (still present in 2.94_17085, albeit - as it seems - only when unflagging during a review session)

  3. The scroll position within lists (i.e. word lists in a course) is not maintained after showing an item and then returning to the list, see this thread

  4. when moving between courses, hitting i.e. the repeat-button may start a session for the wrong (i.e. the previously active) course , if the user has progressed in the active course and the app needs to scroll from lesson 1 to the current/next lesson (timing problem)

  5. (potentially fixed) “Learn with locals” seems to rarely appear ; sometimes an error message appears when manually staring a session

  6. (potentially fixed) Images provided in an otherwise text-based course (i.e. as an additional column) don’t show in the app ; they do show in the web-version. Example: “(une) voûte en berceau” in this course

  7. (potentially fixed) With longer phrases (word order puzzles), the words may end up underneath the words that have already been added to the phrase , making it impossible to see the remaining words and difficult to touch on the tiny bit that is visible without removing previous words; see this posting

  8. The device keyboard is turned off between questions . If you brought up the device keyboard during review, difficult words, etc., it stayed active until you explicitly turned it off. Now (12/04/19) it will always be turned off between questions.

  9. The overall count of words learned differs between the data as shown in the profile vs. the one shown when tapping your user on a leaderboard (see further down here in this thread)

  10. (potentially fixed) Learning sessions with 7 words are not working properly, see this post further down

  11. Sometimes, the initial presentation of a new word is being skipped, i. e. the first time the new word shows up is a quiz question instead.

  12. When logging off and then back on (i. e. to refresh courses) you’ll have to change a few settings repeatedly before your settings are considered. This applies to settings such as the number of words in review sessions and the number of words to be learned.

  13. overlapping buttons issue with long words/phrases when typing. Has been reported several times without any attention to the problem (very much like the 7th point in the Olaf’s list)

  14. disappearing sound effects. Sometimes you need to restart app, could have something to do with system settings

  15. level number on the profile page not updating (as if you are stuck on the 1st level), you need to refresh this page to update your level. Also has been reported before

  16. can not start app without internet connection which denies the idea of offline mode



Also, off the top of my head:

  • overlapping buttons issue with long words/phrases when typing. Has been reported several times without any attention to the problem (very much like the 7th point in the Olaf’s list)

  • disappearing sound effects. Sometimes you need to restart app, could have something to do with system settings

  • level number on the profile page not updating (as if you are stuck on the 1st level), you need to refresh this page to update your level. Also has been reported before

  • can not start app without internet connection which denies the idea of offline mode

@ale_c @MemriseSupport @JBorrego

Alessio, in case you missed it, I’ll repeat my question. Could you name new features and improvements you made in the official courses over the last year?

It ocurred to me that that’s exactly what’s wrong here. Business goals mean you want to have more users, more engagement, more subscriptions… I guess you could do it the other way - first and foremost by building a good product which users will appreciate. It’s very odd to try to sell something half-done.

Imagine a baker which is trying to sell underdone cakes and who is thinking about his ‘business goals’. But what if these cakes were baked really good? He wouldn’t even think how to sell, but how to make more cakes. It’s a simplification, but I hope you can catch my drift.

Recently you’ve changed one small thing - instead of number of words to learn on each level we now see number of learned words. In what way did it improve your app? What kind of goal does it serve? It only confused people who were used to old system. There is different number of words per level in many courses, now you need to make more moves to know how much items is left to learn.

It’s just getting so predictable. Someone is asking you to build one thing or another, and you are saying that you are listening to feedback (but actually doing nothing). In a couple of months or half a year another person will ask you about the same thing with the same success rate.

By the way, what is really needed is feedback from your team. In most of the times you are avoiding any open discussion, there’s simply no dialog with you, except for formal replies.

The main new feature you may have noticed in the past year or so is Immerse, though this is only available on specific language pairs and not to all users at the moment. Plus I’m sure you know that Web sessions are now undergoing a rebuild.

As confirmed, we also regularly release small, iterative improvements in the apps and on the website (many of which under the hood), which might be less visible but we believe make our learners’ experience better overall.

I’m sure you understand that I’m not in the position to disclose or discuss further on our company goals, nor will I keep justifying what we do - I appreciate constructive criticism but I believe my comments here and in my previous posts already addressed your opinions, concerns and complaints as fairly and transparently as I could.

I’m not sure if this was posted anywhere else, but this is indeed a bug which we’re aware of and we’ll have fixed as soon as possible (MA-7952).

Thanks for listing your bugs above, I’ll make sure to add these to the main list.



Olaf mentioned it somewhere.

@ale_c @MemriseSupport

It looks like screens/flashcards in classic review mode now moving much faster than before. Is it me or you really changed the way they replace each other?


Olaf, did you notice it?

No, but that doesn’t mean a thing - I rarely do a classic review these days, usually I’ll do speed reviews only.

Hi, I’m not sure I understand the problem. Do you have any videos/screenshots or could you please describe what the expected behaviour and actual behaviour are?
